

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Microwave Heat Treatment of Black Liquor for the Degradation of Hemicellulose

The largest use of fossil petroleum is the production of fuels. Hence, finding sustainable alter-natives is an important step to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. One such alternative is to produce fuel from biomass, such as waste products from agriculture and the forest indus-try. In Sweden, the forest industry is an important part of the economy. The pulp mills pro-duce an excessive amou

Recyclability by Design for Multilayer Plastic Flexible Packaging

Various recyclability by design (RBD) guidelines for multilayer plastic flexible packaging (MPFP) were assessed for consistency among parameter values. 9% consistency was observed, which is on the lower end of devised consistency scale. Poly-ethylene and poly-propylene are the two major emerging recycling streams in Danone Nutricia’s six key EU market countries. However, a need for consolidated ce

Indicators for Flood Adaptation Assessment: The Case of New York City

Due to both the effects of climate change and the high concentrations of infrastructure and socio-economic activity in low-lying areas in NYC, floods have the potential to destroy homes and businesses, impair infrastructure, and threaten human safety. Measurement, reporting, and verification are vital steps in evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of a climate change adaptation efforts. Howe

Den tomma västen och det flytande folket : en diskursteoretisk analys av Gula västarnas kollektiva identitet

Trots uppsvinget för det populistiska forskningsfältet, inom vilket Ernesto Laclau och Chantal Mouffe varit pionjärer, och det stora intresset för Gula västarna i Frankrike, finns få analyser av proteströrelsen utifrån Laclau och Mouffes teorier. Syftet med denna studie är därför att utifrån beskrivningar av Gula västarna i vetenskapliga artiklar undersöka de diskursiva praktiker varigenom rörelse

The Effects of Digitalization on Auditing - A Study Investigating the Benefits and Challenges of Digitalization on the Audit Profession

Digitalization is an interesting and timely topic which is actively discussed nowadays. Big data & analytics, blockchain, artificial intelligence & robotic process automation are some of the most emerging technologies. This study aims to investigate the perceived benefits and challenges that these technologies bring, in the context of digitalization, to one of the most favorable profession

Hypermetylering i cytologiska prov från cervix och utveckling av allvarliga cellförändringar

Cervixcancer kan uppkomma vid ihållande infektion med humant papillomvirus (HPV). HPV orsakar även mildare cellförändringar, CIN-I, som många gånger läker tillbaka. Patienter med cellförändringar av typ CIN-II/III löper däremot större risk att på sikt utveckla cancer. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det fanns en korrelation mellan hypermetylering på promotorregionerna i tumörsuppressorgene

The Chinese dream, a migrant’s nightmare?

This thesis aims to uncover whether having a long-term or permanent contract improves the quality of employment of internal migrants in China. The focus lies specifically on the labour reforms in 2008, which will be analysed using a differences-in-differences approach. Though the results seem to point towards a positive direct effect of having such a contract, the laws seem to cause ambiguity. In

Border Externalizations within the European Union and the Accessibility to Seek Asylum - Framing Security within the European Asylum System

Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka huruvida EU:s nya anfallsvinkel till migration, nämligen externaliseringav gränskontroller in i tredje länder, passar in i den Europeiska Unionens asylramverk. Vad som har analyserats ytterligare varom den här processen av att externalisera gränser har ändrat möjligheterna för migranter att få tillgång till asylprocessen. Forskningsfrågan som användes var: Hur paThe objective of the thesis was to examine howtheEU’snew approach to migration, namely externalizing border controlsinto third countries, fit into the European Union’sasylum framework. Furthermore, what has been analysed is how this process of externalizing borders has changed the opportunities for migrantsto access the asylum procedure. The research question was: How does externalizing the outer

EU-inträdets betydelse för om- regleringen av apoteksmarknaden

Uppsatsen behandlar omregleringen av svenska apoteksmarknaden. Problemet som undersöks är vilka förklaringar till och effekter av omregleringen som spåras utifrån governance- och organisationsteori. Undersökningen sker på aktörsnivå med syftet att kartlägga om en europeisering av apoteksmarknaden skett, vilket mäts genom juridifiering och marknadisering. Empiriskt och teoretiskt material undersöks

Social Capability as a Driver for Economic Growth: A Conceptual and Empirical Study on Structural Dynamics, 1991-2016

To this day, the question of what factors drive economic development and catching-up remains deeply controversial in growth literature. The concept of social capability provides a useful framework to investigate the relationship of the parallel processes of transformation, inclusion, autonomy and accountability with economic performance. Nevertheless, there are few attempts to quantify social capa

Challenges of climate mainstreaming within development cooperation – A case study analysis of the KfW Development Bank

This thesis deals with the topic of climate mainstreaming in development cooperation. In particular, the current transformation of German Financial Cooperation is discussed, in light of the fact that the KfW Development Bank is introducing a Climate Mainstreaming Tool in spring 2020 to enable climate mainstreaming across all projects. The challenges of implementing climate mainstreaming and subseq

Skomakarudden - Bostäder för havsnära möten

Likt andra orter längst med den bohuslänska kusten är den täta bebyggelsen i Bovallstrand fokuserad runt ett torg, men tunnas snabbt ut därefter. Strax utanför den allra tätaste bebyggelsen, något längre in i fjorden, skjuter en udde ut från land - Skomakarudden. Mitt examensarbete ämnar undersöka möjligheten att exploatera denna udde, men utan att förgöra miljömässiga kvaliteter. I skrivandets This master thesis investigates how to build in a sensitive environment in two senses. Partly, in terms of the physical context; Bovallstrand, a small fishing village in the archipelago of Bohuslän, with strength building restrictions and a present cultural heritage. Further, the chosen site for the project. An unbuilt cape where the nature is growing freely in between rising hills. Where the clif

Att Arbeta i Restaurangbranschen under Covid-19-Pandemin – Stress, Välbefinnande och Coping

Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur restaurangpersonal upplevde stress och psykiskt välbefinnande samt i vilken grad positiv förväntan påverkade dessa faktorer inom loppet av Coronakrisen under april 2020. Vidare undersöktes om det fanns köns- eller åldersrelaterade skillnader avseende stress och välbefinnande. Undersökningen gjordes som en kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie genom ett webbaserat The objective of this study was to investigate how restaurant staff experienced stress and psychological well-being and to what extent positive expectancies affected these factors during the Corona crisis in April 2020. Furthermore, it was investigated whether there were gender or age-related differences regarding stress and well-being. The survey was conducted as a quantitative cross-sectional st


As a reaction to our current fast living and increasingly individualistic society, the focus on presence and need for human interaction is rising. With inspiration from Marina Abramovic’s performance work “The artist is present” at MoMa in New York, this project has been focusing on how to create a setting which enhances the interaction between two people. During this project, the aspect of inter

Quantum Optimization

This thesis concerns the implementation of quantum algorithms on a computer vision problem called bundle adjustment. Bundle adjustment can be simplified for illustration purposes by the following example. Two different cameras take a picture of the same object in different angles. Features of the pictures on the different cameras can be seen as points and, in a space sense, they are desired to be