

Din sökning på "*" gav 530343 sökträffar

Big Data Visualization in Extended Reality

Effectively utilizing Big Data can be a challenge for many companies. Due to its volume, many aspects of the data processing pipeline such as storage, retrieval and usage may quickly become problematic. For example, it could be difficult identifying the relevant metrics when analyzing a service failure. Visualizing and deriving insights from the data could also prove to be quite onerous. Immersive

Animal migration in the Anthropocene : threats and mitigation options

Animal migration has fascinated scientists and the public alike for centuries, yet migratory animals are facing diverse threats that could lead to their demise. The Anthropocene is characterised by the reality that humans are the dominant force on Earth, having manifold negative effects on biodiversity and ecosystem function. Considerable research focus has been given to assessing anthropogenic im

The pH tolerance range of the airborne species Tetracystis vinatzeri (Chlorophyceae, Chlamydomonadales)

To decipher the dispersal range of the cosmopolitan green microalga Tetracystis vinatzeri, two airborne-collected strains were barcoded using the 18S ribosomal DNA gene (18S) and the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I subunit (COI), and their survival capacities were investigated across a stepwise acidic to alkaline pH gradient. Genetic fingerprinting confirmed the identity of the strains as rep

Aerosolization flux, bio-products, and dispersal capacities in the freshwater microalga Limnomonas gaiensis (Chlorophyceae)

Little is known on the spreading capacities of Limnomonas gaiensis across freshwater lakes in Northern Europe. In this study, we show that the species could successfully be aerosolized from water sources by bubble bursting (2-40 particles.cm−3), irrespectively of its density in the water source or of the jet velocity used to simulate wave breaking. The species viability was impacted by both water

Physiological responses to pH in the freshwater microalga Limnomonas gaiensis

The ecological niche of the recently described limnic microalga Limnomonas gaiensis (Chlamydomonadales) in Northern Europe remains unknown. To decipher the species tolerance capacity to pH, the effects of hydrogen ions on the physiological response of L. gaiensis were investigated. Results showed that L. gaiensis could tolerate exposure from pH 3 up to pH 11, with an optimal survival at pH 5–8. It

Seasonal movements of Black Coucals Centropus grillii in Nigeria

The scale of movement associated with the migration of many intra-African bird species is still poorly known even with the increasing availability of tracking devices. In this study, we tracked the movements of Black Coucals Centropus grillii breeding in Nigeria from late July using satellite telemetry. Individuals remained on the breeding site for several months; two individuals transmitted after

Coalition - Creation - Church : In Pursuit of a Political Ecclesiology

Taking the recent UN Report about extreme poverty in the UK as a point of departure, this article analyses and assesses William Cavanaugh’s political ecclesiology. Drawing on the interpretation of Martin Luther’s concept of creation in Scandinavian Creation Theology, I argue that creation destabilises the distinction Cavanaugh draws between what he considers to be church and what he considers not

Transcendence - Taxis - Trust : Richard Kearney and Jacques Derrida

Whatever else it takes to drive a taxi, it takes trust. Day after day, the driver has to decide whether the other is or is not trustworthy. I take the taxi as a test case to analyze and assess Richard Kearney’s diacritical hermeneutics of the other. I argue that Kearney functionalizes the concept of transcendence in order to connect the transcendence of the finite other to the transcendence of the

"Take Up Your Cross" : Public Theology Between Populism and Pluralism in the Post-Migrant Context

As of 1 June 2018, the symbol of the cross has to be shown in all state offices of Bavaria in Germany. In order to chart the churches’ reaction, I return to a conversation that Robert N. Bellah and Martin E. Marty had during the 1960s and the 1970s. Drawing on the core concepts of this conversation, I analyze and assess today’s cross controversy as a case of what I call the ‘populist predicament’.

The Politics of Europeanism : "God" in Ernst Troeltsch's War and Post-War Writings

For theologians such as Karl Barth the support for Germany’s militaristic ambitions and actions voiced in the manifesto "An die Kulturwelt", published in 1914, was a consequence of the historicization of theology. Ernst Troeltsch (1865-1923), whose interdisciplinary thinking revolved around the significance of history for theology, was labeled the theologian of historicism. Although he had not sig

Helium identification with LHCb

The identification of helium nuclei at LHCb is achieved using a method based on measurements of ionisation losses in the silicon sensors and timing measurements in the Outer Tracker drift tubes. The background from photon conversions is reduced using the RICH detectors and an isolation requirement. The method is developed using pp collision data at √s = 13 TeV recorded by the LHCb experiment in th

Enhanced Production of Λb0 Baryons in High-Multiplicity pp Collisions at s =13 TeV

The production rate of Λb0 baryons relative to B0 mesons in pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy s=13 TeV is measured by the LHCb experiment. The ratio of Λb0 to B0 production cross sections shows a significant dependence on both the transverse momentum and the measured charged-particle multiplicity. At low multiplicity, the ratio measured at LHCb is consistent with the value measured in e+e-

Increasing Governance Capacity and Governance Legitimacy. A Case Study of the Lithuanian Crisis Management System.

In 2022, the Government of Lithuania approved the new Crisis Management and Civil Safety law to establish the National Crisis Management Centre (NCMC). This thesis was written during the initial phase of the NCMC creation process. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the Lithuanian governance capacity and legitimacy within the emergency and crisis management (CM) system and investigate the foc

Associations between daily home blood pressure measurements and self-reports of lifestyle and symptoms in primary care : the PERHIT study

OBJECTIVE: To explore in a primary care setting the associations between patients' daily self-measured blood pressure (BP) during eight weeks and concurrent self-reported values of wellbeing, lifestyle, symptoms, and medication intake. We also explore these associations for men and women separately.DESIGN AND SETTING: The study is a secondary post-hoc analysis of the randomised controlled trial PE

‘My goal was to become normal’—A qualitative investigation of coping with stigma, body image and self-esteem long-term after bariatric surgery

Improved self-esteem and body image, as well as reduced experiences of weight stigma are important patient-reported obesity treatment outcomes. However, more knowledge is needed about how individuals who have undergone metabolic and bariatric surgery (MBS) perceive themselves and their bodies and use different coping strategies in relation to body image and self-esteem long-term after MBS. In this