

Din sökning på "*" gav 533107 sökträffar

Recirkulering av rensmassor från underhåll av våtmarker och miljödammar: Miljöbelastning eller nytta?

Övergödning är ett utbrett problem i alla Sveriges sötvattendrag, men störst är problematiken i södra Sverige. En kostnadseffektiv åtgärd för att få kontroll på övergödningen är att anlägga miljödammar och våtmarker i anslutning till åkermark. Dessa fångar upp och binder fosfor och kväve från gödselläckage innan det når ut i andra större vattendrag. För att dessa våtmarker ska göra nytta i längdenRegulations regarding management of dredged sediment from the maintenance of artificial ponds and other wetlands are ambiguous. Currently in Sweden, compliance with guidelines concerning pollutants is often prioritized over the climate impact associated with the transportation during disposal of these sediments. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the applicability of current guidelines to dre

Understanding Burnout: Does the Perception of Organizational Dehumanization Mediate the Impact of Workload and Work Control on Burnout?

The link between organizational dehumanization, burnout and organizational factors has not yet been thoroughly explored. The study’s aim was to evaluate the relationship between burnout, organizational factors such as workload and work control, and organizational dehumanization in Germany’s private sector. The present study used a quantitative approach and included translating a newly established

MotionCanvas: Generative Motion-Driven Interactive Art Experience

We introduce MotionCanvas, a spatial art creation tool that integrates Generative AI and motion capture technologies into artistic interactive experiences. Existing interactive platforms provide engaging environments and allow users to interact through touch or gestures. However, they are often limited by predefined interactive content and gestures, lacking the ability to respond to user movements

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Anmeldelse af Senseis Mappe af Hiromi Kawakami

Intracellular complement and immunometabolism : The advantages of compartmentalization

The complement system is a proteolytic cascade triggered by pathogen and danger-associated molecular patterns, with resultant outcomes of inflammation, cellular activation, and opsonization of material for removal by phagocytosis. While first discovered as an activity in serum, it is now recognized that complement components play important roles at local and individual cell-intrinsic levels. In pa

The Impact of Bilingual Linguistic Factors on Cognitive Control in a Chinese-English Bilingual Sample: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach

The main aim of this study was to investigate how individual differences in second language linguistic factors affect cognitive control subcomponents based on controlling for non-linguistic factors. More specifically, while controlling cultural background, age and educational level, this study examined how the age of second language acquisition, second language proficiency, second language usage,

Naturbaserade lösningar - Ett verktyg för klimatanpassning - En undersökning om arbetet med naturbaserade lösningar i Lunds kommun

Klimatförändringarna förväntas påverka alla världens regioner negativt med bland annat intensifiering av lokala översvämningar och värmeböljor. För att förebygga dessa effekter är det avgörande att utveckla anpassningsbara och tåliga städer. Naturbaserade lösningar (NBS) har pekats ut som ett av de viktigaste verktygen i klimatanpassningsarbetet. Trots en ökad kunskap om NBS många fördelar kvarståThe ongoing climate changes pose a serious threat to both societies and ecosystems globally. Intensification of extreme weather, floods in combination with heat waves and droughts are some of the challenges that require adaptable and sustainable solutions. Nature-based solutions (NBS) have been identified as a powerful tool for creating resilient and sustainable cities by integrating natural proce

Current-based metrology in a quantum thermal machine

Quantum metrology is a rapidly growing field of quantum information science that aims to exploit the counter-intuitive properties of quantum systems to estimate physical quantities with better-than-classical precision. The field primarily deals with the problem of estimating system parameters, which may or may not directly be associated to an observable. A prominent result of quantum metrology is

Evaluation of AI for Enuresis Prediction in Healthcare Applications

Bedwetting, also known as enuresis, is the second most common chronic health problem among children and negatively affects their daily lives. A first-line treatment option for enuresis is alarm treatment that awakens the child upon urination. This treatment has been further developed by the company Pjama AB that, in addition to the alarm, offers a mobile application where users provides data regar

Minimizing tearing during vaginal delivery with a perineal protection device : a randomized controlled trial

BackgroundThere is a growing body of evidence indicating that second degree tears cause both short-, and long-term consequences. Very few preventative measures have been found to reduce the incidence of these tears.ObjectiveTo investigate if the use of a perineal protection device during vaginal birth reduces severe perineal tearing (≥grade 2 tear) in primiparous women compared to routine manual p

The Sulphur Threat To The 17th Century Warship Vasa

The royal warship Vasa sank on her maiden voyage in 1628. She was discovered in 1956 and in 1961, after 333 years at the bottom of the sea in the Stockholm harbour she was salvaged. Vasa, built mainly of oak, was one of the first major objects to be conserved with polyethylene glycol. She was sprayed continuously for 17 years followed by an 11 year long controlled drying procedure HBfors,[l]). In

Towards single-scan quantum state tomography of photoelectrons

När ljus med tillräckligt hög energi träffar ett material kan en elektron frigöras från materialet. Detta beskrevs av Einstein i början av 1900-talet som den fotoelektriska effekten. Genom att mäta rörelseenergin hos de frigjorda elektronerna, eller fotoelektronerna, kan man avgöra egenskaper hos olika material. Dessa mätmetoder baseras på att fotoelektronen är en partikel, men den är också ett Today's gold standard for measuring the quantum state of a given quantum mechanical system is quantum state tomography. By preparing many identical states and performing projective measurements on them, their quantum state, described by the density matrix, can be reconstructed. A protocol called Kvanttillstånds-tomogRafi av AttoseKund-ElektroNvågpaket (KRAKEN) has been developed to perform qua

Återvunnen polyester från PET-flaskor: En jämförande resurseffektivitetsanalys av återvinningsvägarna flaska-till-flaska och flaska-till-fiber

I övergången till en cirkulär ekonomi använder industrier i allt högre grad återvunnet material för att minska klimatpåverkan från sina produkter. Den ökade efterfrågan på återvunnet material drivs av både EU-direktiv och konsumenters preferenser. Både flask- och polyesterfiberindustrin ser potential i att möta EU:s krav och konsumenters efterfrågan genom att ersätta jungfruligt material med återvIn the transition towards a circular economy, industries are increasingly adopting recycled materials to decrease the climate impact of their products, driven by both regulatory requirements and consumer demand. The bottle and polyester fiber industries both recognize the potential to comply with EU policies and consumer preferences by replacing virgin material with recycled PET. Due to its desira

Characterisation of the Plasmid Encoded AdeRS and AdeABC Variants Involved in Antibiotic Resistance

Antibiotic resistance is a global concern and is promoted by various types of bacterial efflux systems. One known efflux system expressed by the Acinetobacter genus is the chromosomally encoded AdeABC pump which works in conjunction with the regulatory system AdeRS. Recently, plasmid encoded variants of the adeRS and adeABC have been identified and it is thought that these may pose similar or high

Vädringsvanor i bostäder

Bygg- och fastighetssektorn stod ungefär för 34 procent av Sveriges totala energianvändning år 2021. Energianvändningen inom sektorn är främst energin som går åt till uppvärmning. 2021 stod uppvärmningen för ungefär 73 procent. (Boverket, 2024a) Hur brukarna i en byggnad beter sig kan vara en viktig parameter i energianvändningen. Att göra omfattande renoveringar för att förbättra byggnadens energThe construction and real estate sector in Sweden accounted for about 34 percent of the country's total energy usage in 2021. However, within this energy consumption lies a variable influenced not just by building design or technology but by the behavior of its occupants. Behavioral patterns, such as window opening habits, hot water usage, electricity consumption, and temperature adjustments,

Risker och kostnader kopplade till naturvärden vid markexploatering

Vad kostar det om ett exploateringsprojekt stöter på oförutsedda problem kopplade till naturvärden som man måste ta hänsyn till vid en markexploatering? Hur kan naturvärden egentligen påverka den ekonomiska kalkylen i ett projekt om de dyker upp som en överraskning under projektutvecklingen? Intressant är även att undersöka om det med träffsäkerhet går att identifiera, men också att prissätta och What is the cost if a development project encounters unforeseen difficulties related to values in nature that must be considered during a land development? How can natural values affect the balance sheet of a project if they appear as a surprise during project development? It is also interesting to investigate whether it is possible or not to identify and price risks related to nature in the proje

Den digitala vägen framåt - Digitaliserad tillgångsförvaltning av väg och järnväg

Väg- och järnvägsbranschen i Sverige har parallellt nått samma slutsats: Förvaltaren behöver bättre koll på sin anläggning genom innovation och digitalisering. Transportnätet plågas idag av kostsamma akuta felavhjälpningar och förseningar av förlegade förvaltningsstrategier. Transportprognoserna pekar på kraftigt ökat transportbehov de kommande decennierna vilket medför krav på hållbarhet och såleIn parallel, the road and rail industry in Sweden have reached the same conclusion: asset management need better control of their assets which involves innovation and digitalization. The transport network is currently plagued by costly emergency repairs and delays caused by outdated management strategies. Transport forecasts indicate a sharp increase in demand during the coming decades, which requ

Japan-Europe Security Cooperation : The role of Europe in the field of security cooperation for Japan since the 2000s

This thesis analyses the evolution of the Japan-EU and Japan-NATO bilateral relationships over the last two decades from the Japanese point of view. I used the International Relations theories of Realism, Liberalism and Constructivism to explain why and how these actors engage in cooperation. Thus, I tackled various topics such as trade, security, defence, technology, norm-making, and ideology. T