

Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar

Identifying how autocracies begin. Looking at Sweden 2024

This is a bachelor thesis with the purpose to find out if features of Sweden’s current political landscape express signs of beginning autocratization. It is split into two parts, first to map out autocratic beginning characteristics and later apply them on Sweden. Thematic analysis has been used for the purpose and the essay has been largely inspired by Tidöavtalet and different civil society

Economic Voting In The Developing Democracy - A Case Study of Voting Behavior in Ghana

Following decolonisation and a transformation towards democracy, voting in African countries have been considered a practice based on ethnical alignments and clientelism. This study uses the framework of economic voting, the idea that voters consider the economic performance of an incumbent leader to either punish or reward them, to investigate the vote choice in Ghana. Economic voting theory has

All Quiet on the Health Front? – A Historical Analysis of 55 Years of Public Health Policy Integration in the European Union

Ever since the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community with the Paris Treaty in 1952, the European Union and its predecessors have been involved in public health policy. This study investigates the mechanisms driving public health policy integration within the European Union by posing the research question ‘Why does integration in the policy area of public health occur?’. Aligned wi

A matter of cyber powers: A case study of the Council of the EU and its reaction to the development of the EU policy area of cybersecurity

The relatively new and complex field of cybersecurity policy has introduced significant challenges for the EU. The policy area has not yet developed into a coherent one, and it balances security policy with the internal market policy. This study analyses how the Member States use the Council of the EU to forward their interests and preferences in reaction to the evolving policy area. Member States

Reasons for Individual Climate Change Neglect – Evidence from Europe: A quantitative analysis on how climate change beliefs is influenced by immigration sentiments and educational achievements in Europe

This thesis analyses how individuals stance towards climate change reduction is affected by their view on immigration as well on their education background. It is quantitative research where data from the European Social Survey round 10 is analyzed through three multiple regression analyses. What being found was that both the immigration sentiment and the level of educational achievement were of s

The Impact of the Ukraine War on the Transatlantic Relationship

This thesis examines transatlantic recusity relations in the context of Russias war in Ukraine. The study examines how the European Union and the United States have responded to Russian aggression in Ukraine, focusing on two phases of the conflict: the Russian annexation of Crimea 2014 and the Russian invasion of Ukraine 2022. The study asks if the EU and US have been unified in their approaches a

Polisens utsatta områden. En analys av Polismyndighetens styrning av ”utsatta områden” ur ett governmentalityperspektiv.

This study explores the area-based policy programme laid out by the Swedish Police towards disadvantaged urban neighborhoods, putting the programme in the context of area-based policy in Sweden since the nineties. The analysis is informed by a governmentality perspective and builds on the concept of problematic of government, following Nikolas Rose and Peter Miller. Through central reports and str

Från makt till marginal – En studie av Dansk Folkepartis nedgång i väljarstöd i dansk inrikespolitik 2015-2022

Dansk Folkeparti gjorde ett succeval 2015 när de blev Danmarks näst största parti med 21,1 % av rösterna. 2022 gjorde de sitt sämsta valresultat någonsin med 2,6 %. Syftet med denna studie var att förstå varför ett av Europas största ytterhögerpartier tappat sitt väljarstöd över denna relativt korta period. Detta är synnerligen intressant eftersom att forskning idag främst intresserar sig för ytte

Bidrag, jämställdhet och kommunal idrottsverksamhet

Syftet med studien är att bidra med ökad förståelse för resursfördelningens betydelse för jämställdhetsarbetet inom idrottsrörelsen med fokus på kommunal idrottsverksamhet. För att studera detta används enkätundersökningar och en analys av kommunernas respektive hemsidor i ett jämförande syfte för att besvara frågan kring huruvida teorin kring bidrag och jämställdhet i kommunen stämmer överens med

Frihet i tider av osäkerhet

Denna studie undersöker människors prioritering mellan värdena frihet och säkerhet kvantitativt utifrån SOM-institutets enkätundersökning 2022. Säkerhet är enligt postmaterialistisk teori ett materialistiskt värde som prioriteras högre i tider av osäkerhet. Hypotesen är formulerad utifrån teorin och lyder: människor som anser att utvecklingen i Sverige går åt fel håll borde prioritera säkerhet öve

Smoothing techniques for 3D animated human pose estimation data

Virtual 3D reconstructions of live sport events are on the horizon and to produce a high quality experience for viewers it is important that the movements of the 3D models look natural. Today, state of the art pose estimators produce data that con-tains noise, resulting in jittery animations with pose errors. The goals for this thesis were to evaluate the performance of a Long Short-Term Memory (L

An Introduction of A Data-driven Model for Analyzing Stellar Spectra

This thesis describes a method for concluding attributes of a star (including ages, temperatures, chemical element abundances) from its spectra. The method was developed by the 4MOST (4-metre Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope) consortium. How the model outputs stellar attributes by receiving spectra is too complicated to be included in one thesis, so only introductions of numerical methods whic

Quantum Automating TC0-Frege Is LWE-Hard

We prove the first hardness results against efficient proof search by quantum algorithms. We show that under Learning with Errors (LWE), the standard lattice-based cryptographic assumption, no quantum algorithm can weakly automate TC0-Frege. This extends the line of results of Krajíček and Pudlák (Information and Computation, 1998), Bonet, Pitassi, and Raz (FOCS, 1997), and Bonet, Domingo, Gavaldà

International differences in the selection and outcome of minimally invasive and open distal pancreatectomy : A transatlantic analysis

BACKGROUND: The efficacy and safety of minimally invasive distal pancreatectomy have been confirmed by randomized trials, but current patient selection and outcome of minimally invasive distal pancreatectomy in large international cohorts is unknown. This study aimed to compare the use and outcome of minimally invasive distal pancreatectomy in North America, the Netherlands, Germany, and Sweden.ME

Building Information Modeling (BIM) och användning av Revit

Under de senaste åren har byggbranschens behov ökat i många länder, i takt med ökande krav och utvecklingar, som beror på olika faktorer som till exempel tillväxt av befolknings urbanisering, ekonomisk, och investeringar i Fastighetsutveckling. En av dessa utvecklingar är att använda digitala verktyg inom byggprocesserna. Digitala metoder är en av dessa viktiga utvecklingar som företagen har börja

Excessive Pharmaceutical Prices as an Anticompetitive Practice in TRIPS and European Competition Law

The issue of securing access to patented pharmaceutical products has been in the forefront of global legal debate for many years. This debate intensified further following the enactment of the TRIPSTRIPS agreement and the global enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights such as patents through the World Trade Organization. To combat the problem, compulsory licensingCompulsory licensing has been