

Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar

Efficient and precise annotation of local structures in data

Machine learning models are used to help scientists analyze large amounts of data across all fields of science. These models become better with more data and larger models mainly through supervised learning. Both supervised learning and model validation benefit from annotated datasets where the annotations are of high quality. A key challenge is to annotate the amount of data that is needed to tra

Dynamics of osteopontin levels and correlation with parasitemia in acute malaria in Uganda and Sweden

BACKGROUND: Malaria remains a significant public health concern, especially for the deadliest parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. During acute malaria, various cytokines, including osteopontin (OPN), regulate the immune response. OPN has been shown to be protective against malaria in mice. Nonetheless, its precise function and potential ability to control parasites during acute malaria in humans rema

Climate Change Refugees: Examining Challenges and Legal Protections for Individuals Displaced by Climate Change in Developing Countries. Case Study of the Southern African Development Community Region

The purpose of this thesis was to examine climate related human mobility in the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC). The adverse effect of climate change in SADC is mainly linked to increasing rainfall variability and a higher frequency or intensity of floods and droughts. These effects are a major challenge for human security. Climate change has emerged as one of the most pressing, unres

Evaluating Moving Bed Biofilm Reactors (MBBR) as a step in drinking water treatment using flow cytometry (FCM)

Avloppsreningsmetod för att rena dricksvatten Målet med dricksvattenrening är att bli av med oönskade ämnen i vattnet, så som sjukdomsframkallande bakterier och organiskt material. Detta säkerställer inte bara vattnets säkerhet utan också dess smak, lukt och utseende. Det finns flera olika metoder för att rena vatten, och vilken metod som används beror på vattnets kvalitet och ursprung, samt vilkAt the drinking water treatment plant (DWTP) at Ringsjöverket (Sweden, Stehag), where this project is executed, a process of rapid sand filter (RSF) and slow sand filter (SSF) is used as a part in treating surface water into drinking water. The Moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) is a simple and strong biological process that has been shown to be effective in treating polluted raw water from nitroge

Non-Sequential Nanofabrication of a One-Transistor-One-Memristor Memory Cell for Neuromorphic Computing

Moderna lösningar inom Artificiell Intelligens (AI) kan åstadkomma otroliga saker, till exempel OpenAIs ChatGPT med förmågan att besvara nästan vad som helst på ett ögonblick. Kraften hos dessa typer av AI kommer med en baksida, nämligen den enorma energiförbrukningen. Den största boven i detta är det faktum att inuti datorn som modellen körs på så måste data kontinuerligt överföras fram och tillbAs data serves an increasingly central role in trending topics within computation, it has become clear that the Von Neumann architecture of the modern computer is the major bottleneck in terms of energy consumption and latency. Neuromorphic computing is an emerging computing paradigm that seeks to overcome this bottleneck through the unification of memory and logic, analogous to the energy efficie

A single formant explicates the ubiquity of “meow”

Across languages, the species–typical vocalization by domes-tic cats (Felis catus silvestris) is transcribed similarly, typicallycorresponding to [miau:] or [waU:]. Such consistent and ubiqui-tous cross-linguistic transcription is apparently onomatopoetic.However, in humans, these qualities make unique use of thetongue; in comparison, most nonhuman mammals do not ap-pear to employ their tongues wh

Media Influence on Corporate Sustainability (CS) │ A Case Study of Novo Nordisk A/S in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Corporate sustainability (CS) has gained widespread recognition, coinciding with an increased focus on climate change. The media plays an important role in shaping public perceptions and policies regarding CS, the extent of non-financial information disclosure, and influencing how industries are viewed. However, the pharmaceutical manufacturing sector is significantly under-researched in relation

Tick exposure biomarkers : A One Health approach to new tick surveillance tools

The spread of tick-borne disease (TBD) is escalating globally, driven by climate change and socio-economic shifts, underlining the urgency to improve surveillance, diagnostics, and control strategies. Ticks can transmit a range of pathogens increasing the risk of transmission of human and veterinary diseases such as Lyme disease, tick-borne encephalitis, theileriosis, anaplasmosis, or Crimean-Cong

Acquisition of anti-phosphatidylserine IgM and IgG antibodies by infants and their mothers over time in Uganda

Background: Production of anti-phosphatidylserine (anti-PS) antibodies has been associated with malaria and can aggravate pathology. How these autoantibodies develop during early childhood in a malaria context is not known. We examined levels of anti-PS IgG and IgM antibodies in a longitudinal cohort of mother-baby pairs during birth, in the infants at 2.5, 6 months, and in mothers and their babie

Hydrogeological response to injection fluids

When performing in situ remediation, different fluids are injected into the ground. The injections can affect the properties of the ground, such as opening up new fractures and reactivating old ones. The fluids also differ in viscosity and density and could possibly clog some of the pores or fractures, thus affecting the groundwater flow. We have measured hydraulic conductivity and compared our re

Assessment of drinking water quality and identifying pollution sources in a chromite mining region

Water sources near mining regions are often susceptible to contamination from toxic elements. This study employs machine learning (ML) techniques to evaluate drinking water quality and identify pollution sources near a chromite mine in Iran. Human health risks were assessed using both deterministic and probabilistic approaches. Findings revealed that concentrations of calcium (Ca), chromium (Cr),

Linguistically diverse children's speech processing in noise

Many children in primary school listen and learn through their second language, often under noisy listening conditions. This thesis is based on assessments of 7 to 9-year-old primary school children (N=98) attending Swedish schools in areas of low socio-economic status where most students had immigration background. The overall aim of this thesis was to increase knowledge on how multitalker babble

Designing a multifunctional nanoplatform based on PEGylated cobalt ferrite magnetic nanoparticles containing capecitabine for cancer theranostics

Anticancer drugs can be delivered more efficiently to tumor sites with fewer side effects by utilizing magnetic nanoparticles. In this research detailed examinations of the effect of polyethylene glycol (PEG) on microstructure, size distribution, morphology, magnetic performance and coating of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles (CFO) were conducted. CFO nanoparticles were functionalized by PEG under dif