

Din sökning på "*" gav 528104 sökträffar

To Europe and Back Again: A Study of the Legality of Readmissions to Georgia

Examensarbetet besvarar frågan om överföringar av asylsökande till Georgien som ännu inte fått sina asylskäl utförligt utredda skulle utsätta dem för en verklig risk för omänsklig eller förnedrande behandling och därmed vara oförenliga med Europakonventionens artikel 3. Asylrätten bygger på bedömningar av individuella asylskäl. I examensarbetet studeras därför problem i Georgien som är generella nThis graduate thesis examines if readmitting asylum seekers from EU member states to Georgia without first thoroughly assessing their claims would be illegal on the grounds that it would expose them to a real risk of ill-treatment contrary to Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights. The basis of asylum law is protection based on individual grounds. This graduate thesis therefore studi

Evaluation of cultural ecosystem services using GIS

Inom ramen för ett masterarbete har en metod utvecklats som kopplar människors upplevelser av natur med den fysiska miljön i form av marktäckning. Deltagarna fick välja tre platser inom ett rekreationsområde som de tyckte var speciella. Med hjälp av en applikation i mobiltelefonen svarade de på frågor om vilka fysiska element som var viktiga, hur de uppfattade miljön, vilka aktiviteter som platsenThis master project has been carried out in collaboration with a research project named “Valuation of cultural ecosystem services based on contributions to quality of life” at Lund University. In this thesis, Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES) are evaluated from people’s own perceptions. The very aim of the study is to develop a method to assess CES non-monetarily by using a bottom-up perspective.

Developing a strategic controller with haptic and audio feedback for autonomous driving

Traffic accidents cause over 1.2 million deaths, and tens of millions of people are injured or disabled every year. Advanced driver assistant systems and other safety features have the possibility to reduce traffic accidents but do not account for human errors. Studies show that over 90% of all traffic accidents are caused by human errors. One way to reduce human errors is to introduce automation,

Polarized light vision in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata)

Do birds have a sixth sense? Many animals have been shown to possess the ability to sense polarized light, but this ability in birds has been a topic for debate. In this study captive male zebra finches were used in order to determine if they could distinguish different angles of polarized light. Polarized light is the direction of the angle of the light waves, thus two separate light sources c

C4b-binding protein rescues beta-cells from islet amyloid polypeptide induced cytotoxicity

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by hyperglycemia and insulin resistance, which leads to increased production of insulin. Together with insulin the hormone peptide islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) is secreted, which is thought to be the cause of beta-cell death in later stages of type 2 diabetes. C4b-binding protein (C4BP) has been shown to upregulate IAPP fibrillation, which would lead to more ma

Transcriptional profiling analysis of clear cell ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is one of the most lethal gynecological malignancies. Several histotypes with different molecular and morphological features representing this cancer type make it very challenging from clinico-pathological perspective. Thus there is need for better prognostic and molecular markers. Ovarian clear cell carcinoma (OCCC) is a subtype with poor prognosis and very distinct phenotype when

Alkoholism och uppsåt:en studie angående uppsåt hos alkoholiserade gärningspersoner

För att en person ska kunna dömas för ett brott krävs det att denna har handlat med uppsåt eller i vissa fall oaktsamhet. För att uppsåt ska föreligga ska handlingen ha varit medveten och det ska finnas ett kausalsamband mellan denna och dess följd. Uppsåtsbegreppet är indelat i tre grader: avsiktsuppsåt, insiktsuppsåt och likgiltighetsuppsåt och de är graderade i den ordning de räknades upp med dResearchers who studied alcohol dependence in humans have come to the conclusion that alcoholism affects the brain's neurotransmitters, which means that the brain can begin to function differently about exposing the large amounts of alcohol over a long period of time. An addiction to alcohol is hard to recover from, with many severe withdrawal symptoms as a result. In the current legal situati

Fast driftställe i bostad

I denna uppsats utreds och analyseras vilka rättskällor som ska användas vid fastställande av huruvida fast driftställe enligt svensk intern rätt föreligger i Sverige samt när fast driftställe för utländskt bolag anses föreligga i en svensk delägares eller anställds bostad. Utländska bolag är i Sverige skattskyldiga för inkomst som härrör till ett i Sverige beläget fast driftställe. Med fast drifThe purpose of this thesis is to investigate and analyze when a permanent establishment for a foreign company occurs in the residence of a Swedish owner or employee and to investigate and present which sources of law that shall be applied when interpreting the definition of permanent establishment as it is read in Swedish domestic law. Foreign enterprises are tax liable in Sweden for income that

”Du hade inte funnits om inte jag fanns.” Om lesbiska mammors identitetsskapande

Problem/Bakgrund: Det råder babyboom bland lesbiska par i Sverige men det finns ytterst lite informationsmaterial som vänder sig till den mamma som inte bär och föder barnet. Det är också relativt tunt med forskning vad det gäller den här gruppens identitetsskapande inom den sociologiska disciplinen. Syfte: Jag vill ta reda på hur den mamma som inte bär barnet eller är gravid, och som identifierar

Fast-Track Landreform under granskning: en lokalt förändrad jordbruksutveckling? en kvalitativ studie av fördelningseffekterna av 2001 års landreform i Zimbabwe

This thesis is an analysis of Fast-Track Land Reform Programme´s distributive effects on Zimbabwe´s Agricultural Development. The Land Reform was institutionalized in 2001 as a state-based strategy to allocate property rights of land from the population minority to the population majority, which resulted in a bimodal resettlement-design of smallholder and stakeholder land-rights. The empirics has

The Organizational Process: its Impact on Climate Negotiations

Structural variables have been incapable of providing a fully satisfactory answer to why multilateral conferences can fail one year but succeed the next. Scholars focusing on the role of the presidency have been more successful, but a sole focus on the presidency, which comprise one part of an organizational process, might give us a partial understanding of the procedural dynamics in place. The pr

Two-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling of overland flow and infiltration in a sustainable drainage system

As a part of the GrönNano project at Luleå University of Technology, a sustainable drainage system, composed of infiltration surfaces and a wale,has been subject to hydrological measurements and modeling. The aim of this study was to identify the conditions under which it is possible to model the hydrological processes of that system adequately, using the two-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling soft

Berättelser om Ukraina

The conflict in Ukraine is not only a conflict in a strictly traditional or material sense, in terms of a quest for territory or over military power. Rather, it is a conflict where the battlefield is located in the United Nations Security Council, and the battle is a verbal war between ambassadors and diplomats about conflicting narratives and how the conflict should be defined. In this thesis, a

Statistical power considerations in genotype-based recall randomized controlled trials

Validation of gene × environment interaction results from epidemiological studies in randomized clinical trials (RCTs) is usually hampered by insufficient statistical power. Genotype-based recall (GBR) refers to the design of studies in which subgroups of the population are selected based on their genotypes. In this thesis we test if a GBR approach of recruiting two groups of participants with dis

De föränderliga idealbilderna

Syftet med den här studien är att fördjupa förståelsen för chefskap i en icke-kunskapsintensiv organisation utifrån en könsdimension. Som ett medel för att uppnå detta använder sig studien av två hjälpfrågor: Hur pratar följare om chefskap? Hur utvärderar följare chefskap? Genom att analysera detta, är ambitionen att ge en fördjupad förståelse för chefskapets komplexitet. För att uppnå syftet med

Optimization of a search for doubly-charged Higgs bosons in same-sign di-muon final states at a center of mass energy of 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector.

Standardmodellen inom partikefysik är den modell som för nuvarande bäst beskriver universums minsta beståndsdelar, och de fundamentala krafterna som verkar mellan dessa. De fyra fundamentala krafterna är den elektromagnetiska, den starka, den svaga och gravitationen (som dessvärre inte kan beskrivas med hjälp av Standardmodellen). Dessa krafter kan ses som kraftförmedlarpartiklar som växelverkar mIn this thesis an optimization of a previously performed inclusive search for beyond Standard Model Physics in same-sign di-lepton final states is performed, but tuned for a doubly-charged Higgs boson decaying to same-sign di-muons. The doubly-charged Higgs boson is a proposed fundamental particle whose existence would provide evidence for theoretical extensions of the Standard Model (SM) of parti

Ab Initio Structure Evaluation of Aperiodic Structures in the Rare Earth – Ruthenium Systems

Binära föreningar beståendes av sällsynta jordartsmetallerna och rutenium uppvisar intressanta egenskaper såsom superledande förmåga och intressanta magnetiska egenskaper. För att förstå varför vissa föreningar uppvisar sådana egenskaper är det essentiellt att studera föreningarnas kristallstruktur. I denna rapport undersöks föreningar, i 35-38 at. % Ru regionen, beståendes av praseodym, neodymiumBinary alloys comprising of the rare earth metals along with ruthenium, RE-Ru, have been noted to display superconductivity at low temperatures. Furthermore the alloys display interesting magnetic properties such as anomalies in magnetization measurements below the magnetic ordering temperature. In order to understand how some compounds obtain these intrinsic properties it is vital to investigate

Förvärv i botten så når du toppen? - En eventstudie om företagsuppköp i förhållande till konjunkturcykeln

Titel: Förvärv i botten så når du toppen? - En eventstudie om företagsuppköp i förhållande till konjunkturcykeln Seminariedatum: 2015-06-04 Ämne/kurs: FEKH89, Examensarbete i finansiering på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Julia Andersson, Elin Dahlström, Niklas Lindh och Oscar Siöström Handledare: Rikard Larsson Fem nyckelord: M&A, konjunktur, över-/underavkastning, marknadstTitle: Is it value creating to invest when no one else dares? - An event study about the M&A relation to the economic cycle Seminar date: 2015-06-04 Course: FEKH89, Degree Project in Finance, Undergraduate level, 15 ECTS-credits Authors: Julia Andersson, Elin Dahlström, Niklas Lindh and Oscar Siöström Supervisor: Rikard Larsson Five key words: M&A, economic cycles, abnormal return, m

Coastal evolution at Macaneta spit, Mozambique - an analysis of longshore and cross-shore processes

Macaneta spit is located about 30km north of Maputo, Mozambique, with the Indian Ocean on the east side and Incomáti River on the west side of the spit, composing an interesting and vulnerable area from a hydrodynamic point of view. Few studies regarding coastal processes are done in the area and changes of the morphology could result in breaching of the spit and thereby affect both accessibility

Regarding figures in physics exercises: A futile endeavour

A common method for aiding students in solving physics exercises, is to add an image. That images together with text are better for learning than text alone is called the multimedia effect. It is achieved through integration of textual and pictorial information. Based on this, it can be hypothesized that solving a physics exercise should be easier with an image. Using actual exercises and their co