

Din sökning på "*" gav 536679 sökträffar

Augmenting a dynamic hip screw with a calcium sulfate/hydroxyapatite biomaterial

Internal fixation failure in hip fractures can lead to reoperation. Calcium sulfate/hydroxyapatite (CaS/HA) is a biomaterial that can be used for augmenting fracture fixation. We aimed to determine whether an injection of 2 ml CaS/HA increases the fixation of a dynamic hip screw inserted in synthetic and human trabecular bone. The study consists of two parts: 1) synthetic bone blocks (n = 74), wit

Validation of a SIMIND Monte Carlo modelled gamma camera for Iodine-123 and Iodine-131 imaging

Purpose: Monte Carlo (MC) modelling techniques can assess the quantitative accuracy of both planar and SPECT Nuclear Medicine images. It is essential to validate the MC code's capabilities in modelling a specific clinical gamma camera, for radionuclides of interest, before its use as a clinical image simulator. This study aimed to determine if the SIMIND MC code accurately simulates emission image

Tooth bending strength of gears with a progressive curved path of contact

The article presents a comprehensive study on the tooth bending strength of spur gears with a progressive curved path of contact, or so-called S-gears. Systematic gear meshing simulations were conducted to study the effects of S-gear geometry parameters on tooth bending strength. Different S-gear geometries were analysed in a systematically organized manner, and a comparison was made against a sta

Apolipoprotein M promotes cholesterol uptake and efflux from mouse macrophages

Apolipoprotein M (ApoM) exhibits various anti-atherosclerotic functions as a component of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) particles. Scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) is a classic HDL receptor that mediates selective cholesterol uptake and enhances the efflux of cellular cholesterol to HDL. However, the effect of ApoM on cholesterol transport in macrophages remains unclear. In this study, w

Terms, definitions and measurements to describe sonographic features of lymph nodes : consensus opinion from the Vulvar International Tumor Analysis (VITA) group

In centers with access to high-end ultrasound machines and expert sonologists, ultrasound is used to detect metastases in regional lymph nodes from melanoma, breast cancer and vulvar cancer. There is, as yet, no international consensus on ultrasound assessment of lymph nodes in any disease or medical condition. The lack of standardized ultrasound nomenclature to describe lymph nodes makes it diffi

DNA Repair Gene Polymorphisms and Chromosomal Aberrations in Exposed Populations

DNA damage and unrepaired or insufficiently repaired DNA double-strand breaks as well as telomere shortening contribute to the formation of structural chromosomal aberrations (CAs). Non-specific CAs have been used in the monitoring of individuals exposed to potential carcinogenic chemicals and radiation. The frequency of CAs in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) has been associated with cancer ri

Industrial Development in Chile. 1870 - 2015

Chile has been one of the richest Latin American countries since nineteenth century. Gifted with enormous amount of Natural Resources (NNRR), its growth is linked to the exploitation of these resources and exports related to the primary economic sector, however, besides to this lack of diversification, industrial sector has played a relevant role in this country and its development is crucial to u

Differences in Health-Related Quality of Life After Gastric Bypass Surgery : a Cross-Sectional Study

Background: Gastric bypass (GBP) is a surgical method with good evidence of sustainable weight loss, reduced obesity-related comorbidities, and improved health-related quality of life (HRQoL). However, long-term data post-GBP is scarce on HRQoL related to other factors than weight loss, such as impact of socio-economic, age, and gender. Aim: To investigate long-term HRQoL in GBP patients. Methods:

Sustainability as a Real Utopia – Heuristics for transformative sustainability research

The idea of ‘Sustainability as a Real Utopia’ elaborated on here adapts sociologist Erik Olin Wright’s emancipatory social science and is a heuristic informed by critical realism and social theory for interdisciplinary research on viable alternatives that move society towards achieving sustainability. Starting from the proposition that many environmental problems are rooted in how social structure

Ett rum för de ostyrigaste och bullersammaste - eller: Var låg proban? : Del 2

Den andra av två artiklar rörande det fängelse, den s k proban, som Lunds universitet hade under den tid lärosätet ägde egen jurisdiktion över anställda och studenter. Denna andra del behandlar studentoroligheter under tidigt 1800-tal, den oklara frågan var proban var placerad under 1800-talet samt några av de sista studenterna att spärras in häri under 1830- och 1840-talen, dels för brott, dels s

Fundamentals of electro-mechanically coupled cohesive zone formulations for electrical conductors

Motivated by the influence of (micro-)cracks on the effective electrical properties of material systems and components, this contribution deals with fundamental developments on electro-mechanically coupled cohesive zone formulations for electrical conductors. For the quasi-stationary problems considered, Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism reduce to the continuity equation for the electric cur

White matter abnormalities in a patient with visual snow syndrome : New evidence from a diffusion tensor imaging study

Background: Visual snow syndrome (VSS) is a neurological condition characterized by flickering dots throughout the entire visual field. Both the pathophysiology and possible location of VSS are still under debate. White matter abnormalities were investigated using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in a patient with VSS. Methods: A 28-year-old patient with VSS and 10 healthy controls were investigated

Low-quality carbon and lack of nutrients result in a stronger fungal than bacterial home-field advantage during the decomposition of leaf litter

Decomposition of litter is a key biochemical process that regulates the rate and magnitude of CO2 fluxes from biosphere to atmosphere and determines soil nutrient availability. Although several studies have shown that plant litter decomposition accelerated in their native compared to a foreign environment, that is, a home-field advantage (HFA) for litter degradation, to date HFA has only been cons

Inequalities and short-term outcome among patients assessed as non-urgent in a Swedish ambulance service setting

BackgroundWithin the ambulance service, assessment and referral of patients, especially those with non-urgent conditions, is a difficult and complicated task. Studies indicate that 12 to 20 percent of all patients are subjected to non-conveyance and discharged at the scene. There is lack of knowledge of what characterizes conveyed and non-conveyed patients. The aim of this study was to explore non

Desiderata for Rational, Non‑doxastic Faith

According to an increasingly popular view known as non-doxasticism, religious faith need not include belief, but only some cognitively weaker attitude. This view comes with great promises, as it offers a way for the agnostic to partake in religion. My concern is how such a non-doxastic faith might be understood as a rational attitude. I offer three desiderata for any account of rational, non-doxas

The perceptual importance of falling pitch for speakers from different dialects of Swedish

Falling pitch has long been argued to be a key feature in the distinction of Swedish pitch accents. In this paper, neurophysiological and behavioural evidence substantiating the perceptual importance of HL pitch contours at the word level is discussed. When presentedwith novel words, Swedes, regard-less of dialect,preattentively distinguished meaningfulwords with falling pitch.Falling pitch was al

Risk of prostate cancer in relatives of prostate cancer patients in Sweden : A nationwide cohort study

Background Evidence-based guidance for starting ages of screening for first-degree relatives (FDRs) of patients with prostate cancer (PCa) to prevent stage III/IV or fatal PCa is lacking in current PCa screening guidelines. We aimed to provide evidence for risk-adapted starting age of screening for relatives of patients with PCa. Methods and findings In this register-based nationwide cohort study,