

Din sökning på "*" gav 533777 sökträffar

High genetic diversity and low differentiation reflect the ecological versatility of the African leopard

Large carnivores are generally sensitive to ecosystem changes because their specialized diet and position at the top of the trophic pyramid is associated with small population sizes. Accordingly, low genetic diversity at the whole-genome level has been reported for all big cat species, including the widely distributed leopard. However, all previous whole-genome analyses of leopards are based on th

Million-year-old DNA sheds light on the genomic history of mammoths

Temporal genomic data hold great potential for studying evolutionary processes such as speciation. However, sampling across speciation events would, in many cases, require genomic time series that stretch well back into the Early Pleistocene subepoch. Although theoretical models suggest that DNA should survive on this timescale1, the oldest genomic data recovered so far are from a horse specimen d

Deciphering New Neurocircuitries to Modulate Appetite

Food for Thought, or Thought for Food? Obesity affects 12 % of adults worldwide (GBD 2015 Obesity Collaborators, 2017). This number is only expected to increase in the future. Serious risks are associated with obesity such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and type two diabetes (Pantalone et al., 2017). There are not currently effective and safe methods to aid weight loss (Ruban et al., 2019

Potential involvement of t-circles in the Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres in Naumovozyma castellii

Merry Go Round: Rolling-circle telomere elongation Imagine a shoelace. At the end of the shoelace, there is a protective piece called an aglet, keeping the fibers together. A human chromosome is a bit like that, too – long and linear, with a characteristic structure at the end called the telomere, which protects the chromosome from instability. With each cell division, a piece of the telomeric

Catalytic conversion of CO2 and lignin into valuable chemicals

Increasing concern regarding climate change and environmental sustainability have driven research regarding the development of innovative solutions for CO₂ mitigation and biomass utilization. This thesis explores the catalytic conversion of CO₂ and lignin into valuable chemicals, as a promising approach to achieving carbon neutrality and enhancing the circular economy. The study focused on two key

The Effect of Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein on Anti-Tumor Immune System

Kroppens goda och onda sida i cancer Alla är familiära med sjudomen cancer, antignen via en bekant, vetskap om sjukdomen eller personligt. Trots att det är en relativt vanlig sjudom betyder inte det att kroppen inte har ett försvar mot cancern, vi har faktiskt vårt immunförsvar. Några av de viktiga celler vi har som skydd är våra T-celler, en del av våra vita blodkroppar. Dock, kan kroppen också

Rhythmic parameters and lateralisation in the percussive behaviour of Japanese Macaques (Macaca fuscata)

Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) exhibit a suite of stone handling behaviours (SHB, e.g. rolling, pounding, etc.) that lack an obvious instrumental function. As SHBs appear to be socially transmitted, previous research has focused on evolutionary theories of tool use and cumulative culture. It has been assumed that SHBs in general represent a form of solitary play whose function is to hone and m

Medication strategies in first episode psychosis patients : A survey among psychiatrists

Aim: There is an ongoing debate regarding the optimal timing of discontinuation of antipsychotic drugs for patients with first episode psychosis. Although most guidelines recommend maintenance therapy for at least 1 or 2 years after reaching remission, study results indicate that early discontinuation may be beneficial for at least a subsample of patients. To date, little is known about which medi

Toward the Discovery of New Elements: Production of Livermorium (Z=116) with 50Ti

The 244Pu(50Ti,xn)294−xLv reaction was investigated at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s 88-Inch Cyclotron. The experiment was aimed at the production of a superheavy element with Z ≥ 114 by irradiating an actinide target with a beam heavier than 48Ca. Produced Lv ions were separated from the unwanted beam and nuclear reaction products using the Berkeley Gas-filled Separator and implanted in

Tracking past and ongoing lemming cycles on the Eurasian tundra

During the Swedish-Russian Tundra Ecology -94 expedition one of the goals was to describe the local population fluctuations of Siberian lemmings over the Eurasian tundra. In order to compensate for the lack of repeated sampling, we used 4 different estimates to determine the phase position of the lemming populations at the different sites: i) the number of lemmings trapped per unit time; ii) the a

On a randomized backward Euler method for nonlinear evolution equations with time-irregular coefficients

In this paper, we introduce a randomized version of the backward Euler method that is applicable to stiff ordinary differential equations and nonlinear evolution equations with time-irregular coefficients. In the finite-dimensional case, we consider Carathéodory-type functions satisfying a one-sided Lipschitz condition. After investigating the well-posedness and the stability properties of the ran

Colonialism in South Africa leaves a lasting legacy of reduced genetic diversity in Cape buffalo

The iconic Cape buffalo has experienced several documented population declines in recent history. These declines have been largely attributed to the late 19th century rinderpest pandemic. However, the effect of the rinderpest pandemic on their genetic diversity remains contentious, and other factors that have potentially affected this diversity include environmental changes during the Pleistocene,

Mining Life : An exploration in three acts into the potential of socially engaged art practices to instigate social change

Mining Life: An Exploration in Three Acts into the Potential of Socially Engaged Art Practices to Instigate Social Change investigates the intersection of art, activism, and social change through three major artistic research projects. Emerging from a critical shift in my own artistic practice, this thesis questions the role of socially engaged art within post-colonial structures, challenging the

Far Away from Human-land : Kafka’s Nonhumans in Günther Anders and Walter Benjamin

In 1934, Walter Benjamin published his major study Franz Kafka: Zur zehnten Wiederkehr seines Todestages. In the same year, Günther Anders, another German Jew in exile, gave a lecture on Kafka which later, in postwar years, developed into a small book titled Kafka, Pro und Contra. Bringing these two in dialogue—the much-celebrated essay by Benjamin and the generally overlooked book by Anders—the p

Investigating The Locations of Lymphocytes in Healthy Lungs Using Cyclic Fluorescent Antibody-Stained Imaging Data

The aim of this research project was to create a bioinformatic image analysis pipeline for the investigation of lymphocytes in healthy human lungs. The lung is an important organ to study as it provides a fast way for pathogens to enter the body. Therefore, the pulmonary immune system must be further investigated in both healthy and diseased tissue. In order to do comparative studies, we need to c

Near-Field Focusing in Two-Dimensional Space Enclosed by Arrays of Different Geometries

With the increasing demands for higher data rates and long-range wireless power transfer, the development of new methods is a necessary step to meet the heightened requirements. One such method is improving the infrastructure for wireless transmission through the use of large intelligent surfaces (LIS). To be one step closer to enabling the construction of such infrastructure, this study examines

Characterizing the allele-specific gene expression landscape in high hyperdiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia with BASE

Somatic copy number variations (CNVs), including abnormal chromosome numbers and structural changes leading to gain or loss of genetic material, play a crucial role in initiation and progression of cancer. CNVs are believed to cause gene dosage imbalances and modify cis-regulatory elements, leading to allelic expression imbalances in genes that influence cell division and thereby contribute to can