Din sökning på "*" gav 533332 sökträffar
Long-term pain conditions after a stroke.
Synchronization in OFDM systems - Sensitivity to the choice of pulse shape
Swedish business research productivity – improvements against international trends
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Résumé : Le français écrit est caractérisé par de nombreuses marques morphologiques qui ne se prononcent pas. Cet article pose la question de savoir quand et sur quels constituants de la phrase les apprenants de français L2 font l’accord en nombre, souvent silencieux, à l’écrit. Dans une optique de développement qui s’inspire des travaux de Bartning et Schlyter (2004) dans le domaine du français p
Fast Variational Segmentation using Partial Extremal Initialization
Performance Analysis of Wiener-Filter Based Receiver Frontends for the Two-Look Gaussian Vector Channel
Measuring Social Work - increased expectations on measurements, key indicators and national comparisons within the Swedish Social Services
Shifts in attitudes and labor market discrimination: Swedish experiences after 9-11
Integrated modelling of two xenobiotic organic compounds in the urban wastewater system – a simulation exercise
The Pious Education of the Young in the Late Medieval Church
Vi riskerar att drabbas av övervakningshysteri.
Det var mycket vi inte trodde oss veta innan en amerikansk dataanalytiker tog sin hårddisk och flydde undan världens kanske mäktigaste underrättelsetjänst. Man skulle också kunna lägga till ett ”ännu”. För det kan förstås ändras med tiden. Ingen lyssnar på vad vi säger till varandra. Ingen läser vad vi skriver till varandra. Ännu. Puh.
Robust Controller Design via Linear Programming
Comparison of Several Adaptive Controllers According to Their Robustness Metrics
This paper compares the performance and the robustness of several linear adaptive controllers using a linear system with time–varying disturbance in the presence of measurement noise. For the purpose of comparison we select the direct and indirect model reference adaptive controller (MRAC), the direct MRAC with σ–modification, and the L1 adaptive controller. Using tools from linear systems theory
Development of software for safety critical medical devices - an interview-based survey of state of practice
To be able to survive in the long run the medical device industry of today needs effective development processes and ways to secure quality. These development processes and quality assurance processes must follow the different laws and regulations over the world depending on what market the organisations are established on. Organisations have been developing medical devices and systems over many y
The West and its discontents - Studying stereotypes and telling something about ourselves
Abstract : We present the first a priori derivation of a many-body theory for EXAFS with clearly defined approximations and with final expressions which are feasible for quantitative evaluations. We conclude that the conventional EXAFS expression should be complemented with a term that crudely is the main term, energy-shifted and scaled down by a factor of order 0.2-0.3. Further the f-factors depe