Din sökning på "*" gav 531351 sökträffar
Integration and informal institutions
This article offers a theoretical discussion on the role of informal institutions in the integration process of immigrants to a new country. Previous research on how immigrants become integrated and assimilated into the host countries demonstrates that integration/assimilation takes long time, often occurring over several generations; formal institutions matter; such theories are good at explainin
Territorial Cohesion Cities: a policy recipe for achieving Territorial Cohesion?
This paper discusses the role of medium towns as crucial anchors in achieving the policy goal of Territorial Cohesion. It highlights the need to counterbalance market trends to favour the continuous channelling of investment and people into larger metropolitan areas by way of proactive measures focused on attracting investment into medium towns, and as an alternative to dispersing public and priva
A Rawls-Sen Approach to Spatial Injustice
This paper outlines a guiding principle to address spatial inequalities and injustice in terms of distribution, recognition and participation. The result suggests the emergence of a contractarian principle designed to deal with geographically distributed inequalities, allowing for a monitored market economy applicable not only to cities but to all types of territory. This guiding principle is base
Policentricity - one concept, or many?
This paper aims to discuss polycentrism and its implications. Polycentricity plays a key role in EU Cohesion Policy and has done so since 1999 when the notion was included in the European Spatial Development Perspective. Politically, it emerged as a key tool because of its ability to fuse together the two primary and conflicting perceptions of spatial–economic development, cohesion and competitive
'A One-Way Ticket to the City!' On Young Women Leaving the Swedish Rural Region Västernorrland
Most rural and peripheral regions in Sweden suffer from an outmigration of young adults and particularly young women are over-represented in this outmigration. The outmigration of young adults in general and young women in particular is headed for the major towns in southern Sweden and the capital city Stockholm. This sex-biased out-migration has been on-going for more than 40 years for some rural
Adam Smith on Migration
Adam Smith considered poverty and unemployment as push factors for mi-gration and wages high enough to provide for a worker and his family as a pull factor. Migration as a free mobility of labour leads to an optimal allocation of the factor commodity labour as well as changes of employment which nec-essary to equalise wages between different geographical entities. The conse-quences are not only pr
Beyond rating scales : With targeted evaluation, large language models are poised for psychological assessment
In this narrative review, we survey recent empirical evaluations of AI-based language assessments and present a case for the technology of large language models to be poised for changing standardized psychological assessment. Artificial intelligence has been undergoing a purported “paradigm shift” initiated by new machine learning models, large language models (e.g., BERT, LAMMA, and that behind C
Corrosion Rates by Immersion and Calorimetry on the Example of Extruded Mg10Gd(1Nd)1La
This study is a follow-up investigation of the influence of the alloying elements Nd and La on the corrosionCorrosionby immersionImmersion of an extruded and heat-treated Mg10Gd. The previous study made clear that the age-hardened condition has the lowest corrosion rateCorrosion Rate but high pitting corrosionPitting corrosion susceptibility. The extruded Mg10Gd(1Nd)1La shows the lowest pitting fa
The effect of weekly interactive text-messaging on early infant HIV testing in Kenya: a randomised controlled trial (WelTel PMTCT)
Mother-to-child transmission of HIV remains a significant concern in Africa despite earlier progress. Early infant diagnosis (EID) of HIV is crucial to reduce mortality among infected infants through early treatment initiation. However, a large proportion of HIV-exposed infants are still not tested in Kenya. Our objective was to investigate whether weekly interactive text-messages improved preventMother-to-child transmission of HIV remains a significant concern in Africa despite earlier progress. Early infant diagnosis (EID) of HIV is crucial to reduce mortality among infected infants through early treatment initiation. However, a large proportion of HIV-exposed infants are still not tested in Kenya. Our objective was to investigate whether weekly interactive text-messages improved prevent
Soft Hooligans : den nya mjuka supporten och motståndet mot hegemonisk maskulinitet på läktarna
This study examines the case of Soft Hooligans and their significance in the supporter culture. The study aims to highlight the patriarchal structures exemplified by football stands and how Soft Hooligans dismantle these structures. The study is based on a qualitative case-study, using the multimodal analysis method and drawing upon theories of feminization of sports fans, masculinity, fan culture
Svinnkedjan för morötter och bröd
Sammanfattning Livsmedelsbranschen och vi konsumenter står inför en stor utmaning, att minska matsvinnet. Vi konsumenter har ett matavfall på cirka 95 kilo om året. Av detta anses ungefär 28 procent slängas av felaktiga grunder. Brödsvinnet uppgår mot 80 400 ton varje år. Svinnet uppstår i hela värdekedjan. En av anledningarna till det höga svinnet hos konsumenter är att brödet blir för gammalAbstract The food industry and we consumers face a major challenge, to reduce food waste. We consumers have a food waste of about 95 kilos a year. Of this, approximately 28 percent is considered to be thrown away on incorrect grounds. Bread waste amounts to 80,400 tonnes each year. The loss occurs throughout the value chain. One of the reasons for the high waste of consumers is that the bread
The beauty of prosocial behavior : The bi-directional link between attractiveness and prosocial behavior
This study explores the bi-directional relationship between attractiveness and prosocial behavior. While it is known that we often expect attractive people to act more prosocial, this research also examines how someone's actions can affect how attractive we perceive them to be. In a pre-registered incentivized behavioral experiment (n = 250), using avatar pictures representative of previous player
Temperature Adaptation of Aquatic Bacterial Community Growth Is Faster in Response to Rising than to Falling Temperature
Bacteria are key organisms in energy and nutrient cycles, and predicting the effects of temperature change on bacterial activity is important in assessing global change effects. A changing in situ temperature will affect the temperature adaptation of bacterial growth in lake water, both long term in response to global change, and short term in response to seasonal variations. The rate of adaptatio
Multifunktionella ytor
Inom vägbyggnad har det skett minimala förändringar av byggmetodiken sedan det romerska imperiets tid, detta fram till att McAdam dök upp. McAdams filosofi handlade om att bygga en ogenomtränglig och upphöjd överbyggnad i förhållande till de omgivande ytorna för att minimera vatteneffekterna på konstruktionen. Med hänsyn till dagens klimatförändringar krävs dock implementering av nyare konstruktioIn road construction there have been minimal changes to the construction since the time of the Roman empire, until the time of McAdam. McAdam’s philosophy included an impermeable and raised superstructure in relation to the surrounding surfaces to minimize the water effects on the construction. In view of today's challenges with climate change, however, new thinking is required in road constru
EDC mixtures during pregnancy and body fat at 7 years of age in a Swedish cohort, the SELMA study
Background: Some endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC), are “obesogens” and have been associated with overweight and obesity in children. Daily exposure to different classes of EDCs demands for research with mixtures approach. Objectives: This study evaluates the association, considering sex-specific effects, between prenatal exposure to EDC mixture and children's body fat at seven years of age. Me
Improving glacio-hydrological model calibration and model performance in cold regions using satellite snow cover data
Hydrological modeling realism is a central research question in hydrological studies. However, it is still a common practice to calibrate hydrological models using streamflow as a single hydrological variable, which can lead to large parameter uncertainty in hydrological simulations. To address this issue, this study employed a multi-variable calibration framework to reduce parameter uncertainty i
Flexing gender perception : Brain potentials reveal the cognitive permeability of grammatical information
A growing body of recent research suggests that verbal categories, particularly labels, impact categorization and perception. These findings are commonly interpreted as demonstrating the involvement of language on cognition; however, whether these assumptions hold true for grammatical structures has yet to be investigated. In the present study, we investigated the extent to which linguistic inform