

Din sökning på "*" gav 529352 sökträffar

Att bära bördan av empatitrötthet: barnmorskors upplevelser

Bakgrund: Barnmorskans dagliga arbete innefattar psykosociala aspekter där empati utgör en central del. Det finns lite forskning kring påverkan på barnmorskor när de arbetar utifrån ett empatiskt förhållningssätt. Empatitrötthet innebär minskad förmåga att ge fysiskt, psykiskt och emotionellt stöd. Empatitrötthet kommer ofta smygande och kan få stora konsekvenser för barnmorskan såsom utbrändhet,

Unveiling nano-scale chemical inhomogeneity in surface oxide films formed on V- and N-containing martensite stainless steel by synchrotron X-ray photoelectron emission spectroscopy/microscopy and microscopic X-ray absorption spectroscopy

Nano-scale chemical inhomogeneity in surface oxide films formed on a V- and N-containing martensite stainless steel and tempering heating induced changes are investigated by a combination of synchrotron- based hard X-ray Photoelectron emission spectroscopy (HAXPES) and microscopy (HAXPEEM) as well as microscopic X-ray absorption spectroscopy (μ-XAS) techniques. The results reveal the inhomogeneity

Bat activity in Ammarnäs, Västerbotten - Infuence of biological and environmental factors on the activity of Northern bats (Eptesicus nilssonii) in Northern Sweden

In northern Sweden, insectivorous bats must face challenging conditions throughout most of the year, with longer and colder winters compared to the south, and continuous daylight for several weeks during the summer. The northern bat (Eptesicus nilssonii) is common in Sweden, despite experiencing population declines over the last 30 years, and can be found at high latitudes across Europe. This stud

Constitutional and acquired genetic variants in ARID5B in pediatric B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Constitutional polymorphisms in ARID5B are associated with an increased risk of developing high hyperdiploid (HeH; 51–67 chromosomes) pediatric B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (BCP ALL). Here, we investigated constitutional and somatic ARID5B variants in 1335 BCP ALL cases from five different cohorts, with a particular focus on HeH cases. In 353 HeH ALL that were heterozygous for ris

The ‘thinking’ in thinking-for-speaking : where is it?

Abstract in FrenchSelon l’hypothèse du “Penser-pour-parler” (Thinking-for-speaking ou TFS), les locuteurs delangues différentes n’organiseraient pas leur pensée de la même manière lors de la préparationmentale de leurs productions. L’objectif de cet article est de proposer une discussion critiquedes travaux effectués dans le paradigme du TFS, à partir des principes de base établis par cecadre théoAccording to the thinking-for-speaking (TFS) hypothesis, speakers of different languages think differently while in the process of mentally preparing content for speech. The aim of the present paper is to critically discuss the research carried out within the TFS paradigm, against the background of the basic tenets laid out by the proponents of this framework. We will show that despite substantial

Effects of mixed neonicotinoid and fungicide exposure on the pollen collection and colony development of Bombus terrestris

Bumblebees are essential pollinators for a wide range of plant species and thus essential for global ecosystems and food security. However, recent declines in their populations have made understanding their underlying causes necessary. One of those causes is the application of pesticides in agricultural landscapes. The toxicity of these pesticides is commonly assessed in isolation, which oftentime

980-970 Ma Sette-Daban event of the Siberian craton : new geochronological and geochemical data, relationship to LIP and potential connection with other LIPs

The paper presents new geological, geochronological, geochemical and Nd-Sr isotopic data on the Meso- Neoproterozoic dolerites of the Siberian Craton. New U-Pb baddeleyite and apatite ages of a E-W-trending dyke and two sills from southeastern Siberia are 982 ± 11, 977 ± 7, 970 ± 31 and 972 ± 60 Ma, respectively, extending the area of distribution of the event by more than 100 km to the north. The

Oxidovanadium(V) complexes with tridentate hydrazone ligands as oxygen atom transfer catalysts

Four isostructural oxovanadium(V) complexes with hydrazone ligands have been synthesised, characterised, and evaluated as epoxidation and sulfoxidation catalysts. The reactions between [VO(acac)2] (acac– = acetylacetonate) and H2Ln (n = 1–4), precursors for monoanionic tridentate hydrazone ligands, afford complexes formulated as [VO(Ln)(bzh)·MeOH] (1–4) when bidentate benzohydroxamic acid (Hbzh) i

Targets for deprescribing in patients with hypertension and reflex syncope

BACKGROUND: We aimed to identify the target of deprescribing, i.e. the 24-hour SBP increase needed to achieve the greatest reduction of SBP drops.METHOD: Forty hypertensive patients (mean age 73.6 ± 9.3 years, 26 females) with reflex syncope and SBP drops on a screening ABPM were advised to withdraw or to reduce their therapy. The study objective was the reduction of SBP drops

Balancing Personalization and Privacy

The aim of this study was to examine which factors influence the willingness to receive personalized communication based on personal information on streaming services. This was achieved using the Privacy Calculus Model (PCM), which includes the factors of perceived benefits and risks. In addition to investigating the significance of the original PCM parameters, the intention was to reveal whether

PRAXIS: Critical reflections on violence, justice and peace vol 2

Praxis is born out of critical discussions and reflections on violence, justice, and peace, taking place in a classroom at Lund University in a course led by Barbara Magalhães Teixeira (shoutout!). It is the result of frustration linked to the current global state of affairs, as well as the colonial and patriarchal legacies and continued practices within the field we seek a place in. Mostly, it is

Diaminated Cellulose Beads as a Sustainable Support for Industrially Relevant Lipases

Environmentally persistent polystyrene or polyacrylic beads are used as supports in enzyme large-scale bioprocesses, including conversion glucose isomerization for high-fructose corn syrup production, hydrolysis of lactose, and synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients. In this paper, we report the development of a novel sustainable and scalable method to produce diaminated cellulose beads (D

An approximate Nash equilibrium for pure jump Markov games of mean-field-type on continuous state space

We investigate mean-field games from the point of view of a large number of indistinguishable players, which eventually converges to infinity. The players are weakly coupled via their empirical measure. The dynamics of the states of the individual players is governed by a non-autonomous pure jump type semi group in a Euclidean space, which is not necessarily smoothing. Investigations are conducted

Cationic Micelles in Deep Eutectic Solvents: Effects of Solvent Composition

Deep eutectic solvents (DES) are mixtures of hydrogen bond donors and acceptors that form strongly hydrogen-bonded room temperature liquids. Changing the H-bonding components and their ratios can alter the physicochemical properties of deep eutectic solvents (DES). Recent studies have shown p-toluene sulfonic acid (pTSA) forms room temperature liquids with choline chloride (ChCl) at different mola

Aβ Oligomer Dissociation Is Catalyzed by Fibril Surfaces

Oligomeric assemblies consisting of only a few protein subunits are key species in the cytotoxicity of neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Their lifetime in solution and abundance, governed by the balance of their sources and sinks, are thus important determinants of disease. While significant advances have been made in elucidating the processes that govern o

Examining the implications of knowledge boundaries for a large-scale agile transformation initiative of a manufacturing company

To stay competitive in today’s environment, characterized by changing customer requirements, digitalization, new technologies, etc., companies must deliver fast and continuous innovation. Manufacturing companies have therefore started to launch large-scale agile transformation initiatives. A specificity of manufacturing companies is their need for deeply specialized organizational units. Knowledge