

Din sökning på "*" gav 532970 sökträffar

Maximising and maintaining social value in the long term – the influence of embeddedness in addressing organisational challenges following Social Enterprise growth

Polanyi argued that throughout history the economy was embedded in society, serving as a tool to make provision for societies’ needs; but in capitalist market economies the market dominates the system, subordinating society to its work (Polanyi, 2001). Although social enterprise offers potential for re-embedding the economy into serving society (Roy & Hackett, 2017), balancing competing social

Autonomy of the EU Legal Order: A Concept in Need of Revision?

The issuing of Opinion 2/13 on the European Union’s (EU’s) accession to the European Convention on Human Rights by the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU), followed by Case C- 284/16 Achmea and Opinion 1/17 on the compatibility with EU law of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between Canada and the European Union (CETA), brought the concept of the autonomy of the EU legal order to the p

Towards returns management strategies in internet retailing

The digital transformation of the retailing industry in recent years has had a profound effect on consumers’ behaviour on a global scale. When shopping and browsing online, consumers are not able to “touch and feel”, which means that product returns are inevitable. The fashion industry has particularly suffered from high return rates, which fluctuate between 30% and 50%. The industry has been stru

Solen är en levande stjärna

Solen har lyst konstant på vår värld i fyra och en halv miljard år. Strålarna som värmer vår hud idag har känts av varenda person som någonsin levt. Solens strålar har rört vid dinosaurier, och hälsat på de första varelser som lämnade havens vatten för ett liv på land.Solen har varit vittne till allting som skett här på Jorden. Men den är ingen passiv iakttagare. Solen är vår planets kraftverk, deThe Sun has shone on our world for four and a half billion years. The light that warms our skin today has been felt by every person who has ever lived.It is our nearest star and our planet’s powerhouse, the source of the energy that drives our winds, our weather and all life.The passage of the Sun’s fiery disc across the sky — day by day, month by month — was the only way to keep track of time for

ACTH following overnight dexamethasone suppression can be used in the verification of autonomous cortisol secretion in patients with adrenal incidentalomas

Objective: During the investigation of adrenal incidentalomas, it is important to accurately diagnose autonomous cortisol secretion (ACS) but the specificity of cortisol ≥50 nmol/L after overnight dexamethasone suppression (cortisolONDST) is low. Therefore, ACTH following overnight dexamethasone suppression (ACTHONDST) and cortisol following a 2-day dexamethasone suppression test (cortisol2-DAYDST

Domestication of public space among Middle Eastern migrants in Malmö, Sweden

This paper introduces a PhD project, exploring the process of transformation and appropriation of public spaces by immigrants, and how it results in new functions in post-industrial, transnational Malmö, Sweden. Such spaces have attained significant importance against the backdrop of increasing ethnic and economic segregation. The project is methodologically based on ethnographic research, documen

Anpassning eller autonomi - utvärderingspraktik inom civilsamhällets organisationer

International studies on civil society organizations (CSOs) highlight how CSO's relation to the public sector is central to the characteristics of organizational change. This article contributes to this line of research in two ways. Firstly it explores how Swedish CSOs, involved with social services, are affected by proximity to and dependence on the public sector for their strategies of organizat

Visualizing the Gas Diffusion Induced Ignition of a Catalytic Reaction

Many surface science experiments within heterogeneous catalysis are now conducted in realistic conditions at higher pressures. At these pressures, localized gas conditions will form throughout the reactor. Understanding these gas conditions and their interaction with the catalyst surface at relevant time scales and with spatial resolution is important. To address this issue, we use a combination o

Field Delineation Using Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) : An alternative way to aggregate data in the web of science

Field delineation is important in bibliometrics. Particularly when measuring scientific performance, the demarcation of the area, to which a science actor belongs, is of the greatest importance. This paper present a method based on searches on Boolean combinations of medical subject headings (MeSH-terms) in a combined Web of Science (WoS) - Medline database. The construction of the MeSH area defin

Prospective isolation of radiation induced erythroid stress progenitors reveals unique transcriptomic and epigenetic signatures enabling increased erythroid output

Massive expansion of erythroid progenitor cells is essential for surviving anemic stress. Research towards understanding this critical process, referred to as stress-erythropoiesis, has been hampered due to the lack of specific marker-combinations enabling analysis of the distinct stress-progenitor cells capable of providing radioprotection and enhanced red blood cell production. Here we present a