

Din sökning på "*" gav 291081 sökträffar

The antimicrobial peptide LL-37 activates innate immunity at the airway epithelial surface by transactivation of the epidermal growth factor receptor

Antimicrobial peptides produced by epithelial cells and neutrophils represent essential elements of innate immunity, and include the defensin and cathelicidin family of antimicrobial polypeptides. The human cathelicidin cationic antimicrobial protein-18 is an antimicrobial peptide precursor predominantly expressed in neutrophils, and its active peptide LL-37 is released from the precursor through

Peptides that regulate food intake - Separable mechanisms for dorsal hindbrain CART peptide to inhibit gastric emptying and food intake

We investigated whether dorsal hindbrain and/or peripheral cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript peptide (CARTp) acts to suppress gastric emptying of a caloric stimulus. Furthermore, effects of dorsal hindbrain CARTp on sucrose consumption and licking microstructure was studied, as well as the possible contribution of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) receptors to mediate effects of CAR

Altered beta-Cell Distribution of pdx-1 and GLUT-2 After a Short-Term Challenge With a High-Fat Diet in C57BL/6J Mice.

Mechanisms involved in the islet adaptation to insulin resistance were examined in mice of the C57BL/6J strain challenged with a high-fat (58%) diet for 8 weeks. Basal hyperglycemia commenced after 1 week, whereas hyperinsulinemia evolved after 8 weeks. Glucose elimination after an intravenous glucose challenge (1 g/kg) was significantly delayed after 1, 4, and 8 weeks on the high-fat diet compare

MUC16 is produced in tracheal surface epithelium and submucosal glands and is present in secretions from normal human airway and cultured bronchial epithelial cells.

The gel-forming MUC5AC and MUC5B mucins have been identified as major components of human airway mucus but it is not known whether additional mucin species, possibly with other functions, are also present. MUC16 mucin is a well-known serum marker for ovarian cancer, but the molecule has also been found on the ocular surface and in cervical secretions suggesting that it may play a role on the norma

Interchain photoluminescence in substituted polyfluorenes

We have characterised the interchain emitting states of two substituted polyfluorenes with steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL). Site selective excitation of the interchain state shows that physical dimers are formed in the film. These dimers have low concentration in the films but exciton diffusion to the dimers is reducing the intrachain exciton lifetime. With asymmetrical subst

Shadows of language in physics and cybernetics

In a large variety of disciplines, fundamental studies often straddle in self-referential situations, in need of relativization to language and complementaristic resolution. In such attempts, the languages at play are hardly visible themselves. Only shadows of language, somewhat characteristic of the various disciplines, become visible and tractable. We select two domains, quantum mechanics and cy

Cyclin A1 Expression and Regulation in Hematopoietic and Leukemic Cells

Popular Abstract in Swedish Man har tidigare sett att patienter med akut myeloisk leukemi (AML) har förhöjda nivåer av det cellcykelreglerande proteinet cyklin A1 och överuttryck av cyklin A1 i de myeloiska cellerna hos transgena möss resulterade i att mössen utvecklade AML. Syftet med avhandlingen var att ytterligare studera uttrycket och regleringen av cyklin A1 i hematopoetiska celler. Vi börjaIncreased expression of the cell cycle regulatory protein cyclin A1 has previously been detected in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and targeted overexpression of cyclin A1 in a transgenic mouse model initiated AML. The aim of this thesis was to further study the expression and regulation of cyclin A1 in hematopoietic cells. We started with evaluating the subcellular localization of cyc

Lower risk of fat formation and fibrosis if lymphedema is treated in time

Lymfödem är ett kroniskt sjukdomstillstånd som påverkar individens livstillfredsställelse och arbetsförmåga. Basen för all lymfödembehandling är ständig kompression, och behandlingen ska vara kontinuerlig. Patienterna bör bedömas och behandlas av ett multiprofessionellt team. Konservativ behandling innebär adekvat information till patienten, förebyggande åtgärder, kompression med strumpa och vid b

Describing patterns of daily occupations - A methodological study comparing data from four different methods.

The importance of patterns of daily occupations to health has been emphasised ever since occupational therapy was founded, but little is known about this relationship. The aim of this study was to describe in detail one woman’s pattern of daily occupations as an initial step in developing strategies for further studies of patterns of daily occupations. Four different methods were used, one on each

Putative xylose and arabinose reductases in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants, in which open reading frames (ORFs) displaying similarity to the aldo-keto reductase GRE3 gene have been deleted, were investigated regarding their ability to utilize xylose and arabinose. Reduced xylitol formation from D-xylose in gre3 mutants of S. cerevisiae suggests that Gre3p is the major D-xylose-reducing enzyme in S. cerevisiae. Cell extracts from the gre3