

Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar

ADP-ribosylating adjuvant reveals plasticity in cDC1 cells that drive mucosal Th17 cell development and protection against influenza virus infection

Migratory dendritic cells expressing CD103 are the targets for mucosal vaccines. These belong to either of two lineage-restricted subsets, cDC1 or cDC2 cells, which have been linked to priming of functionally distinct CD4 T cells. However, recent studies have identified plasticity in cDC2 cells with overlapping functions with cDC1 cells, while the converse has not been reported. We genetically eng

Galectin-9 Signaling Drives Breast Cancer Invasion through Extracellular Matrix

Aberrations in glycan and lectin expression and function represent one of the earliest hallmarks of cancer. Among galectins, a conserved family of β-galactoside-binding lectins, the role of Galectin-9 in immune-tumor interactions is well-established, although its effect on cancer cell behavior remains unclear. In this study, we assayed for, and observed, an association between Galectin-9 expressio

Animal navigation: A noisy magnetic compass?

Diverse organisms use Earth’s magnetic field as a cue in orientation and navigation. Nevertheless, eliciting magnetic orientation responses reliably, either in laboratory or natural settings, is often difficult. Many species appear to preferentially exploit non-magnetic cues if they are available, suggesting that the magnetic sense often serves as a redundant or ‘backup’ source of information. ThiDiverse organisms use Earth’s magnetic field as a cue inorientation and navigation. Nevertheless, eliciting magneticorientation responses reliably, either in laboratory or naturalsettings, is often difficult. Many species appear to preferentiallyexploit non-magnetic cues if they are available, suggesting that themagnetic sense often serves as a redundant or ‘backup’ source ofinformation. This rais

Perineal wound healing after abdominoperineal resection for rectal cancer : a retrospective cohort study

Purpose: Delayed perineal wound healing is a common complication after abdominoperineal resection (APR) in rectal cancer. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the number of patients with delayed wound healing after APR. Secondary aims were to identify risk factors, and describe treatment. Methods: Prospectively collected data from the Swedish Colorectal Cancer Registry (SCRCR) was used fo

Lekotoper - Platser där både barn och natur trivs

Går det att kombinera barns behov av naturkontakt med behovet hos olika arter i djur- och växtriket så att resultatet både blir en hållbar lekplats och en hållbar livsmiljö med hög biologisk mångfald?

Site characterization for the design of thermoactive geostructures

This paper addresses the topic of site characterization for the design of Shallow Geothermal Energy (SGE) systems, namely of thermoactive geostructures, which are geotechnical structures, such as piles, retaining walls and tunnel linings, also used as heat exchangers as part of closed-loop SGE systems. Such solutions, being increasingly adopted for buildings’ and infrastructures’ heating and/or co

A Literature Review and Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Lockdowns on COVID-19 Mortality – II

The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to determine the effect of lockdowns on COVID-19 mortality based on available empirical evidence. Lockdowns are defined as the imposition of at least one compulsory, non-pharmaceutical intervention (NPI). We employ a systematic search and screening procedure in which 19,646 studies are identified that could potentially address the purpose

Sleep Satisfaction May Modify the Association between Metabolic Syndrome and BMI, Respectively, and Occupational Stress in Japanese Office Workers

The association between obesity and psychological stress is ambiguous. The aim is to investigate the association between metabolic syndrome (MetS) and body mass index (BMI), respectively, with occupational stress among Japanese office workers. The study is a secondary analysis of the intervention group from a randomized controlled trial. There are 167 participants included in the analysis. Occupat

Literature review - Energy saving potential of user-centered integrated lighting solutions

This report presents lessons learned from twenty-five worldwide real-life case studies implementing the integration of daylighting and electric lighting. The case studies were monitored with respect to energy use for lighting, visual performance, non-visual performance, and users’ satisfaction. The monitoring is largely based on field measurements, but it is also complemented with simulations and

On stability and relaxation techniques for partitioned fluid-structure interaction simulations

The stability of relaxation techniques has been studied for strongly coupled fluid-structure interaction (FSI) with application to a cantilever immersed in channel flow. The fluid is governed by Navier–Stokes equations for incompressible flow condition using turbulence modeling, and the solid is governed by the equation of motion with compressible material modeling. The applied kinematic descripti

Anaesthesia for open wrist fracture surgery in adults/elderly

Anaesthetic technique for open surgery of acute distal for arm fracture in adults/elderly is not well defined. Regional anaesthesia, general anaesthesia or a combined general and regional block may be considered. General anaesthetic technique, the timing and drug/drug combination for the regional block must also be considered. This is a study around published studies assessing anaesthtic technique

Gemensam klimatanpassning : Principer för hållbar samverkan mellan kommuner och medborgare

Kommuner och deras invånare möter nya utmaningar till följd av ett förändrat klimat.Översvämningar, värmeböljor och stormar förväntas öka i antal och styrka, medan processer som havshöjning och erosion hotar att radikalt omskapa lokala samhällen och landskap. Dessutom kan nuvarande ansvarsförhållanden komma att omdanas då klimateffekterna överstiger kommuners mandat eller kapacitet. Allt högre kra

Smoking Cessation Rates among Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis Following the 'Gold Standard Programme' (GSP): : A Prospective Analysis from the Danish Smoking Cessation Database

Background: Smoking cessation may be very difficult, even if smoking aggravates the prognosis of a disease, which has been shown to be the case for persons with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In contrast, an association in patients with osteoarthritis (OA) is still disputed. The primary objective was to compare smokers diagnosed with RA and OA to controls, regarding smoking cessation rates after follo

Activated CD8+CD38+ Cells Are Associated With Worse Clinical Outcome in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), that spread around the world during the past 2 years, has infected more than 260 million people worldwide and has imposed an important burden on the healthcare system. Several risk factors associated with unfavorable outcome were identified, including elderly age, selected comorbidities, immune suppression as well as laboratory markers.

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