

Din sökning på "*" gav 534685 sökträffar

Floodwater harvesting for artificial recharge of groundwater - estimation and prediction for arid Iran

Popular Abstract in Swedish Regnvatteninsamling genom översvämningskontroll för artificiell grundvatteninjektering är en traditionellt använd metod i arida och semiarida Iran. Metoden har använts under flera tusen år för att öka andelen vatten som kan användas till jordbruksproduktion. Under de senaste 100 åren har emellertid mycket av den traditionella kunskapen om dessa metoder fallit i glömska Groundwater depletion in arid and semiarid areas is of increasing concern. Increasing water demand due to increasing population and climate change impacts have intensified the water shortage problems and put further stress especially on groundwater. Water harvesting techniques have been traditional solutions to water scarcity problems in the arid and semiarid Middle East for thousands of years. Th

Fikon och fiktion : Livia, I, Claudius och bilden av den intrigerande kvinnan

Antiken har alltid varit en tacksam tidsperiod för filmmakare. Men hur har antiken skildrats i olika tider och medier? I Svärd, sandaler och skandaler undersöker en rad skribenter från olika ämnen de uttryck antiken har tagit sig på film och i tv. Boken är den första i sitt slag på svenska. I fem avdelningar behandlas relationen mellan den antika historien och dess sentida gestaltningar i rörliga

Default Probabilities According to the Bond Market

In this paper we describe a simple way of analytically computing entire ìterm structures of default probabilities using information embedded in the corporate bond market data. This market-based approach of estimating the creditworthiness of firms gives probabilities of default at various maturities, and has the advantage over traditional credit ratings in that it is dynamic and forward looking.

On the nature of the qualitative research approach

The qualitative approach to research is seen as a socially constructed heterogeneous tradition of ideas. It is difficult to argue for the existence of some set of features which are common to all qualitative methods but not to other types of research methods. Furthermore, it is unfortunate to see the qualitative approach as inherently in contrast to the quantitative approach. In fact, it may be fr

Emigrants’ Remittances and Dutch Disease in Cape Verde

Emigrants remittances have increased rapidly over the past two decades. While earlier studies have focused on their microeconomic effect on incomes and poverty in recipient countries, the present study concentrates on the macroeconomic impact of remittances on the real exchange rate in Cape Verde. A main conclusion is that remittances give rise to a sort of Dutch Disease effect and thereby have an