

Din sökning på "*" gav 529090 sökträffar

Credit default swaps and CreditGrades: Evidence from the Nordic markets

This study examines and compares theoretical CDS spreads created by a structural framework with empirical CDS spreads. The model employed is the CreditGrades model based on the Merton framework from 1974 which calculate default probabilities and credit spreads from balance sheet and equity data. The aim is to measure how well the model can explain the observed CDS spreads and if it has any predict

Subsidiers effekter på konsumtion av vatten och elektricitet i Kuwait

Kuwait överkonsumerar vatten och elektrisk energi och förbrukar cirka 2/3 mer än jämförande länder i Europa. Den främsta anledningen är de så kallade perversa subsidier på dessa varor, vilka är närapå gratis och konsumeras utan mätning eller debitering efter förbrukning. Varorna framställs genom förbränning av olja och importerad gas i en relativt ineffektiv process och sammantaget är denna konsum

Volatility and Contagion effects originating from the financial sector: An analysis of economic sectors in two different stock market downturns

The essay applies the methodology put forward in Baur (2003) with some modifications and extensions in order to investigate on contagion and spillover effects originating from the financial sector in European and U.S. equity markets during the crisis following the “dot-com” bubble in 2000-2003 and the financial crisis of 2007-2009. A clear distinction between spillover and contagion effects is dra

The Correlation Between Treasury Securities and the Stock Market: A Study of Explanatory Variables

The purpose of the thesis is to retrieve the correlation between treasury securities of different maturities and the stock market and find significant variables to explain this relationship. Correlation time series were retrieved and used as dependent variables in a multivariate regression in order to find significant explanatory variables. The theory includes prior research done on the relationsh


This paper examines the interactions among the three stock markets of the US, Germany and Turkey by applying Vector Autoregressive Model (VAR). Besides causality, impulse response and variance decomposition analyses are done. One of the main findings is that between the US and German stock markets information is transmitted fast and they are quite well integrated. Another result is that, as expect

Fair Innings and Immigration

Gains from health improvements for the worst-off in society should be weighted according to their possibility to achieve a fair inning. This statement parts from the fair inning equity definition developed by Williams (1997). A fair inning is the level of full health all individuals should be entitle with. It is the aim of this paper to assess immigrants and natives health disparities under the li

An Introduction to Fair and Non-Manipulable Allocations of Indivisible Objects

This paper analyzes a way of allocating primarily three indivisible objects to the same number of individuals. We define an allocation rule that, given the preferences of the individuals, distributes an amount of money together with exactly one indivisible object to each of the individuals in a fair and optimal way. The monetary distributions are foremost interpreted as compensations and are regul

Creasing-unit Transmission Study Part I

The goal of this Master Thesis is to help Tetra Pak with the current problems related with the creasing units. The creasing unit is set with different configurations depending on which package is wanted to be manufactured. The unit is provided with different modules and each module is moved by means a gear transmission. The different packages require different gears setups that could affect the qu

Packaging equipment for waffle cones

Company description: The Company is situated any ten kilometres outside Helsingborg and manufactures waffle cones, both for consumer and for industry. The company is private own and have 2 employees, the company’s turnover is 1.3 million SKr. Problem formulation: Below give a short brief problem formulation by Technique bridge foundation in Lund. Problem description: A packaging equipment that can

Husqvarna Triad 365

My diploma work is a design of a "walk behind" concept. The concept is an "all season outdoor product". The idea is to give a first time house owner a product that can do the mayor chores in the yard during the different seasons. It is 3 products in one. It's a lawn mower, a snow thrower and a power brush. I attacked the design of the product from 3 different angles. From

www.greenpollution.org - become green from the inside out

The world we live in is rapidly changing, presenting us with new, environmentally complex issues. Many signs around us show that something is wrong. Large scale air and water pollution, together with groing landfills, declining energy sources and extreme climate changes are pointing to the need for change. We all know that we need to take our responsibility, but instead we tend to blame the proble

Framtagning av model, för små frö till precisionssåmaskin

This thesis project was to develop a module for a forest precision seeder. The project is made at BCC AB. BCC is a worldwide supplier of forest seed centre and containerized nursery equipment. BCC develops, designs, produces and sales machines for forest seed handling. BCC s existing precision seeder can not handle seed that are tinier than 1 mm in diameter. With a growing market in countries with

Intern benchmarking i tillverkningsföretag- En kvalitativ studie av Skanska Stomsystem AB

Den interna benchmarkingen ger många positiva effekter och ger företaget värdefull information som ska hjälpa Skanska Stomsystem att förbättras och förändras. Dessvärre påverkas kunskapsspridningen negativt av det rådande belöningssystemet då det motverkar de positiva effekter den interna benchmarkingen ger. Det beror på att belöningssystemet kan hindra kunskapsflödet och lärandeprocessen mellan e

Ökat behov av transparens- En innehållsanalys av de fyra svenska storbankernas årsredovisningar

Syfte: Att analysera utvecklingen i riskkommunikation och transparens i de fyra svenska storbankerna. Metod: Den metodologiska ansatsen grundar sig i studiens problemformulering vilken är av fenomenologisk karaktär. Fenomenologi har därmed en central roll i studien. Med hjälp av den offentliga debatten genereras frågor till en innehållsanalys som används för att generera empiri. Utöver det fenomen

Valberedningens roll i svensk bolagsstyrning

SAMMANFATTNING Titel: Valberedningens roll i svensk bolagsstyrning. Seminariedatum: 09-06-04. Ämne/kurs: FEKK01, Kandidatuppsats i Företagsekonomi, Corporate Governance, 15 hp. Författare: Ola Espelund, Catrin Hagman, Henrik Larsson. Handledare: Claes Svensson. Nyckelord: Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning, valberedning, bolagsstyrning, agentteori, resursberoende teori. Syfte: Syftet med kandidatuppsat