Somaliernas framgång i USA är ingen slump
I Kanada, USA och Storbritannien står etniska organisationer för centrala delar av integrationsarbetet - men i Sverige är det myndigheter som ska integrera, skriver Benny Carlson.
I Kanada, USA och Storbritannien står etniska organisationer för centrala delar av integrationsarbetet - men i Sverige är det myndigheter som ska integrera, skriver Benny Carlson.
The field of ultrafast science is dependent on either ultrashort laser pulse technology or ultrafast passive detection. While there exists a plethora of sub-picosecond laser pulse solutions, streak cameras are singular in providing sub-picosecond passive imaging capabilities. Therefore, their use in fields ranging from medicine to physics is prevalent. Streak cameras attain such temporal resolutio
Aim: In neuroendocrine cells, large dense-core vesicles (LDCVs) undergo highly regulated pre-fusion processes before releasing hormones via membrane fusion. Significant heterogeneity has been found for LDCV population based on the dynamics of membrane fusion. However, how the pre-fusion status impacts the heterogeneity of LDCVs still remains unclear. Hence, we explored pre-fusion determinants of h
Introduction: Osteoarthritis (OA) affects over 500 million people worldwide. OA patients are symptomatically treated, and current therapies exhibit marginal efficacy and frequently carry safety-risks associated with chronic use. No disease-modifying therapies have been approved to date leaving surgical joint replacement as a last resort. To enable effective patient care and successful drug develop
What are the political implications of seeing the human mind as a key source of insecurity? The idea that the cognitive realm represents a ‘new domain of war’ is an emerging concern among Western security professionals which can be read against a background of advancements in the neurosciences, the introduction of psychographic targeting and a preoccupation with online disinformation. Drawing on m
This paper will focus on a sense of place in prehistory. The chapter argues for the importance of the sensuous experiences of places, and in this case natural places, in the creation of memory and shared conceptions of place and landscape. Natural places played important roles in the process of creating the societal order in prehistory and in this respect can be considered similar to monuments in
Purpose: To explore early pressure-related effects on Müller cell homeostatic proteins in the in vitro adult porcine retina. Methods: Retinal explants were subjected to 0-, 10-, 30-, or 60-mmHg of pressure for 24 or 48 h in culture. Retinal explants fixed immediately after enucleation were used as controls. Müller cell proteins were evaluated by GFAP, GS, CRALBP, and bFGF immunohistochemistry. Res
Cerebrovascular pathology often co-exists with Alzheimer’s disease pathology and can contribute to Alzheimer’s disease-related clinical progression. However, the degree to which vascular burden contributes to Alzheimer’s disease pathological progression is still unclear. This study aimed to investigate interactions between vascular burden and amyloid-β pathology on both baseline tau tangle load an
Induction and regulation of specific intestinal IgA responses critically depend on dendritic cell subsets and the T cells they activate in the Peyer's patches (PP). We found that oral immunization with cholera toxin (CT) as an adjuvant resulted in migration-dependent changes in the composition and localization of PP DC subsets with increased numbers of CD103 - cDC2s and LysoDCs in the subepithelia
Objective: To describe the epidemiology of injuries and illnesses sustained during the Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games, organised in a closed-loop environment to adhere with COVID-19 restrictions. Methods: Injuries and illnesses from all teams were recorded on a daily basis by team medical staff on a web-based form and by local organising committee medical (polyclinic) facilities and venue me
Fermentation has played a vital role in human history, offering solutions for food preservation, culinary diversity, and the creation of diverse and flavorful foods and beverages. Its importance continues today, both in traditional practices and in modern industrial applications. This report outlines the outcomes of an investigation into and the optimization of the solid-state fermentation proces
Depositional practices have been regarded as a part of a Neolithic lifestyle together with farming and keeping livestock. As an ongoing discussion shows, however, it is not entirely clear how we should understand these practices. The categorization of Neolithic pits still raises questions and leaves some issues unresolved, especially as the categorization often leads to the use of dichotomies, and
Core–shell structural ZnSeTe/ZnSe/ZnS quantum dots (QDs) have attracted great attention for advanced illumination and displays because of their environmentally friendly composition, but still suffering from poor photoluminescence (PL) and electroluminescence (EL) performance due to severe non-radiative charge recombination. Herein, a stepwise injection shell growth process to manipulate the monome
Soil organic matter decomposition and its interactions with climate depend on whether the organic matter is associated with soil minerals. However, data limitations have hindered global-scale analyses of mineral-associated and particulate soil organic carbon pools and their benchmarking in Earth system models used to estimate carbon cycle–climate feedbacks. Here we analyse observationally derived
This paper presents the design and comparison of an active Gm-C and a passive baseband filter for 6G applications. Both presented circuits are 5th-order differential low-pass filters with 3-dB cut-off frequencies of 4.9 and 4.7 GHz, respectively, implemented in a 22 nm FD-SOI CMOS technology. The active filter uses back-gate tuning to optimize the transfer function, and achieves a measured in-band
A quarter of ischaemic strokes are lacunar subtype, typically neurologically mild, usually resulting from intrinsic cerebral small vessel pathology, with risk factor profiles and outcome rates differing from other stroke subtypes. This European Stroke Organisation (ESO) guideline provides evidence-based recommendations to assist with clinical decisions about management of lacunar ischaemic stroke
This article challenges the common English translation of in Rom. 3:23 as 'to fall/come short', and suggests that this rendering is due to the over-influence of the 1611 King James Version. In the light of the verb's sense and grammatical relations with other words found in Romans, as well as its typical usage in Paul and the New Testament in general, the article contends that 'to lack' is a more