

Din sökning på "*" gav 528201 sökträffar

Greening trends of primary and managed forests in Lithuania

Primary forests are species-rich, carbon-storing ecosystems that represent natural landscapes without human intervention. In contrast, traditional European forestry practices often involve monoculture plantations aimed at maximizing timber yields, leading to reduced tree life cycles, and affecting the carbon cycle. Despite accounting for less than 3% of forest land in the European Union, primary f

Investigation of Interaction between Aquaporin 5 and Cytoplasmic Proteins CLIP2 and β-catenin

In all living organisms, proteins which transport water and other small solutes across the membrane exist and are known as aquaporins. Aquaporins consist out of four monomers, forming a homo-tetramer with a substrate conducting channel in each monomer. Aquaporins can be regulated by either gating or trafficking, which allows the cell to control the permeability of the membrane. Aquaporin 5 is one

Investigating the interaction between CLIP2 and AQP5

Människokroppen består av en otalig mängd celler, där varje enskild cell är omsluten av ett så kallat membran. Likt ett äpple där skalet omsluter och skyddar fruktköttet skyddar membranet cellen. En cell kan inte överleva utan ett membran. Förutom membranet är cellen också beroende av en fungerande transport av vatten och andra näringsämnen över membranet. För att kunna transportera ämnen över memIntroduction: The aim of this project is to study if the predicted model of the interaction between aquaporin-5 (AQP5) and CLIP2 is accurate by introducing single point mutations in the predicted interaction site of CLIP2 and see if it affects the interaction or not. Background: Aquaporins are essential membrane proteins for many biological processes. The regulation of aquaporins is crucial for c

From serendipity to precision: investigating pH-induced oligomerization switch for protein control

Understanding the pH sensitivity of proteins and enzymes across intracellular compartments is crucial for fundamental research. Lizatović et al. [1] aimed to design a peptide incorporating a specific amino acid to form a hexamer structure and lacking it to form a pentamer structure. Unexpectedly, two distinct structures emerged based on pH. At pH 6, a hexamer structure formed, albeit with a surpri

Calculations of Transient Absorption Spectra of Transition Metal Complexes

In this work we study some potential light-harvesting iron complexes. Transient Absorption Spectra (TA ) has been used to determine the lifetime of the different excited states. The issue with this technique is that it is difficult to define the exact contribution of each excited state to the Transient Absorption Spectra. The aim of this work is to use DFT methods to calculate the ground and excit

Evaluation of Transition Metal Catalysts for Biphasic Oxidative Depolymerization of Kraft Lignin

Lignin är ett ämne som finns i alla växter och bidrar med stabilitet genom och skydd mot an-grepp från bland annat svampar och bakterier. Ämnet produceras i huvudsak som en biprodukt när träd används för att producera pappersmassa genom olika metoder, och omkring 100 miljoner ton lignin produceras varje år. Tack vare att lignin har en speciell struktur, där aromatiska molekyler är sammanlänkade i To decrease the dependency of fossil-based raw materials in society, and with that, the chemical industry, new and sustainable raw materials need to be investigated. Lignin is an abundant aromatic biopolymer, that can be used to produce, e.g. aromatic fine chemicals through depolymerization. In this master’s thesis, different homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts were screened for oxidative depo

Improving xylose utilization through investigation of sugar signaling in S. cerevisiae

Lignocellulose is an important renewable feedstock for the sustainable production of bioethanol and other chemicals. Xylose is the second most abundant sugar in lignocellulose. However, xylose cannot be utilized by many industrially used microorganisms like S. cerevisiae. Therefore, large efforts have been made to express heterologous pathways for xylose utilization in S. cerevisiae and increase e

Optimising diagnostic strategies for the early detection of Parkinson’s disease, using seed amplification assays

Background: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease, and it is linked with aggregation of α-synuclein protein. PD can be diagnosed using real-time quaking induced conversion (RT-QuIC) assay. RT-QuIC, despite its effectiveness, is not really understood in terms of the mechanisms driving it. Aim(s): The aim of the project was to reproduce RT-QuIC protocol develop

Inhibition of Pitting Corrosion in 316L Stainless steel: an evaluation of the phenomena and method to facilitate material selection for processing equipment

Kan mjölk skydda mot gropfrätning på processutrustning av rostfritt stål och hur kan man testa det? Tetra Pak säljer högspecialiserad processutrustning till livsmedelsproducenter och utrustningen är ofta tillverkad av rostfritt stål. Stålet motstår många typer av rost, men gropfrätning är en typ av korrosion som påverkar stålet vid framför allt höga temperaturer och höga salthalter. Dessa förutsäThis master’s thesis is written for Tetra Pak with the aim to investigate if pitting corrosion inhibition can be detected for Stainless Steel 316L in contact with dairy products in an experimental setup. The aim was also to continue developing a corrosion test method to facilitate for material selection of food pro- cessing equipment in order to reduce the extent of detrimental pitting corrosion.

Stability screening of enzyme formulation in solid format

Enzyme formulation development is a tedious process that requires lots of time and resources. By improving parts of the formulation process, the formulation of enzymes could become more efficient and allow for quicker commercialization of enzyme products. The focus of this project has been on solid granular enzyme formulations, aiming to accelerate stability studies, develop enzyme degradation pre

Production of recombinant NS2B-NS3 in E. coli and inhibition studies

The recent 2019 COVID pandemic elucidated the tremendous effects a viral outbreak can have on the societies of the world with almost 7 million cumulative deaths worldwide. It is therefore of high importance to prepare preventative measures to aid the handling of emerging viral threats before a new pandemic is realized. One of the more prevalent and rapidly spreading viruses today are the Dengue vi

Analysis of list creation with machine learning

Detta examensarbete utforskar listgenerering med hjälp av maskininlärning inom IKEA. Avhandlingsarbetet involverade informationsinsamling, planering, studier av maskininlärning koncept, skapande av ett konceptbevis (POC) och analys av resultaten. Den tekniska bakgrunden byggdes på litteratur genomgångar och praktiska färdigheter genom maskininlärning kurser som Google's "Machine Learning This Bachelor’s Thesis delves into the category of list generation using machine learning within IKEA. The thesis work involved information gathering, planning, studying machine learning concepts, creating a proof of concept (POC), and analyzing the results. The Technical Background was built upon literature reviews and practical skills acquired through Machine learning courses such as Google’s “M

Dynamic Update of CSP Allocations in Federation Orchestration

This paper discusses the project in which an algorithm was written to dynamically approach federation orchestration. This builds on and is part of the REINDEER project. In an environment with goods and online agents, and in this specific case, Contact Service Points (CSPs) and User Equipments (UEs), where the agents have different applications and make unpredictable changes such as moving around a

Reliability Testing of Modules in the ATLAS Inner Tracker Strips

With the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN undergoing a major upgrade, including enhancements to the luminosity capabilities, it is essential to upgrade the main detector's components, especially ATLAS's inner detector, to ensure optimal performance. This thesis investigates the reliability testing of Inner Tracker (ITk) modules for the ATLAS experiment. It contributes to the development

Tidsestimat för mjukvarutestning hos Region Skåne

Detta examensarbete är ett samarbete med Region Skåne för att adressera den brist på strukturerade estimeringsmetoder som finns för projekt inom avdelningen “Digitalisering IT och MT”. Fokus har varit att skapa ett Proof of Concept (POC) i Excel som ska fungera som en grund för planering och genomförande av tester inom testavdelningen. Testprocessen i Region Skåne består av fyra faser: initiera, pThis thesis project is a collaboration with Region Skåne aimed at addressing the lack of structured estimation methods for projects within the "Digitalization IT and MT" department. The focus was on creating a Proof of Concept (POC) in Excel to serve as a foundation for planning and conducting tests within the testing department. The testing process at Region Skåne consists of four phase