Photo-metric mass determinations on heavy mesons in nuclear emulsions
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This study investigates grammatical development in foreign and second language learners of Swedish. The hypothesis is that the hierarchy of processability predicted by Processability Theory (Pienemann 1998) guides both written and spoken learner production. The data was collected from 9 foreign language learners studying Swedish at Melbourne University and 11 second language learners studying Swed
Artikeln beskriver ett framgångsrikt försök att förändra undervisningssättet i en tillämpad teknikkurs. Resultatet av förändringen är överlag nöjdare studenter samt ett bättre examinationsresultat.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Njurcancer är ungefär den 10:e vanligaste tumörformen i Sverige och diagnosticeras nästan dubbelt så ofta hos män som hos kvinnor. Tumörerna upptäcks vanligtvis i åldern mellan 50 och 70 år och de mest förekommande symtomen är blod i urinen och flanksmärtor. Varför man får njurcancer är inte känt, men det finns ett klart samband med rökning och asbest. Njurcancer kan upIn the present thesis normal kidney tissue and renal cell carcinoma (RCC) were studied by cytogenetic and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) methods to investigate chromosomal aberrations. In the first study, 4 samples of nonneoplastic kidney tissue were cultured for cytogenetic analysis and trisomy 7 was found in all cases in 3-15% of the cells. In the second study, cytogenetic analysis o
Intra cerebral tumours were inoculated into the brain of Fischer-344 syngeneic rats. After one week they were treated with either 5 or 15 Gy of Co-60-gamma radiation. The first immunization was given 1 hour before the radiation treatment and then two more times with 14-day intervals. Immunization was performed with 3 x 10(6) radiation sterilized IFN-gamma secreting tumour cells (N29) injected intr
Rigid, chiral and amphiphilic cyclophanes of potential use as biomimetic host molecules were prepared by cyclic dimerisation of chiral diamino building blocks with amino-reactive cross-linking reagents. A reliable synthesis of the scaffold 2,7-diaza-1,2,3,6,7,8-hexahydropyrene was developed. Chiral bidentate building blocks were formed by acylation of the aromatic diamine 2,7-diaza-1,2,3,6,7,8-hex
About the struggle between faith and utilitarian aspects in the writings of Carl von Linné.
Parameter estimation in general state space models is not trivial as the likelihood is unknown. We propose a recursive estimator for general state space models, and show that the estimates converge to the true parameters with probability one. The estimates are also asymptotically Cramer-Rao efficient. The proposed estimator is easy to implement as it only relies on non-linear filtering. This makes
LTH:s SI-verksamhet på gymnasiet är ett samarbete mellan LTH och elva gymnasieskolor i närregionen som startade under hösten 2007 och går ut på att använda den s.k. SI-metodiken som komplement till den ordinarie undervisningen i naturvetenskapliga ämnen. SI-mötena leds av teknologer från LTH. Syftet med samarbetet är flera: att förbättra samverkan mellan LTH och gymnasieskolor i närregionen; öka i