

Din sökning på "*" gav 533497 sökträffar

Arbete, framtid och ideologi - En ideologianalys av Svenskt Näringsliv och LO och debatten om sänkta lägstalöner

The essay explores the legitimizing, rationalizing, universalizing and naturalizing effects of ideology with focus on the Swedish trade union LO and employers’ organization Svenskt Näringsliv. The material consists of two reports both concerning the issue of lowering the minimum wage. Ideology is discussed in relation to the use of expert knowledge and how the use of expert knowledge can be read a

”Integration, en sån grej som skapar jämlikhet”

Abstract This essay is about integration in the small Swedish municipality of Höör, in the south of Sweden. Using a qualitative research approach in the form of a content analysis, I have con-ducted a study concerning female immigrants from Afghanistan. The theoretical framework in this study consists of theories on integration by Diaz and Beckman. Further theoretical framework in the study consis

Altering the Modes of Consumption - Nudge Policy in the Context of Hegemonic and Counter-Hegemonic Environmental Discourse

One particular approach of behavioral economics has gained attention within environmental politics during the last decade. The idea of nudging (“gently pushing”) people in situations of decision-making towards the choice that in the long run is best for them as well as for the society and/or the environment seems to attract policy makers around the world. Many governments inside and outside the EU

Storytelling in the Anthropocene: A critical consideration of the Anthropocene using socio-ecological theory and science fiction to scrutinise current and envision future stories of social justice and ecological sustainability

We now have entered the Anthropocene. Humanity is the new geological force drastically changing the systems of the Earth. At least this is the story told by natural scientists. Social scientists are critical of this ‘natural’ narrative as it cannot deal with the social dimension of geological changes. This is problematic with regard to understanding the relation between social justice and ecologic

Synthesis of iron borides

In this report, the synthesis of iron borides has been studied. Iron and boron powders have been mixed in amounts corresponding to 50 at-% of each element. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) has been used to observe any reactions taking place up to a temperature of 1550 °C at heating rates of 5, 10 and 10 K/min, both for pre-compacted Fe-B powder mixtures as well as loose powders. The results

Upplevelser av mindfulness ur ett aktivitetsperspektiv

Bakgrund: Arbetsterapi främjar människors delaktighet i meningsfulla aktiviteter. Mindfulness, medveten närvaro, är en mycket gammal buddhistisk lära som beforskats vetenskapligt sedan 70-talet men väldigt sparsamt inom arbetsterapin. Syfte: För att förbättra kunskapsläget kring mindfulness och arbetsterapi undersöktes upplevelser av mindfulness och dess betydelse i vardagen ur ett aktivitetspersp

Corporate Human Rights Protection in EU Competition Law Enforcement - The Standard of Protection of Companies’ Rights in the Light of ECHR

The present master thesis concerns the standard of protection of companies’ rights in Europe within the field of EU Competition Law. The main question asked is whether the EU competition law enforcement proceedings are in compliance with the standard of protection of companies’ rights set by the Strasbourg Court, or shall there be more safeguards provided for the companies in the EU in order to ma

Construction and benchmarking of adaptive parameterized linear multistep methods

A recent publication introduced a new way to define all k-step linear multistep methods of order k and k+1, in a parametric form that builds in variable step-size. In this framework it is possible to continuously change method and step-size, making it possible to create better behaving adaptive numerical solvers. In this thesis general numerical solvers based on this framework have been implemente

Virtual Controllers

Small ARM Cortex CPU based system boards, called controllers, are used in building automation for regulation of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. A controlling project can incorporate several thousands of these controllers. The controllers communicate with a SCADA system over the TCP/IP protocol. For the purpose of testing the Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) system when

Joint Calibration of Year-on-Year and Zero-Coupon Products for Inflation Models

In this thesis, we study the Jarrow and Yildirim framework for inflation modeling and provide a new specification based on spread modeling which allows to calibrate the model to Zero-Coupons and Year-on-Year options jointly with convexity adjustments. We use this model to provide closedform formulas for options volatilities, convexity adjustments and Year-on-Year swaptions prices. Calibration resu

Romni utan arbete

The Roma people have historically been marginalised in the Swedish society. Ex-cluded from the majority and differentiated by their lifestyle many today are with-out work. In this essay it’s the Roma women, “romni”, in the relation to their work situation who are main area of interest. Using Carol Lee Bacchis problem analysis “What’s the problem represented to be?” and a post-colonial feminist the

Islamiska Staten på Sociala Medier - Pressens inverkan på Säkerhetiseringsprocessen

Terrorist organizations use a plethora of tools to further their cause; to spread information, to propagate and to recruit. One of the most important of these tools in recent years has been different social media platforms. The terror organization that goes by the name the Islamic State has in recent years been on the frontline of using this new arena of information to further their cause. Social

Kraven som ställs på individer vid ansökan om medborgarskap : En teoriprövande studie om det medborgarskapspolitiska beslutsfattandet bakom medborgarskapskravens utveckling i Nederländerna och Österrike

Civic integration is something that states interpret differently in their formulation of citizenship requirements. Thinking of the ongoing refugee crisis in Europe, citizenship policy is an important issue because states will confront new residents who need to obtain a citizenship in order to start a new life and integrate in a foreign country. The aim of this study is to follow up with existing r

En förbindande obundenhet - Emissionsgarantier i ljuset av HD:s dom i mål nr T 3313-14

Aktieteckning ska enligt ABL ske på en särskild teckningslista, och en aktieteckning som avviker från den föreskrivna formen är ogiltig. Löften att i framtiden teckna sig för aktier regleras däremot inte i lag. I rättsfallet NJA 1918 s. 394 ansågs ett löfte om aktieteckning vara oförbindande eftersom aktieteckningen inte gjorts på det i ABL föreskrivna viset. Med hänvisning till rättsfallet och föAccording to the Swedish Limited Companies Act, subscription for shares shall be made on a separate subscription list, and subscriptions deviating from the formal requirements are considered invalid. Promises to undertake subscription for shares are on the other hand not regulated by law. In the Swedish Supreme Court case NJA 1918 p. 394 the court ruled a promise of share subscription to be non-bi

Opportunities for fostering PV diffusion in Lithuania: net metering case

In this thesis a renewable energy policy evaluation is conducted to find areas for improvement of the newly adopted net metering scheme’s regulations to foster PV diffusion in Lithuania. Fears of the previous failure of the feed in tariff scheme lead to a creation of policy full of safeguards, unequitable fees, and administrative barriers. Based on quantitative and qualitative methods four criteri

Beskrivning av arbetsterapeutisk intervention för personer med kognitiva funktionsnedsättningar efter stroke

Bakgrund: Stroke är en vanlig orsak till att vuxna människor drabbas av fysiska och kognitiva funktionsnedsättningar. Kognition är individens förmåga ta in, tolka och bearbeta information från omgivningen. Att inte klara av att utföra vardagliga aktiviteter så som personlig vård, arbete och fritidsaktiviteter är en vanlig följd av kognitiva funktionsnedsättningar. Syfte: studien har ett tvådelat s

Towards more socially inclusive smart sustainable cities: A study of smart city districts in Greater Copenhagen region

Today world’s cities are in a state of flux exhibiting complex dynamics and at the core of sustainability challenges including climate change and urbanization. At the same time cities have been acknowledged as agents of change when it comes to addressing these challenges. The urgency to address these problems has triggered cities to find smarter and innovative ways to deal with these challenges. C

Invandring och ekonomisk tillväxt - En teoretisk studie av flyktinginvandringens påverkan på OECD-länder

Världen, och framförallt Europa, står idag inför stora påfrestningar med en flyktingström vars storlek enbart kan liknas med den under andra världskriget. Denna uppsats syftar till att svara på frågor kring flyktinginvandringens påverkan på den ekonomiska tillväxten på lång sikt. För att besvara frågeställningen görs en teoretisk analys genom att utvidga en tidigare utvidgad modell där effekterna

Modeling and Implementation of A 6-Bit, 50MHz Pipelined ADC in CMOS

The pipelined ADC is a popular Nyquist-rate data converter due to its attractive feature of maintaining high accuracy at high conversion rate with low complexity and power consumption. The rapid growth of its application such as mobile system, digital video and high speed data acquisition is driving the pipelined ADC design towards higher speed, higher precision with lower supply voltage and power

Transpersoners förtroende för välfärdsinstitutioner

To what degree do transgender people trust welfare? This bachelor thesis aims to survey the trust in welfare institutions. Trust in institutions seems to affect to which extent people turn to and trust in welfare and will hence have consequences on individuals everyday- lives. Transgender people have, according to recent years Public Health Surveys, an inferior psychosocial position compared to th