

Din sökning på "*" gav 529380 sökträffar

The mechanisms behind sports injuries in Para Alpine Skiing during the Paralympic Games, Sochi 2014, Pyeongchang 2018 and Beijing 2022

Introduction: Para sport has during the last decades increased and one of the largest sports during the Paralympic Winter Games is Para Alpine Skiing. Injuries are common among both Alpine skiers with and without disability and to be able to develop preventive measures there is a need to further understand the epidemiology behind injuries in Para Alpine Skiing. Aim: The overall aim of this thesis

Postoperativ opioidkonsumtion och smärta efter peroperativ infusion med remifentanil

Abstrakt Bakgrund: Remifentanil har fått allt större plats i anestesiologisk kontext sedan dess introduktion under 90-talet. Det har genom åren noterats att patienter som får remifentanilinfusion har ökad postoperativ smärta jämfört med traditionell opioidtillförsel (upprepade enstaka doser) av preparat med längre halveringstid. Ökad postoperativ opioidkonsumtion kan ses som en indikator för förhö

Barriärer för protokollstyrd urträning från ventilator på intensivvårdsavdelningar - En systematisk litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Forskning har visat på vinster för patienter som urtränas från ventilator med protokoll, då vårdtiden i ventilator minskar markant vid användning av protokoll. Detta till trots är det mindre än hälften av intensivvårdsavdelningarna i Sverige som använder sig av protokoll vid urträning ur ventilator. Syfte: Belysa barriärer för användning av standardiserade urträningsprotokoll för patient

Ytförstärkt murverk : Dimensionering och konstruktiv utformning

Handboken är inriktad på dimensionering och konstruktiv utformning av ytarmerat lättklinkermurverk. När det gäller andra murverksmaterial, sker dimensionering på samma sätt som för lättklinkermurverk. När det gäller konstruktiv utformning av främst byggnadsdetaljer, kan särskilda aspekter behöva beaktas, beroende på murverksmaterial.Handboken har tagits fram inom ramen för utvecklingsprojektet ”De

Drivers of the small-scale spatio-temporal distribution of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) investigated via UAV around Kullaberg, Sweden

The harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) is elusive and challenging to study. Recent reports indicate negative population trends in the Belt Sea population, which is found around the peninsula of Kullaberg in southern Sweden. In this study, the driving factors of the small-scale distribution of porpoises around Kullaberg were investigated by use of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Over 17 weeks f

InP/InAsP Quantum Discs-in-Nanowire Array Photodetectors: Design, Fabrication and Optical Performance

This thesis focuses on design, processing and electro-optical investigations of two- and three-terminal photodetectors based on large arraysof around three million n+-i-n+ InP nanowires with embedded InAsP quantum heterostructures for broadband detection. The first part of thethesis work dealt with a general investigation of the room-temperature optoelectronic behavior of two-terminal photodetecto

Marinen skriver order på engelska Vad får det för effekter för svenska orderskrivare och ordermottagare?

There is a lack of knowledge about the effects that arise for the Swedes who write or receive a military order that is written in their second language. This essay aims to investigate the effects of writing orders in English instead of Swedish to Swedish recipients and why the navy writes orders in English to Swedish recipients. In order to gain a deep insight into the problem, qualitative convers

Decoding pan-cancer complexity. Multiomic insights from the lung and breast

Cancer presently represents a significant global health challenge, illustrated by the high incidence and mortality rates associated with lung and breast cancer. Technological advances and concerted large-scale initiatives have yielded vast amounts of cancer data to be used for research purposes. The objective of this thesis is to capitalize on the current state of the bioinformatics field to devel

Exploring predictive kinetic modelling of thermal degradation from laboratory to production scale – A case study on three vitamins in milk

Kinetic thermal degradation models are vital components for optimization of food and bioproducts processing. Typically, models are fitted to laboratory-scale experiments where vials are heated and held. However, these conditions are highly dissimilar from the thermal processes experienced in industrial production. Whereas fitting kinetic data to industrial-scale production is often impossible due

“Killing Big Monster” - Games-as-a-Service: A Qualitative Study on Players’ Value Perceptions

Denna kandidatuppsats undersöker spelarnas perspektiv i live service-spel, med fokus på World of Warcraft: Dragonflight och modellen Game-as-a-Service (GaaS). Genom en kvalitativ onlineundersökning genomförd bland ett avsiktligt urval av deltagare i onlineforum samlades och analyserades spelarnas uppfattningar om olika spelaspekter, vilket visade en preferens för spelfunktioner och -innehåll som gThis bachelor's thesis investigates the perspectives of players in live service games, focusing on World of Warcraft: Dragonflight and the Game-as-a-Service (GaaS) model. Through a qualitative online survey conducted among purposively selected participants of online communities, players' perceptions of various game aspects were collected and analyzed, revealing a preference for features th

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Wide-spread adoption of solar energy is a key building block in sustainable production and consumption and a circular economy. However, as the market for solar photovoltaics (PV) will grow significantly, so will the demand for raw materials and the potential waste from discarded PV panels. Based on the experience of the European CIRCUSOL innovation action project, we review recent experience in te

Signs of Life : The Epistemology of Indirect Sensing

In the quest for life in the Universe, the most likely scenario is that we will one day find signs of life, or biosignatures – indications of the occurrence, past or present, of biochemical processes that could have their origin in extraterrestrial biological activity. Interpreters (astrobiologists) will then need to make connections between the expression (the biosignature) and the content (the l

By Torches, Bones, and Temples : Material Metonyms in Personal Oaths in Latin Literature

Oath-taking during Roman Antiquity constitutes a telling example of how words and matter interplay and relate to one another. Ancient Latin literature provides a myriad of representations of oaths sworn, both fictive and supposedly historical, where matter somehow figure in the procedure. In this study, a selection of personal oaths from Roman literature are explored in terms of materiality and ag

Relational work in an alternative food network : The fundamental role of shared meaning for organising markets differently

This article studies the role of shared meaning for organising Alternative Food Networks (AFNs). Extant research shows that organisational elements, such as rules, and hybridisation of conventional and alternative modes of food provisioning are important for AFN organisation. Yet, they might both enable and hinder the aims of AFNs. Complementing this body of research, the article investigates how

Melioramentum - Katarismens teologiska syn på och rituella konstruktion av hierarkier

This thesis aims to shed light upon the cathar church and its expression of power and hierarchy in their rituals, such as the consolamentum, in conjunction with their theological view of said power and hierarchy. With a hermeneutic theory and a text analysis I read and aim to examine the cathars' own texts in its own context. Through my reading of their theological and ritual texts. I make the