

Din sökning på "*" gav 528293 sökträffar

Cigarette smoking in young-adult workers : A cross-sectional analysis from Abruzzo, Italy

Background: The "Valentino" cross-sectional study is aimed at evaluating the prevalence and pattern of cigarette smoking according to occupational group in a representative sample of workers aged 18-35 years from Abruzzo, Italy. Methods: Randomly selected workers anonymously self-compiled a structured questionnaire containing validated items. Job type was coded according to the International Stand

Socioeconomic determinants of influenza vaccination among older adults in Italy

Objectives: Seasonal influenza represents a major threat to public health but vaccination campaigns are strongly recommended to reduce the risks of serious complications and mortality among community-dwelling elderly persons. We investigated on potential social predictors of influenza vaccination among older adults in Italy. Methods: Data analysis was based on the national survey "Health and use o

Influenza vaccine uptake among community-dwelling Italian elderly : Results from a large cross-sectional study

Background: Flu vaccination significantly reduces the risk of serious complications like hospitalization and death among community-dwelling older people, therefore vaccination programmes targeting this population group represent a common policy in developed Countries. Among the determinants of vaccine uptake in older age, a growing literature suggests that social relations can play a major role. M

New market labor and obesity : A nation-wide Italian cross-sectional study

Objectives: To investigate the prevalence of obesity among different types of employment status in the Italian working population, and to examine associated risk factors. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional survey of 36 814 people that declared to have been occupied with the same type of contract for at least 5 years was analyzed. Multivariable logistic regression models were built considering w

Comparison of the size of excitonic effects in molecular π systems as measured by core and valence spectroscopies

In aromatic molecules characterised by extended π-systems valence and core excitons can have very similar binding energies. This is shown for a number of compounds, and in each case the core exciton binding energies are analysed in terms of the Coulomb screening and rehybridisation contributions. The latter semiquantitatively explain the binding energy differences between the valence and core exci

Controlling the catalytic bond-breaking selectivity of Ni surfaces by step blocking

The reactivity of catalytic surfaces is often dominated by very reactive low-coordinated atoms such as step-edge sites1-11. However, very little knowledge exists concerning the influence of step edges on the selectivity in reactions involving multiple reaction pathways. Such detailed information could be very valuable in rational design of new catalysts with improved selectivity. Here we show, fro

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of low surface concentration mass-selected Ag clusters

Low surface concentrations of mass-selected clusters deposited under ultra high vacuum conditions on a well-characterized surface were studied with XPS. Analysis of monomers and dimers deposited at low temperature in a thick Xe buffer layer indicates the mobility and aggregation of the clusters in such a film. A stable average cluster size is reached at 53 K that is likely to be the same for all i

Territorial Allocation of VAT in the European Union : Alternative approaches towards VAT allocation and their application in the internal market

When it comes to determining the jurisdictional reach of VAT two principles are used by the OECD, EU policy makers and scholars, namely, the origin principle and the destination principle. These principles can mean different things. One problem is that different constructions thereof can result in confusion in the communication between legal actors and, more importantly – in different legal outcom

Perfection and Fiction : A study in Iris Murdoch's Moral Philosophy

This thesis comprises a study of the ethical thought of Iris Murdoch with special emphasis, as evidenced by the title, on how morality is intimately connected to self-improvement aiming at perfection and how the study of (literary) fiction has an important role to play in our strive towards bettering ourselves within the framework set by Murdoch’s moral philosophy.

Association between genetic risk variants and glucose intolerance during pregnancy in north Indian women

Background Gestational diabetes (GDM) is a more common problem in India than in many other parts of the world but it is not known whether this is due to unique environmental factors or a unique genetic background. To address this question we examined whether the same genetic variants associated with GDM and Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) in Caucasians also were associated with GDM in North Indian women. M

Cerebrospinal fluid biomarker levels: Total tau and phosphorylated tau as markers for rate of progression in Alzheimer’s disease.

Objectives: We investigated the potential associations between cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of total tau (T-tau) and phosphorylated tau (P-tau), short-term response to cholinesterase inhibitor (ChEI) treatment, longitudinal outcome and progression rates in Alzheimer’s disease (AD).Methods: The Swedish Alzheimer Treatment Study (SATS) is a prospective, observational, multicentre study to assess

Towards guidelines for selection of production performance indicators to measure sustainability performance

This paper’s main aim is to review and compare sustainability frameworks and models aiming to propose an overarching strategic planning process for selection of sustainable production (SP) indicators within the manufacturing sector, which point toward radical, systematic and goal-oriented changes. The Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development is selected as a conceptual model to guide strate

Simulating the Outcome of Heart Allocation Policies Using Deep Neural Networks

We created a system to simulate the heart allocation process in a transplant queue, using a discrete event model and a neural network algorithm, which we named the Lund Deep Learning Transplant Algorithm (LuDeLTA). LuDeLTA is utilized to predict the survival of the patients both in the queue and after transplant. We tried four different allocation policies: wait time, clinical rules and allocating

Effects of medication reviews on use of potentially inappropriate medications in elderly patients; a cross-sectional study in Swedish primary care

BACKGROUND: Drug use among the elderly population is generally extensive and the use of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) is common, which increases the risk for drug-related problems (DRP). Medication reviews are one method to improve drug therapy by identifying, preventing and solving DRPs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of medication reviews on total drug use and po

British Lichen Society på Öland

Förra sommaren gästades SLF den 13–17 juni av den brittiskamotsvarigheten BLS genom en inbjudan av Lars Borg, somibland gästat deras exkursioner i England. Vi var förlagda tillAllégården i Kastlösa på Öland varifrån vi gjorde utflykter till olikadelar av södra och mellersta Öland. En halvdag ägnades ocksååt en typiskt sur tallskog på fastlandet i närheten av Kalmar. Härberättar Ulf om den historisFörra sommaren gästades SLF den 13–17 juni av den brittiskamotsvarigheten BLS genom en inbjudan av Lars Borg, somibland gästat deras exkursioner i England. Vi var förlagda tillAllégården i Kastlösa på Öland varifrån vi gjorde utflykter till olikadelar av södra och mellersta Öland. En halvdag ägnades ocksååt en typiskt sur tallskog på fastlandet i närheten av Kalmar. Härberättar Ulf om den historis

Lunglaven finns ännu i sydöstligaste Småland

I förra numret av Lavbulletinen meddelade vi att lunglaven var utgången från sin enda kustnära lokal i Småland söder om Kalmar En uppmärksam läsare, Olof Persson, berättade strax efteråt att den fortfarande finns kvar vid Kristinelunds herrgård i Mortorp sydväst om Kalmar.I förra numret av Lavbulletinen meddelade vi att lunglaven var utgången från sin enda kustnära lokal i Småland söder om Kalmar En uppmärksam läsare, Olof Persson, berättade strax efteråt att den fortfarande finns kvar vid Kristinelunds herrgård i Mortorp sydväst om Kalmar.