

Din sökning på "*" gav 488231 sökträffar

Interorganizational collaboration in the context of introducing new technology

This thesis focuses on collaboration in interorganizational implementation processes carried out in temporary organizations. Due to the increased level of collaboration in logistics, interorganizational implementation projects are becoming increasingly important. Consequently, for companies to stay competitive from a logistical point of view, interorganizational relationships need to be addressed.

Modeling subsurface deformation induced by machining of Inconel 718

Traditionally, the development and optimization of the machining process with regards to the subsurface deformation are done through experimental method which is often expensive and time consuming. This article presents the development of a finite element model based on an updated Lagrangian formulation. The numerical model is able to predict the depth of subsurface deformation induced in the high

Falls, fractures and function. Focus on women with a distal forearm fracture

Popular Abstract in Swedish Fall och frakturer hos äldre är ett vanligt förekommande och ökande hälsoproblem, som orsakar fysiska, sociala och psykologiska problem hos den enskilde och är kostsamt för samhället. Syftet med avhandlingen är att undersöka fallolyckor bland de patienter i åldern 65-74 år som kommit till ortopedklinikens akutmottagning, att undersöka reliabiliteten beträffande gångtestFalls and fractures in older people are a common and increasing health problem which causes physical, social and psychological problems for the individual and is costly to society. The aims of this thesis were to investigate accidental falls of patients aged 65 - 74 who attended an orthopedic emergency ward, to investigate reliability of the modified figure of eight (MFE) and compare it with other

Improving Productivity and Enzyme Stability Through Process Design: Lipase-catalysed Synthesis of Epoxides and Esters

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bioteknik är ett mycket brett ämne som handlar om att använda biologiska reaktioner för att tillverka önskvärda produkter. Det innefattar arbete med mikroorganismer, svampar, enzymer och att få dem att göra som man vill. Enzymer är naturens egna katalysatorer som gör att reaktioner går snabbare utan att själva förbrukas och de är till exempel en viktig del i vår matsmälInterest in sustainable development has increased throughout society during the past decades, and the chemical industry is no exception. The appeal for renewable raw materials has consequently increased and has paved the way for the implementation of industrial biotechnology. Since enzymes are used to convert biomass in nature, they may also be a good choice in the chemical industry. However, to i

Polymer Gels: Modeling the Swelling Behavior

Popular Abstract in Swedish Som man kan se av titeln handlar den här avhandlingen om polyelektrolytgeler. Vad är nu polyelektrolyter och vad är geler? Och vad är de bra till? Polymerer Polymerer är långa molekylkedjor, som förekommer i naturen men som också kan vara gjorda av människan. Några exempel på polymerer i naturen är DNA, som bär på vår genetiska information, stärkelse och cellulosa. NåThis thesis is concerned with the swelling behavior of polyelectrolyte gels. The thesis can be divided into two parts. Part one deals with the modeling and computer simulation of the gel swelling. The second part contains experimental results from the binding of oppositely charged surfactant to a polyacrylate network and a theoretical model for the swelling in the presence of a "skin" around the g

Förbistringar och förklaringar

FÖRBISTRINGAR OCH FÖRKLARINGAR – En festlig festskrift ”en skönhetens volym” – ”detta kraftprov till festskrift” (KMT, april 2008, s. 23) Anders Piltz, nu professor emeritus i latin i Lund, hedrades på sin 65-årsdag med en lärd och läsvärd festskrift, Förbistringar och förklaringar. De 76 essäerna spänner från antikens Athen och Rom över medeltidens vetenskap, litteratur och konst till en brokiCollection of 76 articles in honour of Professor Anders Piltz.

Environmental Assessment of Emerging Bio-based Production - Possibilities in a Future Bio-economy

The bio-economy has been put forward as a strategy to increase economic growth without this leading to increased emissions of greenhouse gases. A key concept behind the bio-economy is the increased use of biomass for applications such as the production of bio-based chemicals and materials but also an increased importance for biotechnology and biorefinery systems in the production of these products

Kropp, själ och läkekonst. Kulturhistorisk tolkning av medicinska föremål från Vreta kloster.

During excavations of the nunnery of Vreta, a number of artefacts for medical and hygienic use were found, including medical vessels, a clasp-knife, different types of forceps, phlebotomy knives and a surgical sharp hook. The artefacts show that medical and most probably some surgical activity has taken place there. Compared to other Swedish Cistercian monasteries, as the nunnery of Gudhem and the

On a Proposal for a Generic Package Development Process

Globalization pressures have today inflicted significant changes in the way industrial enterprises are organized and how products are developed, manufactured and brought to market. A common denominator in many of these enterprises is the utilization of an organizational structure based on networks composed of divisions and supplier companies dispersed all over the world. ln these global enterprise

”Vänta lite, jag ska bara kolla mejlen först...” Några tankar om akademiskt ledarskap och stress

Denna artikel är en undersökning av stress i akademiska miljöer, med fokus på ledarskap och stress. Det är en fallstudie, fyra personer i ledandarroller har intervjuats; alla är från HT-fakulteterna vid Lunds universitet. Jag kommer fram till att systemstress är det som präglar miljön, men även individuell stress. Samta att det tycks vara enormt svårt att hantera/motarbeta. Vissa genusperspektiv h

Flanking transmission of a double-plate system with joists and cavities

The work with development of new building systems is intensive. These systems are often related to lightweight constructions, and developed to be used in load-bearing structures and dwellings. One of the main drawbacks of this type of building systems is often the sound insulation. Lightweight walls and floors are often designed as frameworks of studs with plates on both sides - a double-plate str

Design of a claw-pole motor

This paper describes a design of two miniature claw-pole motors, one single phase and one two-phase motor. Both motors are designed to be built in iron powder technology. The designs are optimized and the static characteristics determined by 3D FE modeling. Both motors are being built by separate companies, but no measurements are presented in this paper. The main goal is to evaluate the industria

Design and Performance of a Hybrid Ventilation System with Heat Recovery for Low Energy Buildings

A new hybrid ventilation system for low energy buildings has been investigated theoretically using TRNSYS. The system is based on natural ventilation but utilizes a fan during hours when the natural driving forces are not sufficient. Heat from the exhaust air is recovered in an air-to-water heat exchanger. The heated water is pumped to the incoming ventilation air where it is heat exchanged to pre