Din sökning på "*" gav 534693 sökträffar
Jason D. Slone: Theological Incorrectness. Why Religious People Believe What They Shouldn’t
New temporary internal introducer shunt for brain perfusion during total endovascular arch replacement with in situ fenestration technique.
Complete endovascular arch replacement by in situ fenestration technique requires maintenance of cerebral perfusion during the fenestration procedure by an extracorporeal femoral-carotid bypass. The bypass has the disadvantages of being invasive, requiring a pump and shunting blood extracorporeally. This report describes bench testing and an in vivo experimental animal setup with an endovascular,
Recension av: Världshistoriens största slag
Hypertension and genome-wide association studies: combining high fidelity phenotyping and hypercontrols.
Among the common complex diseases, hypertension has been particularly unlucky in the recent surge of positive results from genome-wide association studies. We summarize the evidence that would support continuing the effort in the hunt for a genetic basis for hypertension. The problems facing the genetic studies for hypertension are not unique, but phenotypic characterization, heterogeneity and hig
Kulthuset i Uppåkra
Dansk Skattehistorie
Brittisk film – inte längre på bettet
De första städerna
Household salt as a retrospective dosemeter using optically stimulated luminescence.
The aim of this work was to investigate the potential of a selection of household salts (NaCl) as a retrospective dosemeter for ionising radiation using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). The OSL-response of five brands of salt to an absorbed dose in the range from 1 mGy to 9 Gy was investigated using a Risø TL/OSL-15 reader and a (60)Co beam, allowing low dose-rate irradiations. The salt wa
Lexical and Acoustic Modelling of Swedish Prosody
Popular Abstract in Swedish Prosodi och intonation är viktiga delar i det mänskliga talet. I system för text-till-talomvandling och automatisk taligenkänning måste prosodiska modeller inkluderas för att uppnå acceptabla resultat. Denna avhandling bidrar till modelleringen av svensk prosodi ur lexikalt och akustiskt perspektiv. Tre aspekter av lexikal modellering av prosodi studeras. Vi skisserar Prosody and intonation are very important ingredients of human speech. In speech technology, text-to-speech (TTS) and automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems must incorporate prosodic models in order to reach acceptable performances. We contribute to the modelling of Swedish prosody in a speech technology context from lexical and acoustic angles. Three aspects of lexical prosodic modelling are
Some Aspects of the Expansion of Education in Sweden
Muntligt och skriftligt i Sverige och svenskan
Skratt som fastnar : kulturella perspektiv på skratt och humor
The Oxford handbook of philosophical theology. Edited by Thomas P. Flint & Michael C. Rea.
Purification of alpha1-antichymotrypsin from human plasma with recombinant M. catarrhalis ubiquitous surface protein A1.
Alpha 1-antichymotrypsin (ACT) inhibits chymotrypsin-like enzymes, particularly neutrophil cathepsin G. Moreover, ACT in its native form suppresses chemotaxis of neutrophils and decreases neutrophil production of superoxide radicals. We recently showed that Moraxella catarrhalis ubiquitous surface protein (Usp) A1 is able to specifically bind ACT in the context of a novel virulence mechanism. In t
Tullia Linders (obituary)
Vertex correction calculations for an electron gas
A straightforward attempt to estimate the influence of the first vertex correction for a homogeneous electron gas is made. The approximation scheme is also tested on a solvable model of a core electron coupled to an electron gas.(12 refs)
Changing the Subject
Chip for wideband digital predistortion RF power amplifier linearisation
The authors present a custom chip for use in digital predistortion linearisation of RF power amplifiers. The chip is mainly implemented with systolic arrays. At maximum clock-rate, 130 MHz, the throughput is 16 Msamples/s with a 5 V supply voltage and power consumption of 1 W. A throughput of 2 Msamples/s is achieved at a 1.2 V supply voltage with 6 mW power consumption