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Luxembourg: Living through the pandemic in the 'laboratory of mobility'
The Neuroinflammatory Acute Phase Response in Parkinsonian-Related Disorders
Background: Neuroinflammation is implicated in the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease (PD) and related conditions, yet prior clinical biomarker data report mixed findings. Objectives: The aim was to measure a panel of neuroinflammatory acute phase response (APR) proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of participants with PD and related disorders. Methods: Eleven APR proteins were measured i
Tau, bridging the gap between Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases
The war of Poles against Poles during the pandemic
Poland - an example of delayed secularization?
Mat- och måltidskultur – en introduktion
Måltidskulturer påverkar alla situationer där lagande, ätande ochdrickande förekommer. Trots detta tas måltidskulturella aspektersällan i beaktande i det praktiska arbetet med professionella måltideri Sverige. Med en ökad kunskap om måltidskultur är det möjligt attdesigna måltider som tilltalar och skänker mening till gäster medolika bakgrund, ideal och preferenser. Det finns därför en storpotenti
Contours of Cognition
This thesis concerns the nature of cognition. It posits that cognitive processes primarily are means to maintain allostasis in organisms whose ecological niches require movement to approach food-resources and avoid predation. Hence triggering, or motivation, of behaviours are a consequence of prediction errors from the body resulting from biological variables moving away from homeostasis. Dependin
Profiles of Achievement Motivation and Performance in Middle School: Links to Student Background and Perceived Classroom Climate
Corticotropin releasing hormone as an identifier of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome
Lung transplantion (LTx) recipients have low long-term survival and a high incidence of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS), an inflammation of the small airways in chronic rejection of a lung allograft. There is great clinical need for a minimally invasive biomarker of BOS. Here, 644 different proteins were analyzed to detect biomarkers that distinguish BOS grade 0 from grades 1-3. The plasma
High quality aromatic bio-based copolyesters derived from lignin-based hydroxyacid monomers
Synthesis of bio-based polyurethanes towards sustainable textiles
De-implementation: lessons to be learned when abandoning inappropriate homelessness interventions
Niche complementarity drives increases in pollinator functional diversity in diversified agroforestry systems
Rising demand for food production poses a major threat to biodiversity by placing competing pressures on land. Diversified farming systems are one widely promoted nature-based solution to this challenge, which aim to integrate biodiversity-based ecosystem services into agricultural production. The underlying theory behind this approach is that diverse communities enhance ecosystem service provisio
Modern roles for an ancient system. Intracellular Complement in the regulation of β cell function
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is characterised by defective insulin exocytosis from the pancreatic β cells, accompanied by insulin resistance. Reduced β cells mass is often seen in T2D individuals, caused by enhanced β cells apoptosis. It is now understood that several components drive β cells dysfunction and apoptosis. These are glucose-and lipo-toxicity, ER stress, pro-inflammatory cytokines, dysfunctio
Muhammad 'Abduh : Modern Islam and the Culture of Ambiguity
How to approach the complex intellectual legacy of a modern Muslim thinker like Muhammad ‘Abduh (1849-1905)? This book offers an answer to this question by providing a new complete intellectual biography of him. It delineates ‘Abduh’s formation as a reformer and activist and embeds his varied intellectual contributions in a culture of ambiguity which has marked the intellectual life of Muslim soci
Association of HLA-DQ Heterodimer Residues -18β and β57 With Progression From Islet Autoimmunity to Diabetes in the Diabetes Prevention Trial-Type 1
OBJECTIVE: The purpose was to test the hypothesis that the HLA-DQαβ heterodimer structure is related to the progression of islet autoimmunity from asymptomatic to symptomatic type 1 diabetes (T1D).RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Next-generation targeted sequencing was used to genotype HLA-DQA1-B1 class II genes in 670 subjects in the Diabetes Prevention Trial-Type 1 (DPT-1). Coding sequences were tra