

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

Infective endocarditis due to Streptococcus dysgalactiae : clinical presentation and microbiological features

Knowledge of infective endocarditis (IE) caused by Streptococcus dysgalactiae (SD) is limited. This study aimed to identify the clinical and microbiological features of SD-caused IE and to investigate any possible synergy between penicillin and gentamicin on SD isolates. Cases of IE 2008–2016 due to SD reported to the Swedish Registry of Infective Endocarditis (SRIE) were identified. Isolates were

Moisture behavior of weathered wood surfaces during cyclic wetting : measurements and modeling

The effects of weathering on the in-service moisture behavior of wood have received only limited attention so far, with much focus being on the effect of photodegradation on the hydrophobicity of the wood surface. The objective of the present study was to examine the effect of weathering surfaces on the overall moisture behavior of wood specimens exposed to short-term cyclic spraying, with special

Melatonin receptor 1B gene rs10830963 polymorphism, depressive symptoms and glycaemic traits

Background: The association between depression and type 2 diabetes is bidirectional. Underlying biological determinants remain elusive. We examined whether a common melatonin receptor 1B gene diabetes risk variant rs10830963 influenced the associations between depressive symptoms and glycaemic traits. Materials: The Prevalence, Prediction and Prevention of Diabetes-Botnia Study participants (n = 4

Disappearing Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivities: Earnings Have Not Become a Worse Proxy for Cash Flow

According to a recent conjecture in the literature, earnings have become a poorer proxy for cash flow from operations over time. We find that since 1988, when cash flow statements started to be consistently reported in Compustat, the cash effectiveness of earnings has actually increased for a large sample of US manufacturing firms. This occurs despite the introduction of fair value accounting and According to a recent conjecture in the literature, earnings have become a poorer proxy for cash flow from operations over time. We find that since 1988, when cash flow statements started to be consistently reported in Compustat, the cash effectiveness of earnings has actually increased for a large sample of US manufacturing firms. This occurs despite the introduction of fair value accounting and

Missbruk av heroin och andra opioider

Denna bok bygger på aktuell forskning om opioidmissbruk i dess olika former och om lösningar för personer som fastnat i ett opioidmissbruk. Utifrån forskningen besvarar vi frågor som: Varför börjar unga människor använda dessa preparat? Varför är det så svårt att sluta när man har blivit beroende av opioider? Hur ser framgångsrik behandling ut?Under de senaste tjugo åren har olika opioidpreparat s

Human Neural Stem Cells for Ischemic Stroke Treatment

Ischemic stroke is the second most common cause of death worldwide and a major cause of disability. It takes place when the brain does not receive sufficient blood supply due to the blood clot in the vessels or narrowing of vessels’ inner space due to accumulation of fat products. Apart from thrombolysis (dissolving of blood clot) and thrombectomy (surgical removal of blood clot or widening of ves

On the choice of turbine type for a twin-turbine heavy-duty turbocharger concept

In this study, a fundamental approach to the choice of turbocharger turbine for a pulse-charged heavy-duty diesel engine is presented. A standard six-cylinder engine build with a production exhaust manifold and a Twin-scroll turbocharger is used as a baseline case. The engine exhaust configuration is redesigned and evaluated in engine simulations for a pulse-charged concept consisting of a paralle

The Quest for Significance : Attitude Adaption to a Radical Group Following Social Exclusion

It is a human fundamental to desire to be valued, loved and respected - to be significant. Social exclusion induce significance loss which elicits a 'quest for significance' - the search for opportunities to re-gain significance. The present article establishes this relation in a laboratory experiment (N = 71, mean age = 28, SD = 10.42, 65% women, 35% men), showing that socially excluded individua

Prostate cancer survivors : Risk and mortality in second primary cancers

To assess etiological and clinical consequences of second primary cancers (SPCs) in prostate cancer (PC) patients, we followed newly diagnosed patients to identify men who were diagnosed with a SPC and recorded their causes of death. We used the Swedish Family-Cancer Database to assess relative risks (RRs) and causes of death in SPCs until the year 2015 in patients with a PC diagnosis between 2001

γ-Tubulin⁻γ-Tubulin Interactions as the Basis for the Formation of a Meshwork

In cytoplasm, protein γ-tubulin joins with various γ-tubulin complex proteins (GCPs) to form a heterotetramer γ-tubulin small complex (γ-TuSC) that can grow into a ring-shaped structure called the γ-tubulin ring complex (γ-TuRC). Both γ-TuSC and γ-TuRC are required for microtubule nucleation. Recent knowledge on γ-tubulin with regard to its cellular functions beyond participation in its creation o

Effects of the location of the pocket cavity on heat transfer and flow characteristics of the endwall with a symmetrical vane

A pocket cavity is generated at the junction position of the Low Pressure Turbine (LPT) and the Outlet Guide Vane (OGV) in the rear part of a gas turbine engine. The OGV mainly controls the exhaust flow exiting and provides structural strength of the main engine frame. In the present work, the effect the location of the pocket on the heat transfer of the endwall with a symmetrical vane is investig

The Good People of Cochabamba City : Ethnicity and race in Bolivian middle class food culture

This paper argues that everyday food practices reproduce and negotiate power relations of coloniality. The argument developed brings together Quijano’s notion of coloniality and Bourdieu’s writings on distinction, habitus, and taste. Ethnographic data from fieldwork in the “gastronomic capital of Bolivia”, Cochabamba city, brings out the workings of a “habitus of coloniality” in everyday food prac

Deliberation for wildfire risk management : Addressing conflicting views in the Chiquitania, Bolivia

Wildfires are increasingly affecting forest landscapes around the world. In the Bolivian Chiquitania, southern Amazonia, large wildfires during recent droughts have intensified public debate around more systemic solutions to address the possible root causes. While the integration of different forms of fire knowledge is gaining acceptance as an approach to dealing with increasing wildfire risk, lit

Reappearing Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivities

According to previous research the investment-cash flow sensitivity has fallen over time to levels approaching zero in the 2000s, prompting some researchers to argue that the sensitivity cannot be a reasonable measure of financing constraints. We show that differences in sensitivities reappear if one sorts firm according to firms’ need for funding (investment rates) and the cost of external fundin

Sharing data for future research—engaging participants’ views about data governance beyond the original project : a DIRECT Study

Purpose: Biomedical data governance strategies should ensure that data are collected, stored, and used ethically and lawfully. However, research participants’ preferences for how data should be governed is least studied. The Diabetes Research on Patient Stratification (DIRECT) project collected substantial amounts of health and genetic information from patients at risk of, and with type II diabete

Ultrafast Charge Dynamics in Mixed Cation – Mixed Halide Perovskite Thin Films

Perovskite based photovoltaic devices are popularised by the rapid increase in their efficiencies. Understanding the fundamental physics and chemistry processes occurring upon excitation is key. We monitored the temporal evolution of the population and depopulation dynamics of various electronic states in FA0.85MA0.15PbI2.55Br0.45 by means of ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy in the visi