Din sökning på "*" gav 530182 sökträffar
Analysis of the interleukin-1 and interleukin-6 polymorphisms in patients with chronic periodontitis. A pilot study
The aim of this study was to analyse whether the interleukin-1 (IL-1) and IL-6 gene polymorphisms were associated with the susceptibility of chronic periodontitis. Genomic DNA was obtained from 20 patients with chronic periodontitis and 31 periodontally healthy subjects. All subjects were of North European heritage. The test subjects were kept in a maintenance program after periodontal treatment b
Prövning av HPV-vaccin ger etiskt dilemma. Kan vi låta bli att erbjuda vaccin mot infektion som orsakar cancer?
Från Rudbeck till Mandelbrot : Identifikation, imitation och komparation i nutidsvetenskap
InledningDet är kväll den 15:e januari 2004. Idag var det den andra dagen i Mijailovic-rättegången i Stockholms tingsrätt. Mijailovic försvarar sig, men inte genom att svara på frågor. Han representerar det moderna. Hans psykos, säger han, fick honom att få panik, höra röster och döda en utrikesminister. Om han fått träffa en läkare skulle allt varit annorlunda. Sedan början av 1800-talet har dett
Hemma på bortaplan: Globalisering och sammansmältningen av här och där.
Bacterial virulence in urinary tract infection
Bacteriuria is associated with acute disease conditions of varying severity.48 and 62 Consequently, the definition of bacterial virulence for the urinary tract depends on the end-point chosen. Acute pyelonephritis is characterized by fever, flank pain, and general malaise. Laboratory findings include pyuria (leukocytes in the urine), elevated acute phase reactants in serum (C reactive protein [CRP
Ultra-wideband communications using hybrid matched filter correlation receivers
Transmitted-reference (TR) schemes for time-hopping impulse radio (TH-IR) ultra-wideband (UWB) communications allow the use of simple receiver structures that are able to combine energy from different multipath components without channel estimation. A conventional TR receiver consists of a simple delay-and-multiply operation combined with an integrator. On the downside, it shows a performance loss
Energianvändning och inneklimat i två energieffektiva småhus i Västra Hamnen i Malmö
Performance evaluation of heart rate turbulence detection using an extended IPFM model
The well-known integral pulse frequency modulation (IPFM) model is used to generate the occurrence times of normal sinus rhythm. In a previous study, we extended the model to account for ectopic beats and subsequent variation in sinus rhythm that may accompany an ectopic beat; a phenomenon known as heart rate turbulence (HRT). Inspired by the extended model, a new approach to characterize HRT was
Alternatives for leakage reduction in a novel claw-pole electrically magnetized synchronous machine
The leakage characteristics of a novel claw-pole electrically magnetized synchronous machine are discussed in this paper. The novelty of the machine is that the magnetizing coils are placed in magnetically conducting end-plates, thus eliminating the need of slip-rings in the rotor. A previous study comparing this machine with a permanent magnet alternative showed a 20% higher leakage in the electr
The introgression of a functional nuclear gene from Poa to Festuca ovina
In sheep's fescue, Festuca ovina, genes coding for the cytosolic enzyme phosphoglucose isomerase, PGIC, are not only found at the standard locus, PgiC1, but also at a segregating second locus, PgiC2. We have used PCR-based sequencing to characterize the molecular structure and evolution of five PgiC1 and three PgiC2 alleles in F. ovina. The three PgiC2 alleles were complex in that they carried two
Slagen dam och tystnaden
I samband med att Kvinnofridsreformen i Sverige 1998 uppdrog regeringen åt brottsoffermyndigheten att undersöka mörkertalet i fråga om mäns våld mot kvinnor som ett komplement till den officiella statistik som brottsförebyggande rådet normalt svarade för. Ansvaret för studien tilldelades Eva Lundgren, professor i sociologi och Gun Heimer, överläkare och chef för RiksKvinnoCentrum. Tillsammans med
Lactobacilli express cell surface proteins which mediate binding of immobilized collagen and fibronectin
Binding of immobilized collagen-I (Cn-I) and fibronectin (Fn) by Lactobacillus acidophilus CRL 639 depends on cell-surface proteins. Capsule formation during the stationary growth phase has a negative effect on adherence of Cn-I and Fn. However, cells from the exponential growth phase. which produce no capsule, exhibit maximal binding. Binding is sensitive to trypsin, proteinase K, pronase E, and
Atrial fibrillation and flutter: aeromedical considerations. New strategies for management and intervention
Few cases of atrial fibrillation can be completely excused from the possibility of having some impact of potential importance in the aviation environment. The clinical pattern in paroxysmal disturbance is very wide and possible incapacitating phenomena are mainly haemodynamic. In contrast, chronic atrial fibrillation is mostly well-tolerated with only minimal haemodynamic effect, but there is a ri
Imperiet slås tillbaka?
Globaliseringsrörelsen har observerats allt mer. Men den består inte av en rörelse utan av flera. I samband med rapporteringen från Göteborg och Genua har också den nya boken ”Empire” uppmärksammats. Boken försöker fånga den anda som driver globaliseringsrörelsen framåt och de politiska rörelser som politiserar denna process.
Stratum corneum hydration: phase transformations and mobility in stratum corneum, extracted lipids and isolated corneocytes
The outermost layer of skin, stratum corneum (SC), functions as the major barrier to diffusion. SC has the architecture of dead keratin filled cells embedded in a lipid matrix. This work presents a detailed study of the hydration process in extracted SC lipids, isolated corneocytes and intact SC. Using isothermal sorption microcalorimetry and relaxation and wideline 1H NMR, we study these systems
Shape, shell structure and collective modes unique to nuclei far from stability line
The structure of nuclei far from beta-stability lines is expected to show various interesting and exotic phenomena, due to the unique features: (a) the presence of nucleons with very small binding energies and largely extended wave-functions; (b) large difference between the Fermi levels of protons and neutrons; (c) exotic ratios of the proton to neutron numbers for a given mass number. Among the
Purification and properties of the cGMP-inhibited cAMP phosphodiesterase from bovine aortic smooth muscle
Pure cGMP-inhibited cAMP phosphodiesterase (cGI-PDE) in micrograms quantities was isolated from bovine aortic smooth muscle after more than 5000-fold purification using DEAE ion-exchange and affinity chromatography with a derivative of the specific cGI-PDE inhibitor cilostamide conjugated as a ligand to aminoethyl agarose (CIT-agarose). The cGI-PDE, which constituted about half of the high affinit
Increased consumer fitness following transfer of toxin tolerance to offspring via maternal effects
Adaptations and, counteradaptations are common in coevolving predatorprey systems, but little is known of the role of maternal transfer of adaptive traits in mediating species interactions. Here, we focused on tolerance against cyanobacterial toxins and asked whether this tolerance was an induced defense developed during Daphnia's lifetime, whether it was a trait that is constantly expressed, and