

Din sökning på "*" gav 533965 sökträffar

The potential of hydrogen internal combustion engines for heavy-duty applications

In the context of a decarbonized future where stringent carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions constraints are imposed on vehicles, hydrogen emerges as a promising solution to address emissions directly at the point of use. This chapter explores the potential of using hydrogen to power vehicles, particularly in the context of heavy-duty (HD) internal combustion engine (ICE) applications. Hydrogen vehicles

Hardware and Software Generation from Large Actor Machines in Streaming Applications

Streaming applications, such as MPEG video encoders or sensor processing pipelines, are increasing in complexity as well as the diversity of platforms that they run on. The toolchains handling these applications must keep up with this increase at all levels of abstraction. The Actor Machine (AM) is an intermediate representation in the toolchain that we make use of. Large AMs are difficult to work

Estimation of required beach nourishment volumes along the south coast of Sweden during 2017–2100

Flera platser utmed den skånska kusten har idag problem med stranderosion som innebär att havet äter sig inåt land så att stränder och kustlandskap försvinner. När havet stiger förväntas stranderosionen att öka och även kust sträckor som idag inte har problem kan komma att drabbas. Då kustlinjen rör sig inåt land hotas bebyggelse, infra struktur och naturområden, samtidigt som översvämningsrisken Beach erosion is expected to increase as the sea level rises during the coming decades. A retreating coastline threat ens infrastructure, settlements, nature habitats, and at the same time increases the flood risk in low-lying areas. On the Swedish south coast, beach erosion is a problem at present likely to increase due to the sea level rise. For main taining the beaches and protecting the hinter

Osmanska riket

Boken är en syntes av Osmanska rikets historia från 1200-talet till 1900-talet.

Myndigheters hantering av skyddade personuppgifter i förhållande till artikel 3 i Europakonventionen

Den som är utsatt för hot eller om det föreligger särskilda skäl att anta att man kan bli utsatt för brott eller är utsatt för allvarlig brottslighet, kan få skyddade personuppgifter. Det finns tre olika former av skyddade personuppgifter: sek-retessmarkering, skyddad folkbokföring och fingerade personuppgifter, varav de två första är vanligast. Den största delen av de som lever med någon form av Individuals who are subject to threats, or if there are specific reasons to be- lieve that they may be subjected to crime, or are victims of serious crime, may receive protected identity. There are three different kinds of protected iden- tity: confidentiality marking, protected population register data and new iden- tity details, where the first two types are the most prevalent. The majority of t

Linguistic relativity and bilingualism

If our native language affects our thinking, can learning a new language restructure our mental representations of reality and the world? The current chapter will attempt to answer that question, drawing on recent empirical evidence from a variety of research domains. We consider a range of variables that may modulate bilingual cognition and conceptualization, and we discuss the ways in which the

The Impact of an Implementation Project on Primary Care Staff Perceptions of Delivering Brief Alcohol Advice

Objective. To explore how the perceptions and experiences of working with risky drinkers change over time among primary health care staff during a systematic implementation project. Methods. Qualitative focus group interviews took place before and after the implementation of the project. Results. The staff displayed a positive change during the implementation period with regard to awareness, knowl

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Gallbladder stones will rarely lead to colic pain attacks and even more seldom to complications. A conservative watchful waiting strategy may be an alternative to cholecystectomy for uncomplicated symptomatic gallbladder stone disease. Evidence for whether the optimal treatment should be cholecystectomy or watchful waiting is weak. This narrative-condensed review critically analyses current eviden

Evolvability predicts macroevolution under fluctuating selection

Heritable variation is a prerequisite for evolutionary change, but the relevance of genetic constraints on macroevolutionary timescales is debated. By using two datasets on fossil and contemporary taxa, we show that evolutionary divergence among populations, and to a lesser extent among species, increases with microevolutionary evolvability. We evaluate and reject several hypotheses to explain thi

Risk of prostate cancer death in men diagnosed with prostate cancer at cystoprostat-ectomy. A nationwide population-based study

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: One out of three men who undergo cystoprostatectomy for bladder cancer is diagnosed with incidental prostate cancer (PCa) at histopathological examination. Many of these men are PSA tested as part of their follow-up, but it is unclear if this is needed. The aim of this study was to assess the risk of PCa death in these men and the need of PSA-testing during follow-up. METHODS:

Trapped and lost in transition - existential loneliness during adolescence described in retrospect by Swedish university students

Experiences of loneliness are common during adolescence and previous research has shown these experiences to be related to physical and mental ill-being. However, there is limited knowledge of one kind of loneliness during adolescence–existential loneliness–which can challenge the possibilities of offering adequate support. Narrations of experiences in retrospect may lead to a deepened understandi

Marsh-orchids of Canada : long-standing mysteries partially solved

Between 1959 and 1988, three populations of purple-flowered terrestrial orchids attributable to Dactylorhiza subgenus Dactylorhiza were discovered in Canada. The populations at Timmins, Ontario, and St John's, Newfoundland were strongly marked on both flowers and leaves, in contrast with the anthocyanin-deficient population at Tilt Cove, Newfoundland. All three populations have since experienced a

Att skapa delaktighet i liturgisk musik idag

I detta projekt undersöker jag om och i så fall hur jag som kyrkomusiker kan främja körens och församlingens engagemang och deltagande i den liturgiska musiken i gudstjänsten i den församling i Svenska kyrkan där jag är verksam. Utifrån kyrkans historiska och teologiska traditioner har jag gjort nya tonsättningar av de sjunga texter som ingår i mässordningen och instuderat dessa med kör och gudstWithin the frames of this thesis, I explore and describe my process and possibilities to increase the engagement and participation of both choir and congregation concerning the liturgical music within the service, in the congregation where I hold my employment as organist and choral conductor. As a method for this I have composed new music for the sections within the mass, all according to the the

African Economies in the Late Colonial Period, c. 1945-1960

In this chapter, focus is on the period 1945-1960 and the discussion is divided into three thematic sections: First, macro-economic structures including growth trends and the composition of the economies. Second, colonial budgets including state finance, fiscal capacity, and economic policy. Third, changes in occupations, incomes, and living standards primarily for the African subjects. The text p

Land tenure formalisation and perceived tenure security: : Two decades of the land administration project in Ghana

Ghana’s Land Administration Project (LAP), initiated in 2003, aimed to enhance certainty regarding land rights. What has been achieved since then? We explore landowners’ perceptions of tenure security in Ghana using micro-level data from two waves of the Ghanaian Living Standards Surveys: GLSS5+ (2008) and GLSS7 (2017). This data allows us to study the linkages between land title formality and per

Chlorophyll biosynthesis in barley : Studies on the cyclase and chlorophyll synthase steps

The well-known green color of plants is due to the chlorophyll molecules used for light harvestingduring photosynthesis, which takes place in chloroplasts. Biosynthesis of chlorophyll a is performed by15 enzymatic steps and chlorophyll a can be interconverted to chlorophyll b via the chlorophyll cycle.Barley is a valuable model organism for studying chloroplast development and chlorophyll biosynth