

Din sökning på "*" gav 535565 sökträffar

Organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö

Title: Organizational and social work environment Authors: Firas Al-Ajely and Ali Reza Zarshenas Supervisor: Radhlinah Aulin, Department of Construction Engineering, Lund University Research questions: 1. What is the organizational and social work environment about? 2. Whom are covered and concerned by AFS 2015:4, which has been developed by the Swedish Work Environment Authority once it enters in

Samverkan vid kommunal räddningstjänst

The purpose of this report is to investigate the collaboration and the cooperation between the Swedish municipal rescue services, the police and the emergency medical service, with the main focus on the rescue services. The result is based on a survey among the personnel working in three different geographical areas, Stockholm, Västra Götaland and Skåne. Where the result indicates it is needed, re

Metodutveckling för regional tillsyn av LSO

This paper has been commissioned by the County administrative board of Skåne in order to provide them with a tool to support the evaluation of individual fire rescue services, according to the requirements of law 2003:778 1 chap 1 § concerning protection against accidents. Evaluation is understandably a key element in providing a functional service with perspective to enhance the abilities of the

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): A means to address food insecurity? A Nexus Analysis

Food insecurity is a major problem for humanity. Especially in developing countries, the proportion of people who go to bed hungry is substantial. A basic reason, among other factors, is the dominant poverty in those regions. Therefore, many development organizations consider Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) as a means, which has the potential to regulate these inequalities in developing countries.

Hemoglobin and Immunoglobulin G Inhibition Mechanisms in Diagnostic qPCR

Blood samples are extensively used in clinical and forensic fields for genetic material analysis using real-time PCR. Although PCR is a well-established method distinguished for its rapid and sensitive molecular diagnosis, blood components co- purified with nucleic acids have shown to inhibit amplification and detection of PCR products. In this study, IgG and hemoglobin were investigated for their

An investigation into interlinkages between CEO compensation and firm risk

Purpose: The purpose of this research is to do an investigation on the interlinkages between CEO compensation and the firm risk. It further intends to see in particular, whether the firm risk has been interlinked with components of compensation like CEO’s incentive/bonus and stock options. Theoretical framework: CEO compensation, Incentives programs, Stock option, Risk management, Principal agency

Intranät och verksamhetsnytta: En fallstudie av Malmö Opera

Studiens fokus ligger på att utvärdera hur moderna intranät används för att stödja informat- ionshantering inom en organisation, och om ett sådant informations-system kan generera verksamhetsnytta. Syftet är att vi vill bidra till en djupare förståelse om hur informations- och kommunikationsteknologin används för att stödja informationshantering och verksamhets- nytta. Som undersökningsobjekt har

An Empirical Analysis of the Influence of Jump Dynamics on Value-at-Risk Estimation

Abstract Recent financial crises have demonstrated the importance of accurately measuring financial risks in order to be able to employ mitigating risk policies. This essay investigates the question whether a GARCH model augmented by an autoregressive conditional jump intensity component can improve value-at-risk forecasts in comparison to common GARCH models. Therefore, the VaR forecasting perfor

Fuktberäkning av väggar med framtida klimatdata

The purpose of this report was to study how two common types of wood stud walls in Sweden will handle the future climate in Sweden, Gothenburg, out of a hydrothermal point of view. These two walls were analyzed with simulations in the hydrothermal calculation software WUFI with varying parameters. The first cases of the simulations were the so called base cases where moisture- and heat-sources was

Agile Project Management to Become an Innovative Service Organisation: Can You Bank on It?

This single and holistic case study was conducted with a qualitative approach. Our findings show that the change to agile project management is perceived positively by employees. Further the research concludes that the key enablers of cultural change to adopt agile methods are engaging leadership and communication which support the change process. Overall, the study concludes, that agile project m

Slash Fiction : A Love and Sexual Fantasy in China

Slash fiction emerged in China in the 1990s with the rising polarity of Japanese animation and manga culture, and it has rapidly developed into a cultural icon of the whole nation, especially among female fans. The major objective of this thesis is to investigate female slash writers in China as well as how they see slash fiction in their daily lives in terms of gender equality, friendship ties an

Negative Rates in a Multi Curve Framework - Cap Pricing and Volatility Transformation

The SABR model has for a long time been an invaluable tool for capturing the volatility smile and to price nancial derivatives not quoted in the market. However, the current negative rate environment in the EUR market has led to numerous challenges for nancial institutions. One of the most problematic issues is that the SABR model used for volatility interpolation and extrapolation fails when rate

Tiden löser alla problem - En kvalitativ studie om sjuksköterskors upplevelse av sjukvårdens utveckling

Syfte: Studien syftar till att undersöka och få fördjupad förståelse för hur sjukvårdspersonalen upplever att de förutsättningar de har påverkar deras möjligheter att kunna bidra till utvecklingen av sjukvården. Studien syftar även till att undersöka deras syn på hur de kan ha en mer central roll i utvecklingen. Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och empiri har samlats in genom kvalitativa s

På egen hand : att arbeta som frilansare i förlagsbranschen

Denna kandidatuppsats är en början till kartläggning av villkoren för frilansare i förlags-branschen. Den ämnar ge kunskap om vilka förutsättningar som råder och vilka krav som ställs, samt hur frilansarnas marknadsföringsstrategier ser ut. Materialet består av intervjuer gjorda med ett antal frilansare, och de teoretiska perspektiv som sedan appliceras på detta är Robert Karaseks Krav/kontroll/st

Innovation and Employment: The case of Brazil

In this thesis the effects of innovation on employment, at industry level, for the Brazilian economy are investigated. Merging data from Innovation Surveys, Industrial Surveys and the National Account System, a panel of 22 economic sectors was constructed. The main empirical results indicates that demand factors has positive and significant effect on employment while product innovation has a negat

Boom goes bust goes crisis - Fluctuations in household debt during financial crises in Sweden 1873-2015

In this thesis I examine fluctuations and growth rates of household debt before, during and after financial crises in Sweden 1873-2015. The results show similar patterns in fluctuations between crisis and their adjacent years in Sweden. The results also show a significantly higher volatility of household debt growth rate fluctuations before, during and after financial crises compared to the rest o

Bruket av accounts i finansiell kommunikation – En (Vatten)fallstudie

Syftet med uppsatsen är att utveckla förståelsen för hur användandet av accounts i finansiell kommunikation är en del av ett företags krishantering. Vi har valt att studera Vattenfall under åren 2012-2015, den period då nedskrivningarna av Nuon ägde rum och fick stor medial uppmärksamhet. För att uppfylla syftet har vi gjort en kvalitativ textanalys utifrån grundad teori för att identifiera och kaThe purpose of this study is to develop the understanding for the use of accounts in financial communication in corporations’ crisis management. We have chosen to study Vattenfall during the years 2012-2015 when the devaluation of Nuon took place and received a lot of attention in the media. To fulfill the purpose we have done a text analysis based on grounded theory in order to identify and categ

Exposure At Default During Financial Stress - A Comparative Study

In recent years the capital requirements for banks have been updated which has complicated the pricing procedure for derivatives. Nordea has developed a proxy model that approximates the risk measure Exposure At Default, which is an important component in the recently updated requirements. The purpose of this thesis is to validate the accuracy of Nordea’s model. In order to fulfill this purpose, m