

Din sökning på "*" gav 530798 sökträffar

Hur utvärderas faunapassager? - En litteraturstudie om säkra passager för djur över vägar och hur de utvärderas

Vägar är en onekligen central del i vårt globala samhälle. De betyder kontakt och förflyttning för oss, men för djuren är dem ofta hinder vilket kan leda till att habitat fragmenteras och att djur isoleras. När djuren isoleras kan de inte nå nya resurser eller nya habitat, eller hitta en partner. Detta kan innebära att djuren får sämre överlevnadschanser och svårare att fortplanta sig. I värsta faHabitat fragmentation is a common problem in relation with road infrastructure which leads to mortality, isolation of animal populations, and has a negative effect on biodiversity. Animal crossings have been implemented in many countries and are a useful tool to mitigate these problems but they are expensive to build. This thesis explores the methodological approaches used to evaluate how wildlife

Dissection of domain function for tandem AP2 plant transcription factors

Oils are some of the most energy dense compounds produced in nature and play a vital role in society as a source of food, energy and as raw material in many chemical processes. Plant produced oils (triacylglycerols) are a key asset in the transition away from fossil oils. The progress made in recent years in molecular biology has greatly increased our understanding of plant oils biosynthesis. Howe

Wild bees benefit from oilseed rape and other elements in the landscape

Rapsfält – ett överflöd av mat eller en gul öken för vilda bin? Gula rapsfält har blivit en allt vanligare syn under försommaren i Sverige, ett hav av gula blommor rika på både pollen och nektar. Samtidigt går det allt sämre för de vilda bina världen över och många frågar sig om inte raps kan tänkas hjälpa de vilda bina på traven att förhindra att bina blir ännu färre. För utan bin förlorar vi enPollinators are important for both the agricultural landscape and natural areas, but currently many pollinator groups are declining. Pollinators have a strong relationship with plants, which humans long have benefited from. Nowadays, 35 % percent of the human food production somehow relies on animal pollination. Therefore, unravel the details about crop pollination and its relationship to differen

Bolivia and the Program to Support Employment: an Impact Evaluation of its Conditional Cash Transfer Component

The Bolivian Program to Support Employment provides subsidized training to the unemployed and helps comparatively untrained and inexperienced people improve their employability. Albeit this programme was discontinued in 2017, a second version is currently being implemented to continue its work. This impact evaluation assesses the impact of the PSE on employment, labor income and the quality of emp

Att spela in sig själv! - En studie i hur fyra trumslagare använder sig av inspelningsteknik i sin undervisning och egen övning.

Denna studies syfte är att undersöka hur fyra trumslagare använder sig av inspelningsteknik i sin undervisning och sin egen övning samt hur det påverkar lärandet. Detta har undersökts genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med fyra informanter som alla har undervisat på estetiska program och högre musikutbildningar. Utifrån litteratur beträffande användningen av inspelningsteknik i skolan och hur manThe purpose of this study is to investigate how four drummers use recording in their teaching and in their individual practice and how this affects their learning. This has been investigated through semi-structured interviews with four informants who have all taught on arts programs in school and higher music education. Based on literature regarding the use of recording equipment in school and how

Value Capture and Proximity Requirements: Local-Global Linkages within the Swedish Visual Effects Industry

Digital visual effects (VFX) has become increasingly primary to film and TV production. With major media conglomerates historically exercising great influence over the spatial distribution of industry activity, production localisation has been determined by cost-effectiveness and access to local tax incentive programmes. Despite lack of tax incentives, Swedish VFX firms are capturing an increasing

Electromagnetic analysis of AES-256 on Xilinx Artix-7

In this project, an electromagnetic side-channel attack has been made by exploiting the information leakage from a field programmable gate array (FPGA) and an implemented advanced encryption standard with a 256-bit key (AES-256). The FPGA-board was a Nexys-4 from Digilent with Artix-7 FPGA. The attack was partially successful. A few subkeys were successfully extracted from AES-256 with only 2000-3

Indiscriminate Disasters and Disproportionate Effects: A Community Left Behind A Qualitative Interview Study on the Undocumented Community in the Northern California 2017 Fire

Natural disasters are distressing and destructive for all who are exposed to them; however, certain populations are more vulnerable to their devastating effects than others. In the wake of the 2017 Northern California wildfire, scores of undocumented immigrants were significantly affected. Although the conflagration spread indiscriminately, the subsequent impacts were disproportionately felt by th

Vi möts ömsesidigt på mitten? En kvalitativ analys om hur dialogen mellan inblandade parter framställs i LVU-domar

With regards to Sweden receiving criticism from the UN about not properly treating children according to the UN convention on the rights of the child, this study aims to further explore this criticism on the subject compulsory care of children and its related investigative work. Children are the pillar stones of society which means authority decisions of compulsory care should always be regarded a

A Life-course Perspective on Retirement Trajectories of Colombia’s Older Workers. The roles of family composition and work-related characteristics in explaining retirement from a gender perspective

The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of family composition and work-related characteristics on retirement and to identify to what extent these factors explain the differences in retirement rates between men and women. This study is conducted under a life-course perspective framework and uses a logistic regression and a Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition analysis as methodological ap

Enzyme immobilization strategies for the synthesis of perdeuterated molecules

Användandet av nya strategier för immobilisering av enzymer (proteiner) möjliggör för stora framsteg inom neutron forskning. Genom noggranna tester upprättades väl valda villkor för användandet av enzymer, med ambitionen att effektivisera framställning av så kallade ”tunga molekyler”. Något som i sin tur är värdefullt för att förstå hur celler är strukturerade samt signalerar och interagerar med vThis thesis covers established procedures for the successful and attempted immobilization of lipases and phospholipases to various hydrophobic support materials, utilizing a rotating bed reactor, magnetic stirrer and tube-rotator. The design of a robust platform was established with great instrumental knowledge and proper conditioning for the creation of efficient immobilizations and activity assa

Sustainable Development and Creative Start-ups. Creativity and the uniting and splitting implications of its perceptions.

Sustainable development is currently a topic of great interest due to United Nations’ Brundtland report in which a strong case is made for the need to transform societies towards a more sustainable orientation. Despite relatively few studies on the subject, sustainable entrepreneurs are claimed to play a significant role as change agents in sustainable development. For this reason, we chose to mak

Foreign Bank Participation in Mexico: A performance analysis for the period 2000-2017

Many economists agree that financial development and economic growth have a positive relationship, that financial structures have been critical for many countries to achieve modern economic growth. In the past decades, foreign investment has become more widespread in the entrepreneurial world, and the banking sector has not been an exception. Mexico experimented during the late 1990’s an unprecede

UPPSALA UNIVERSITETSHUS - Brandteknisk riskvärdering

Uppsala University building was built in the 19th century. A larger renovation was conducted in 2016, when the buildings fire protection systems was improved. This report investigates and evaluates the existing fire protection with consideration to both human safety and economic damage. After conducting a risk scenario analysis, two scenarios where determined to be more crucial to investigate than

Inkluderande kommunikation för mångfald i byggbranschen

Currently, there is a lack of qualified workers of all categories in the construction industry in Sweden and it is difficult to recruit people with the right skills. Therefore, it's important that the construction industry works to increase its diversity and change the way people communicate with each other at the construction sites. This study is designed to investigate what the challenges of

How Do Family Planning Policies and Economic Factors Relate to the Imbalance of Sex Ratio at Birth in China?

The high sex ratio at birth and its gradual increase are one of the most significant demographic changes in China in the past 30 years. The sex ratio at birth first increased until 1994 and then stayed fluctuating before it decreased from 2000 on. Regarding the issue of whether or not China's current family planning policy affects and to what extent it affects the sex ratio at birth, starts wi

Determinants of Hedging Maturity: An Empirical Study in American Oil and Gas Companies

This study analyzes hedging maturity structure and examines the relation between the maturity structure of corporate hedging and debt characteristics. The purpose of the study is to provide new insights in what determines the hedging maturity and discover new aspects of companies hedging positions, which still is an unexplored area of modern risk management theory. The objective of the paper is to

Attraktiv stad med spårväg - En litteraturstudie

Internationally there has been a growing interest of tramways the past decades. Swedish cities have taken notice of the positive characteristics that tramway have on cities and many of them has also begun investigations for future projects including tramway. The purpose of this study was to investigate in which ways tramways can contribute in creating attractive cities. The work consists mainly of