

Din sökning på "*" gav 533413 sökträffar

Berkeley Price awarded to the Gaia collaboration

By anna [at] astro [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna S. Arnadottir) - published 5 December 2022 Congratulations to the Gaia team (and especially to the Lund Observatory members of the team) who will soon receive the 2023 Lancelot M. Berkeley - New York Community Trust Prize for Meritorious Work in Astronomy. The Berkeley Prize is awarded for highly meritorious work in advancing the science of astronomy.  In

https://www.astro.lu.se/article/berkeley-price-awarded-gaia-collaboration - 2025-03-05

NASA astronaut Jim Pawelczyk visits Lund University

By anna [at] astro [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna S. Arnadottir) - published 19 January 2023 Every seat in Lundmarkssalen was full, and around 50 additional visitors followed on zoom, as NASA astronaut Jim Pawelczyk gave his talk on Monday afternoon. Jim Pawelczyk is not only a NASA astronaut but also an associate professor of physiology and kinesiology at PennState University studying the effects of mic

https://www.astro.lu.se/article/nasa-astronaut-jim-pawelczyk-visits-lund-university - 2025-03-05

Terbium among the heavy elements discovered in the atmosphere of the exoplanet KELT-9b

Published 26 April 2023 In a recent paper, Nicholas Borsato, along with collaborators Jens Hoeijmakers, Bibiana Prinoth, Brian Thorsbro, and Rebecca Forsberg, provides insightful research on the complex atmospheric composition of the exoplanet KELT-9b. The team captured the exoplanet's spectra during transit, revealing numerous elements within its atmosphere. This study not only verifies the prese

https://www.astro.lu.se/article/terbium-among-heavy-elements-discovered-atmosphere-exoplanet-kelt-9b - 2025-03-05

Nu kan du söka systemutbildning i SSC Primula

Publicerad 21 maj 2018 Utbildningen genomförs under september månad I oktober 2018 börjar Lunds universitet använda Statens servicecenters (SSC) Primula för lönehantering, istället för universitetets Primula. I samband med övergången genomförs systemutbildningar i SSC Primula.Det kommer att finnas två systemutbildningar att söka i Kompetensportalenen utbildning på tre timmar riktad mot dig som inn

https://www.hr-webben.lu.se/artikel/nu-kan-du-soka-systemutbildning-i-ssc-primula - 2025-03-05

Ny webbsida ger stöd vid övergången till SSC Primula

Publicerad 8 oktober 2018 Riktar sig till dig som arbetar med HR- och ledningsstöd För dig som arbetar med HR- och ledningsstöd vid Lunds universitet finns en ny webbsida som ger stöd i samband med att Statens servicecenter tar över lönehanteringen på Lunds universitet och att Primula öppnar den 8 oktober 2018. Sidan innehåller information om Lunds universitets interna rutiner och processer.Du hit

https://www.hr-webben.lu.se/artikel/ny-webbsida-ger-stod-vid-overgangen-till-ssc-primula - 2025-03-05

Green infrastructure – planning and designing a functioning nature

By pia [dot] romare [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Pia Romare) - published 28 April 2020 After climate change, biodiversity loss is the biggest environmental challenge facing the world today. The loss of plant and animal species also means a loss of the resources that humans obtain from well-functioning ecosystems. At Lund University, a project is underway in which researchers are studying how work t

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/green-infrastructure-planning-and-designing-functioning-nature - 2025-03-05

Profitability, not more cattle, is needed to save natural grazing land

By anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - published 30 April 2020 The researchers think support should be directed towards grazing land that needs protection the most. Photo: Lovisa Nilsson. Sweden does not need more cattle to save natural grazing land with high biodiversity. This is the conclusion of a new report by researchers at Lund University in Sweden. What

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/profitability-not-more-cattle-needed-save-natural-grazing-land - 2025-03-05

An unusually early spring – how nature in Sweden is responding to an increasingly warm climate

By anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - published 2 May 2020 Wood anemones may get new competitors. Photo: Hanna Gamdrup. In recent decades, the climate in Sweden has become about two degrees warmer on average and this year we have seen an unprecedentedly mild winter and early spring. How is nature responding – animals, insects, plants – to an increasingly mild

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/unusually-early-spring-how-nature-sweden-responding-increasingly-warm-climate - 2025-03-05

Thank you for participating in CEC’s online Science Says! conference and BECC-MERGE spring meeting!

Published 6 May 2020 We appreciate your participation in the online conference, which was a very successful joining of about 100 participants. April 23 and 24 were two very rewarding days, filled with interesting sessions, poster presentations, office yoga, group discussions, as well as fruitful conversations and sharing of expertise. The event allowed for interesting discussions among researchers

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/thank-you-participating-cecs-online-science-says-conference-and-becc-merge-spring-meeting - 2025-03-05

Dramatic changes in regional flora

By johan [dot] nyman [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Nyman) - published 27 May 2020 The regional flora has dramatically changed the last centuries. Photo: Kristine Cinate, Unsplash A study from Lund University indicates that the flora of Skåne in southern Sweden changed drastically throughout the 1900s and up to the present day. The greatest decline in species diversity can be seen in

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/dramatic-changes-regional-flora - 2025-03-05

New collaboration strengthens climate and biodiversity research

By stina [dot] johannesson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Stina Johannesson) - published 5 June 2020 The new collaboration will strengthen the national climate and biodiversity research. Photo by Ars Buchatski on Unsplash. The graduate research schools ClimBEco and the Bolin Centre Climate Research School (CRS) have recently initiated a collaboration with multiple climate-focused intentions. The join

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/new-collaboration-strengthens-climate-and-biodiversity-research - 2025-03-05

Revealed: How billions in EU farming subsidies are being misspent

By kristina [dot] lindgarde [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se (Kristina Lindgärde) - published 27 August 2020 Photo: Unsplash A unique study has analyzed in detail how EU agricultural subsidies flow down to the local level. The new data show that most income support payments go to intensively farmed regions already above median EU income, while climate-friendly and biodiverse farming regions, as well as

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/revealed-how-billions-eu-farming-subsidies-are-being-misspent - 2025-03-05

High human population density negative for pollinators

By anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - published 27 August 2020 Image: Jorchr, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikipedia Population density, and not the proportion of green spaces, has the biggest impact on species richness of pollinators in residential areas. This is the result of a study from Lund University in Sweden of gardens and residential courtyards in and around Malmö,

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/high-human-population-density-negative-pollinators - 2025-03-05

Atlantic sturgeon in the King’s pantry – unique discovery in Baltic Sea wreck from 1495

By anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - published 27 August 2020 Wooden barrel with parts of the sturgeon (in orange) Photo: Brett Seymour Researchers at Lund University in Sweden can now reveal what the Danish King Hans had planned to offer when laying claim to the Swedish throne in 1495: a two-metre-long Atlantic sturgeon. The well-preserved fish remains were

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/atlantic-sturgeon-kings-pantry-unique-discovery-baltic-sea-wreck-1495 - 2025-03-05

CEC provides education on co-design and inclusive public environments

By anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - published 24 November 2020 Johanna Alkan Olsson talking to professionals during last years programme on sustainable cities. Photo: Kenneth Ruona. CEC is one of the actors behind a new international education programme with the purpose to strengthen innovation in the public sector and support the implementation of the 2030

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/cec-provides-education-co-design-and-inclusive-public-environments - 2025-03-05

Global climate dialogues to boost climate work

By stina [dot] johannesson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Stina Johannesson) - published 25 November 2020 Forest in Morzine, France. Photo by Guy Bowden on Unsplash. The climate crisis has received less media coverage during the corona pandemic despite that many think the climate challenges demand equally urgent attention. During the coming two weeks the United Nations gather the world in the Climate

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/global-climate-dialogues-boost-climate-work - 2025-03-05

Researchers want to know how the public perceive Invasive Alien Plants

By anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - published 2 December 2020 Japanese knotweed, one of the most damaging invasive plants in Europe. Photo: Michael Gasperl/Wikipedia (GFDL). Researchers at the Pufendorf Institute are working together in a Theme about Invasive Alien Plants, and are interested in finding out how the public, as well as experts, regard different

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/researchers-want-know-how-public-perceive-invasive-alien-plants - 2025-03-05

Past ocean conditions give clues to marine environmental changes

By stina [dot] johannesson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Stina Johannesson) - published 8 December 2020 Micro-XRF mapping of trace elements in the foraminifera shell. Photo: Ni et al., 2020. How can previous warm periods in the ocean help us better understand the ongoing climate change? PhD student Sha Ni defends her dissertation at CEC this week with fossil findings that can improve the knowledge o

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/past-ocean-conditions-give-clues-marine-environmental-changes - 2025-03-05

Forestry plays key role in Sweden’s climate change mitigation

By stina [dot] johannesson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Stina Johannesson) - published 16 December 2020 CEC researchers conclude that forests and forestry play key roles for climate change mitigation. Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash. The forest investigation recently submitted to the Swedish government gives suggestions on creating synergies between international and national commitments on biodive

https://www.cec.lu.se/article/forestry-plays-key-role-swedens-climate-change-mitigation - 2025-03-05