

Din sökning på "*" gav 535574 sökträffar

“I am Satan!” black metal, Islam and blasphemy in Turkey and Saudi Arabia

During the last decade, black metal bands have recorded anti-Islamic music in Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Black metal is renowned for being anti-authoritarian and especially against organized religion. As such, black metal music is a strong expression of protest against, and repudiation of, society, manifesting social pressure, and contrasting with the discursively normal. Using the results from two

Travelling Business Models : On adapting business models to new contexts

“Fråga mig inte var jag kommer ifrån, fråga mig var jag känner mig hemma”. Citatet är hämtat från en TED presentation av Taiye Selasi som handlar om att vissa människor känner sig hemma på flera ställen i världen samtidigt. Inte nödvändigtvis där de kommer från. I min forskning fokuserar jag på affärsmodeller för solenergi som sprids till och etableras på nya marknader. En affärsmodell är en abstrHow business models are configured can provide one solution to bringing forward sustainable innovations and transforming businesses and industries so that they become more sustainable. Creating a shift in the energy sector’s use of renewable sources is of particular importance since the energy sector is the source of one-fourth of all global greenhouse gas emissions. In California, the dominant bu

Model-Based Optimization of Combustion-Engine Control

The work presented in this thesis is motivated by the need to reliably operate a compression-ignition engine in a partially premixed combustion (PPC) mode. Partially premixed combustion is a low temperature combustion concept, where the ignition delay is prolonged to enhance fuel-air mixing in the combustion chamber before the start of combustion. A premixed combustion process, in combination with

Investigation of the absorption Ångström exponent and its relation to physicochemical properties for mini-CAST soot

In this work, a mini-CAST soot generator was used to produce soot with different optical and physicochemical characteristics. Absorption Ångström exponents (AAE) expressing the absorption wavelength dependence were assessed by multiwavelength in-situ and filter-based (aethalometer) laser extinction. The two optical techniques showed good agreement. For the chosen mini-CAST operating conditions, AA

Joint inversion of lake-floor electrical resistivity tomography and boat-towed radio-magnetotelluric data illustrated on synthetic data and an application from the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory site, Sweden

The electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) method provides moderately good constraints for both conductive and resistive structures, while the radio-magnetotelluric (RMT) method is well suited to constrain conductive structures. Additionally, RMT and ERT data may have different target coverage and are differently affected by various types of noise. Hence, joint inversion of RMT and ERT data sets

50 år sedan den första hjärtt ransplantationen : Stora framsteg, men utmaningar kvarstår

50 years have passed since the first human to human heart transplantation, performed by Christiaan Barnard in Cape Town December 3rd 1967. Over the years there has been a dramatic improvement in postoperative survival, mainly due to numerous diagnostic and therapeutic advances. Today, heart transplantation constitutes the treatment of choice among suitable patients with severe heart failure who wo

Predictors and mediators of outcome in CBT for chronic pain : The roles of psychological flexibility and PTSD

Långvarig smärta är ett vanligt förekommande och tärande tillstånd som är bland de mest kostsamma hälsoproblemen för både individen och samhället som helhet. Kognitiv beteendeterapi (KBT) är den mest spridda psykologiska behandlingen för långvarig smärta. Även om metoden är evidensbaserad och rekommenderad ger den relativt blygsamma förbättringar för smärtrelaterad funktion och medföljande emotionChronic pain is a commonly occurring and debilitating condition, and among the costliest health problems for both the individual and society at large. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most widely-disseminated psychological treatment for chronic pain. Even though it is recommended and evidence-based, it yields quite modest improvements in pain-related functioning and accompanying symptoms

Climate Sensitivity Controls Uncertainty in Future Terrestrial Carbon Sink

For the 21st century, carbon cycle models typically project an increase of terrestrial carbon with increasing atmospheric CO2 and a decrease with the accompanying climate change. However, these estimates are poorly constrained, primarily because they typically rely on a limited number of emission and climate scenarios. Here we explore a wide range of combinations of CO2 rise and climate change and

Detection and purification of rat and goat immunoglobulin G antibodies using protein G-based solid-phase radioimmunoassays

Using the newly described streptococcal surface protein, protein G, which has powerful immunoglobulin G binding properties, solid-phase radioimmunoassays were developed for the quantitation of goat and rat immunoglobulin G bound to the plastic surface of microtiter plates. The binding of goat immunoglobulin G to the surface via a specific antigen (guinea pig alpha 1-microglobulin) permitted the de

Hip Heritage and Heritage Pasts : Tensions when re-fashioning museum culture

When museums of cultural heritage are no longer defined solely in terms of their collections and cultural environments, how much may they change before they cease to be museums and what do they become then? As a means of approaching this question this chapter focuses on two institutions of Swedish cultural heritage, The American Swedish Institute (ASI) in Minneapolis, Minnesota and Kulturen in Lun

Effect of dolutegravir in combination with Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs) on people living with HIV who have pre-existing NRTI mutations

Until the introduction of dolutegravir (DTG), people living with HIV (PLWH) who have developed nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) mutations have had few other treatment options outside of regimens based on ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitors (PI/r). Here we report treatment results among PLWH in Sweden with pre-existing NRTI mutations on antiretroviral treatment (ART) with DTG and

Physiological adaptation of the growth-restricted fetus

The growth-restricted fetus in utero is exposed to a hostile environment and suffers undernutrition and hypoxia. To cope with the stress, the fetus changes its physiological functions. These adaptive changes aid intrauterine survival; however, they can lead to permanent functional and structural changes that can contribute to the development of serious chronic diseases later in life. Epigenetic me

Fluid Biomarkers in Alzheimer’s Disease and Frontotemporal Dementia

Fluid biomarkers, including cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers and blood-based biomarkers, may reflect different pathological processes in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). The most used biomarkers are CSF β-amyloid42, total tau, phosphorylated tau, and neurofilament light, which have been studied for diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment follow-up and in relation to gene

Hyperglycemia in Extremely Preterm Infants—Insulin Treatment, Mortality and Nutrient Intakes

Objective: To explore the prevalence of hyperglycemia and the associations between nutritional intakes, hyperglycemia, insulin treatment, and mortality in extremely preterm infants. Study design: Prospectively collected data from the Extremely Preterm Infants in Sweden Study (EXPRESS) was used in this study and included 580 infants born 180 mg/dL (10 mmol/L) of up to 30% was observed during the fi

Protein L from Peptostreptococcus magnus binds to the kappa light chain variable domain

Protein L is an immunoglobulin light chain-binding protein expressed by some strains of the anaerobic bacterial species Peptostreptococcus magnus. The major variable region subgroups of human kappa and lambda light chains were tested for protein L binding; V kappa I, V kappa III, and V kappa IV bound protein L, whereas no binding occurred with proteins of the V kappa II subgroup or with any lambda

Optimization of breast tomosynthesis: Computer simulations of image acquisition and glandular dose

Breast tomosynthesis (BT) is an X-ray imaging technique recently introduced as an alternative or complement to standard digital mammography (DM) in breast imaging and breast cancer screening. In BT, a set of projection images is acquired over a limited angular range and reconstructed into a volume of slice images. The method includes many possible combinations of acquisition parameters that have t

In search for communicative responsibility in the communicative organization

The purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept coworkers’ communicative responsibility taking and to test which factors might influence coworkers’ tendency to take communicative responsibility. The study is split into two phases where on exploratory phase consisted of an exploratory factor analysis on 2244 with the aim to find specific latent factors to test in the confirmatory phase. The c

Föreningsaktiviteters betydelse och mervärde för nyanländas etablering genom NAD

NAD står för Nätverk, Aktivitet och Delaktighet och är ett samarbete mellan Länsstyrelsen, Region Skåne, Arbetsförmedlingen och NÄTVERKET Idéburen sektor Skåne, en regional intresseorganisation för civilsamhället i Skåne. NAD utvecklar och förmedlar aktiviteter som erbjuds som en del av den etableringsplan som Arbetsförmedlingen upprättar tillsammans med den nyanlända. NAD syftar till att underlät