Conference Fee and Payments
Conference Fee and Payments | Conferences - 2025-03-08
Conference Fee and Payments | Conferences - 2025-03-08
On Lund | Conferences - 2025-03-08
Ingmar Bergman: 100 Years | Conferences - 2025-03-08
Programme Saturday 16 June | Conferences - 2025-03-08
Abstracts till Pedagogisk inspirationskonferens 22 oktober 2020 Bidragen är sorterade efter den första föredragshållarens namn. Du hittar det abstract du söker genom att trycka Ctrl F och skriva in föredragshållarens namn i sökrutan som kommer upp. Några abstracts är om- och bearbetade, medan andra återges i sin första form. De abstracts som ska ingå i konferensvolymen kommer att utvecklas och bea - 2025-03-08
program (från 2020-10-16 PROGRAM (FRÅN 2020-10-16) Inspirationskonferens 22 oktober 2020 11:00-11:15 H104 (hörsalen) Inledning med prodekan Ann-Kristin Wallengren 11:15-12:00 Att lära för framtiden: Plenarföreläsning av Henric Bagerius, docent i historia, utnämnd till excellent lärare samt pedagogiskt ansvarig vid Högskolepedagogiskt centrum vid Örebro universitet 12:00-12:45 Lunch H104 (hörsalen) - 2025-03-08
1b Abstracts 1. Management of meaning in major organizational change – the case of Malmö parish The Swedish Lutheran Church in Malmö has recently implemented a major reorganization. Six parishes consisting of altogether sixteen congregations in an economic community has become one parish with six congregations. These should be kept together in a whole, led by a so-called “super vicar” and with one
abstractGiF.dvi Surprise readings Anna-Lena Wiklund, University of Tromsø In a wide variety of languages, the verbsgo andtakemay combine with another verb in a complex predication to produce certain aspectual readings (see e.g. Ekberg 1993, Butt and Ramchand 2005, Wiklund 2007), see (1), (2) (from Butt andRamchand), and (3). Notably, what may be labeled aninceptivereading seems to be common; a rea - 2025-03-08
20160829_schema_inspirationskonf_HT HT-fakulteternas inspirationskonferens, fredagen den 30 september 2016 Tid Aktivitet 08.30-09-00 LUX:C126 Registrering 09.00-09.10 LUX:C126 Välkomsthälsning av prodekan Sanimir Resic 09.10-10.00 LUX:C126 Keynoteföreläsning: Dilemman vi lever – lärande, ångest & professionalism Gunilla Amnér (MedCUL, Medicinska fakulteten), Björn Badersten (Statsvetenskapliga ins - 2025-03-08
2c Abstracts 1. Clergy work orientation profiles and wellbeing at work: A study of the Lutheran clergy in Finland Rapid changes in both church and society impose constant demands on church work. Many of the traditional majority churches in Europe have been under especial pressure, and have increasingly been losing their taken-for-granted position. These changes have led to increasing challenges an
3a Abstracts 1. ”Closing down the church on the block – The process of closing down the parish satellite church.” The main issue in this study are the motives and hinders there was for closing down three parishes satellite churches, and motive and hinders for not closing down the forth parish satellite church when the other three parishes did. The aim of this study is to, in a comparative way; ill
On the applicability of root transformations, part II A polar approach to Verb Second Johan Brandtler, Lund University The Germanic languages, with the notable exception of English, are characterized by the distinct syntactic property of verb second (V2): no more than one constituent may precede the finite verb. V2 is primarily associated with declarative main clauses. Importantly, V2 word order - 2025-03-08
Relativization in Formosan languages: a Greenbergian nightmare? Arthur Holmer Since Greenberg (1966), it has been known that there are more or less robust correlations between word order patterns at different levels of the clause. This is less true when it comes to ordering within NP, but one pattern still seems to be quite reliable: if a language has V-O order, it will also have N-Rel order (i.e. - 2025-03-08
REFERENTIELLA NOLLSUBJEKT I GERMANSKA SPRÅK – EN ÖVERBLICK David Håkansson & Henrik Rosenkvist Det finns inget nutida germanskt standardspråk som tillåter någon typ av referentiella nollsubjekt (RefNS):1 1. a. *Went to the bank. b. *Gick till banken. c. *Bin zur Bank gegangen. Detta ledde Jaeggli & Safir (1989) till antagandet att RefNS är oförenliga med V2-ordföljd. Dock är RefNS belagda i de ger - 2025-03-08
Microsoft Word - engels-GiF2009-abstract.doc Preposition stranding versus pied-piping: Negative Shift of prepositional complements in dialects of Faroese Eva Engels University of Oslo Sentential negation must be licensed outside VP in Scandinavian, necessitating leftward movement of negative phrases, Negative Shift (henceforth NegS). The data I collected during the NORMS dialect workshop in the Fa - 2025-03-08
Aava_Karu REV The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Thinking unlimited: changing learning cultures in Tallinn University K. Aava, and K. Karu, Tallinn University ABSTRACT: Conceptual frame learning cultures includes individual, institutional and interactional dimensions (Euler, 2010). Based on Feixas ja Zellweger (2010) changing learning cultures in higher education is connected - 2025-03-08
Abrahamson_Duguid_REV The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Peer mentors' perception of group mentoring E. D. Abrahamson and C. Duguid, University of East London, United Kingdom ABSTRACT: Peer mentoring schemes are increasingly visible within professional practice and in recent years, universities have integrated mentoring across undergraduate programmes. Incorporating mentoring - 2025-03-08
Abrahamson_Mann_rev The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden Exploiting feedback features in Turnitin to enhance academic literacy E. D. Abrahamson and J. Mann, University of East London, United Kingdom ABSTRACT: Online systems like Turnitin have been identified as ways to improve the quality of work that students submit (Coffey & Anyinam, 2012; Buckley and Cowap, 2013). Related to - 2025-03-08
ABSTRACTS PLENAR: Manfred Pienemann & Anja Plesser Two key issues in the design of PT: is L2 development real and how do learners move on? From the outset, the design of PT (Pienemann 1998) has been modular, addressing first the developmental problem and later aspects of the logical problem (e.g. Pienemann 2005). Naturally, there is an expectation that the theory addresses challenges to its basic - 2025-03-08
PDF – papers ABSTRACTS ———————————————————————— TRADITION IS THE NEW RADICAL – PARALLEL PAPER SESSIONS PAPER SESSION I – December 12th, 16.30-17.30 1a Revisiting the Misogyny of Early Cistercians: Bernard or Clairvaux’s Subordinate Bride and an Alternate Tradition John Arblaster, Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. It is well known that one of the m - 2025-03-08