Iran-Russia ties: Never better but maybe not forever?
Iran and Russia may both have a strong strategic interest in reducing U.S. influence in the region, but there are no guarantees that the alliance between them is a permanent one.
Iran and Russia may both have a strong strategic interest in reducing U.S. influence in the region, but there are no guarantees that the alliance between them is a permanent one.
Luminescence excitation spectra of BaBrI single crystals doped by divalent lanthanide ions are studied using synchrotron radiation excitations from the MAX IV 1.5 GeV storage ring. The energy of the edge and the formation of core cation exciton as well as the energy threshold of the multiplications of electronic excitations is found. It was clearly established the energy transfer from intrinsic lu
The EU’s practice of exporting its acquis to third countries is increasingly coupled with the integration of third countries in the work of the Union’s agencies. The reasons for including third countries vary, as do the forms and intensity of the cooperation. The aim of this study is to assess the possibilities for non-EU member states, in particular those that adopt and implement EU acquis in the
Recently, the Free electron LASer in Hamburg (FLASH) at DESY has been upgraded considerably [1]. Besides increasing the maximum energy to about 1.2 GeV and installation of a third-harmonic rf cavity linearizing the longitudinal phase space distribution of the electron bunch, an FEL seeding experiment at wavelengths of about 35 nm has been installed. The goal is to establish direct FEL seeding empl
Background: Frailty captures the age-related declines in health leading to increased vulnerability, including falls which are commonplace in older women. The relationship between frailty and falls is complex, with one leading to the other in a vicious cycle. Aims: This study addresses the gap in understanding how patterns of frailty and falls propensity interact, particularly in those who have not
Azerbaijan inherited the Soviet State Environmental Review procedure, which was overly technocratic and lacked essential elements of effective EIA. A parallel system more closely conforming to the 'classic' EIA was created in 1996 and has been applied to dozens of major developments, particularly in the oil sector. This 'dual-track' system has helped to bridge the gap between external pressures fo
Business travel contributes to significant greenhouse gas emissions, and there is a need for measures that reduce the demand for trips made with energy-intensive means of transport. In this study, a mobility service application (MSA) introduced in 13 Swedish organisations was tested and evaluated to facilitate booking and handling of business trips, in particular public transport. A before and aftBusiness travel contributes to significant greenhouse gas emissions, and there is a need for measures that reduce the demand for trips made with energy-intensive means of transport. In this study, a mobility service application (MSA) introduced in 13 Swedish organisations was tested and evaluated to facilitate booking and handling of business trips, in particular public transport. A before and aft
Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy (APM) may lead to changes in underlying trabecular bone (TB) structure potentially promoting the development of knee joint osteoarthritis. Our aim was to investigate if there are early changes occurring in tibial subchondral TB texture in the leg undergoing medial APM compared with the unoperated non-injured contra-lateral leg. The bone texture was measured as the
This study explores marketing messages promoting sustainable transport and reported motivation to reduce private car use within different segments. A stated preference survey targeting a sample of 1300 residents in Sweden was conducted, and exploratory factor analysis was used to identify underlying dimensions of a set of 19 marketing messages. Self-efficacy and collective efficacy were defined asThis study explores marketing messages promoting sustainable transport and reported motivation to reduce private car use within different segments. A stated preference survey targeting a sample of 1300 residents in Sweden was conducted, and exploratory factor analysis was used to identify underlying dimensions of a set of 19 marketing messages. Self-efficacy and collective efficacy were defined as
Aim: Although patients with Lynch syndrome have an increased risk of developing colorectal cancer, surveillance can reduce morbidity and mortality. Whether or not affected individuals benefit from lifetime surveillance depends on individual factors and patient adherence, and these may vary, complicating risk modelling. The aim of this study was to identify individual factors which influence patien
The article gives an overview of erectile mechanisms and erectile dysfunction (ED). Current treatment of ED is presented. Most of the patients with ED should be treated by their primary care physician. Urologists should be involved only when treatment has failed, and when erectile implants might be an option. In Skåne the waiting list for these patients has been eliminated by using the operating c
Denne bog er en grundlæggende indføring i konfliktløsningstilgangen til internationale konflikter fra konfliktoptrapning til deeskalering på elite- såvel som græsrodsniveau. Bogen introducerer afgørende spørgsmål om konfliktdynamikker, magt, følelser, vold og ikke-vold og beskriver konfliktløsningstilgange fra forebyggelse og fredsbevaring til mægling, fredsopbygning og forsoning. Endelig fremhæve