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Institutionen för datavetenskap Dr. Per Runeson, Professor Policy 1(1) 16 juni 2015 Policy angående examensarbeten vid institutionen för datavetenskap Examensarbeten genomförs som avslutning på civilingenjörs- och högskoleingen- jörsutbildningarna i enlighet med fastlagda kursplaner. Vid institutionen för data- vetenskap gäller därutöver i normalfallet: • att examensarbeten utförs av studenter i g

https://cs.lth.se/fileadmin/cs/Examensarbete/Policy_examensarbet.pdf - 2025-03-08


program_EuroSoTL2017_0530 Programme, EuroSoTL 2017, June 8-9, Lund University Thursday, June 8 2017 08.00- 09.00 Registration [Kårhuset: Foyer] 09.00- 09.15 Conference Opening: conference chair Katarina Mårtensson, Lund University [Kårhuset: Aulan, 2nd floor] 09.15- 10.15 Keynote speaker: Transforming higher education through student-staff co-creation of learning and teaching, Catherine Bovill, Un

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/02_program_EuroSoTL2017_0530.pdf - 2025-03-08

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Agreement in discourse ellipses Mari Nygård, NTNU Trondheim Both spontaneous spoken language and newspaper headlines display a high frequency of ellipsis. In particular, arguments in topicalized position are vulnerable to omission, but also finite verbs are elided in certain cases, as illustrated by the following examples: 1. Ø tjente rått på telefonhealing. (headline) Ø earned plenty on telephone

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/1.Nyga__rd_01.pdf - 2025-03-08

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Björn Lundquist, Universitetet i Tromsø/CASTL A note on bare verbal forms vs. verb-(n)ing in compounds etc. In this talk I will discuss three contexts where bare verbal roots and de-verbal (n)ing-nominals seem to compete for the same “slot”. I will try to determine which the relevant factors are for determining the shape of the stem. Finally I will say some things about the so-called linking -s t

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/10.Lundquist_01.pdf - 2025-03-08

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Light verb objects Fredrik Heinat, University of Gothenburg This paper is about the status of the post verbal NP in light verb constructions such as (1a) and (1b). The reason to examine the object status of these NPs is that they have been claimed to have a different behaviour than ‘ordinary’ direct objects. In addition to light verb objects, cognate objects, such as in (1c) and (1d), have been cl

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/11.Heinat-GiF-2009_01.pdf - 2025-03-08

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Gram i fok09 Schlyter ”Inlärning som L1 eller L2? Om utvecklingen av finita vs icke-finita former i franska som andraspråk med startålder 4 – 7 år” Suzanne Schlyter, SOL franska, Lund För närvarande diskuteras intensivt frågan om på vad sätt och i vad mån startåldern för språkinlärning påverkar det inlärda språkets slutresultat men också hur själva inlärningsgången ser ut. Man känner till de (gans

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/12._Schlyter_01.pdf - 2025-03-08

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Grammatik i Fokus 5-6 februari 2009 Jackie Nordström, Språk- och litteraturcentrum Så-konstruktionen i ett nytt ljus Jackie Nordström Så i så-konstruktionen (adjunktionellt så) har traditionellt setts som ett resumptivt adverb. I och med Ekerot 1988 har det blivit klart att den analysen är otillräcklig och att adjunktionellt så samt så i samordningar (och så, eller så, men så) snarare bör ses som

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/13.Nordstro__m_01.pdf - 2025-03-08

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Marie Källkvist Abstract till Grammatik i fokus 2009 Problematisk grammatik i målspråket (L2): Vad är värdet av översättning från modersmål till målspråk som språkfärdighetsträning? Det här föredraget rapporterar resultat från ett postdoc-projekt som undersökte värdet av översättning från modersmålet (L1: svenska) till målspråket (L2: engelska) för utvecklingen av språkfärdigheten hos studenter so

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/14.Ka__llkvist_01.pdf - 2025-03-08

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On Aspectual Operators Verner Egerland, Lund This talk explores the properties of a small group of adverbial-like elements, including Sw. väl, knappt, Eng. once, Fr. une fois, à peine, It. una volta, appena. The presentation will concentrate on Swedish väl which will generally be glossed as ‘once’ (but the reader should be aware that the two words do not have the same distribution). When added to

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/15.Egerland_01.pdf - 2025-03-08


Presenter Session 1A 1. Bridging divergent logics? The hybridization of Norwegian deans as professional leaders and organizational managers Due to structural changes in the organization of the Church of Norway and an emphasized call for the need of leading the clergy, the deans’ role is changing. The deans maintain their professional identity and tasks as ordained priests. Simultaneously, they can

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/1a_Abstracts__New__Theoretical_perspectives_on_church_leadership.pdf - 2025-03-08

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2a Abstracts 1. Reform through Marketization: Ecclesiological Identity in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Denmark Using marketization as theoretical framework this paper sums up the preliminary results of the Danish Dean study. Recent research shows that marketization is already present at all levels of the Danish folkekirke. It is the hypothesis of this study that as a consequence of the marke

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/2a_Abstracts_New_Public_Management.pdf - 2025-03-08

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2b Abstracts 1. The governance of knowledge processes. A study of spiritual leadership in a congregation of the Swedish Church This paper discusses spiritual leadership as a collective phenomenon. The overall aim is to illuminate the organisation’s significance for learning "about" and "into" spirituality in times of change. To achieve this purpose organization theory is put into play with theolog

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/2b_Abstracts_Value-based_leadership.pdf - 2025-03-08

Microsoft Word - M. Persson Abstract GiF 09.doc

Microsoft Word - M. Persson Abstract GiF 09.doc Dr. Maria Persson. Lund and Uppsala universities, Sweden maria.persson@ling.lu.se, maria.persson@lingfil.uu.se Circumstantial Qualifiers: Adverbial expressions at different language levels in Gulf Arabic Dialects This paper aims at shedding light on one aspect of Gulf Arabic syntax viz. the dialect’s use of circumstantial qualifiers. The results pres

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/3._M._Persson_Abstract_GiF_01.pdf - 2025-03-08

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3a Abstracts 1. Majorstua+ as Youth Cathedral: A case of framing arena-based Christian communities Majorstua+ was established in 2011 by the Diocese of Oslo and the Common council of the city parishes, and was thus a joint venture within the dual managerial structure in the Church of Norway. The project, which is now made permanent, intends to reach persons aged 18-30 and strengthen their church a

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/3b_Abstracts_Ecclesiological_perspectives_on_church_leadership_and_management_of_meaning.pdf - 2025-03-08

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Topikaliseringens restriktioner: ett diakront perspektiv David Håkansson Växjö universitet Satsens initialfält kan i modern svenska innehålla olika typer av led. Westmans (1974) bruksprosaundersökning visade dock att subjekt och adverbial är de dominerande satsleden i huvudsatsens fundament. Senare undersökningar av andra material har i stor utsträckning bekräftat hennes resultat även om redan små

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/5._ha__kansson.pdf - 2025-03-08


BL_GiF2009 Argumentstruktur från konstruktionsgrammatisk synvinkel – en jämförelse mellan Goldberg och Sign-Based Construction Grammar Benjamin Lyngfelt, Göteborg benjamin.lyngfelt@svenska.gu.se Argumentstruktur brukar betraktas som lexikalt styrd av huvudordets valens. Men hur hanterar man då meningar som dem i (1)? (1) a. Hyr dig i form. (Jansson 2006, Lyngfelt 2007) b. Går det att äta bort sin

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/8_Lyngfeldt_01.pdf - 2025-03-08


Alexanderson_etal_mod The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Informing course development practice through scholarly exploration R. Alexandersson, B. Svensson, and S. Andersson, Uppsala University, Sweden ABSTRACT: Development of digital technologies is changing the educational landscape, providing opportunities for new learning experiences. In the natural sciences this includes

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Alexandersson_etal.pdf - 2025-03-08


Andersson_Chronholm The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Construction as a tool for reflection – A LEGO workshop S. Andersson, and J. Andersson Chronholm, Uppsala University, Sweden ABSTRACT: Reflection is of vital importance for both practice and development (Schön, 1983). Developing reflective teachers has been identified as a key strategy for facilitating change in undergrad

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Andersson_Chronholm.pdf - 2025-03-08


Andersson_Chronholm The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Improving student retention through scholarly development S. Andersson, and J. Andersson Chronholm, Uppsala University, Sweden ABSTRACT: Student retention is an important issue, from the deeply personal level of individual students to a higher education system level of national or even global scale. There are many motives

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Andersson_Chronholm_01.pdf - 2025-03-08


Wester_Andersson_REV The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Pedagogical development in higher education with a focus on teaching methods P. Andersson and M. Wester, Umeå University, Sweden ABSTRACT: The theme of the presentation is teaching methods and how the educational developer’s choice of teaching methods can affect the development of teaching and learning in higher educatio

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Andersson_Wester.pdf - 2025-03-08