

Din sökning på "*" gav 527083 sökträffar

Passive farming and land development : A real options approach

The EU's farmers are no longer required to produce commodities to receive direct payments as long as they keep their land in good condition. Some believe this is bad for development because it encourages passive farming. We evaluate, using a real options approach, the implications of decoupled payments for the desirability and optimal timing of agricultural land development when considering sunk i

The origin of the world's smallest flightless bird, the Inaccessible Island Rail Atlantisia rogersi (Aves : Rallidae)

Rails (Aves: Rallidae) are renowned for their extreme dispersal capability, which has given rise to numerous island lineages. Many insular species lost the ability to fly as a response to release from predator pressure—a feature causing rapid extinction when humans subsequently introduced mammals. The world's smallest extant flightless bird, the Inaccessible Island Rail Atlantisia rogersi, is ende

An investigation of physical pain among Swedish community adults: Sample demographics and pain characteristics

Denna rapport beskriver ett urval av 1184 vuxna svenskar (medelvärdesålder = 48.72 år, standardavvikelse = 12.17; 75.5 % kvinnor, 1.3 % annan eller ej angiven könsidentitet) som upplever olika typer av fysisk smärta. Data samlades in via en internetenkät, som under 2017 utannonserades via olika patientföreningar, sociala medier och vårdcentraler. I bortsett från att de flesta av deltagarna identifThis report presents the demographics of a community sample of 1184 Swedish adults (mean age = 48.72 years, SD = 12.17; 75.5 % women, 1.3 % other or undisclosed gender identity) who currently experience physical pain of various origins. Data was collected via an internet survey advertised through patient societies, social media, and healthcare clinics during 2017. Although the majority identified

Aberrant receptor tyrosine kinase signaling in lipofibromatosis : a clinicopathological and molecular genetic study of 20 cases

Lipofibromatosis is a rare pediatric soft tissue tumor with predilection for the hands and feet. Previously considered to represent “infantile fibromatosis”, lipofibromatosis has distinctive morphological features, with mature adipose tissue, short fascicles of bland fibroblastic cells, and lipoblast-like cells. Very little is known about the genetic underpinnings of lipofibromatosis. Prompted by

Temporal changes in abundance exhibit less spatial structure than abundance itself in North American birds

Species abundance is often spatially structured such that, within a species’ distribution, abundance peaks at one or more areas and declines from those points. Abundance may also increase or decrease over time, but the spatial structure of temporal changes in abundance has been infrequently examined. Here we use count data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) to describe the spatial

From production planning flows to manufacturing operation management KPIs : linking ISO18828 & ISO22400 standards

International standards are playing a key role in leading and shaping the smart manufacturing landscape. The integration and consistency among different standards is therefore essential to effectively support industrial automation evolution and to ensure their applicability. This paper focuses on the ISO18828 and ISO22400 standards, related to the production planning process and manufacturing, con

The value of Stanford integrated psychosocial assessment for transplantation (SIPAT) in prediction of clinical outcomes following left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation

Background: The Stanford integrated psychosocial assessment for transplantation (SIPAT) is a validated psychosocial evaluation tool in the transplant population. Objective: We evaluated SIPAT in predicting post-left ventricular assist device (LVAD) outcomes, including cumulative re-admissions, driveline infections, pump malfunction, pump thrombosis, gastrointestinal bleeding, major bleeding, strok

Generalized Kakeya sets for polynomial evaluation and faster computation of fermionants

We present two new data structures for computing values of an n-variate polynomial P of degree at most d over a finite field of q elements. Assuming that d divides q- 1 , our first data structure relies on (d+ 1) n + 2 tabulated values of P to produce the value of P at any of the qn points using O(nqd2) arithmetic operations in the finite field. Assuming that s divides d and d / s divides q- 1 , o

Immunoprofiles of colorectal cancer from Lynch syndrome

Colorectal cancers associated with Lynch syndrome are characterized by defective mismatch repair, microsatellite instability, high mutation rates, and a highly immunogenic environment. These features define a subset of cancer with a favorable prognosis and high likelihood to respond to treatment with anti-programmed death 1 (PD-1)/programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) drugs. With the aim to define imm

Nanny care in Sweden : The inequalities of everyday doings of care

Political initiatives such as tax deductions for domestic services, including nannies, has, together with a growing au pair market paved the way for new possibilities of organizing child care in Sweden. This affects the everyday ‘local care loops’ for the upper middle-class families purchasing the services; the logistics of solving the work/family dilemma is changed through the possibility of hiri

Towards biomimics of cell membranes : Structural effect of phosphatidylinositol triphosphate (PIP3) on a lipid bilayer

Phosphoinositide (PIP) lipids are anionic phospholipids playing a fundamental role for the activity of several transmembrane and soluble proteins. Among all, phosphoinositol-3′,4′,5′-trisphosphate (PIP3) is a secondary signaling messenger that regulates the function of proteins involved in cell growth and gene transcription. The present study aims to reveal the structure of PIP-containing lipid me

SDN Access Control for the Masses

The evolution of Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has so far been predominantly geared towards defining and refining the abstractions on the forwarding and control planes. However, despite a maturing south-bound interface and a range of proposed network operating systems, the network management application layer is yet to be specified and standardized. It has currently poorly defined access contr

Thermodynamics of oxidation and reduction during the growth of metal catalyzed silicon nanowires

We have studied the thermodynamics of oxide formation, and the recovery of silicon and the metal catalysts from the dissociation of their respective oxides during the growth process of Si nanowires (NWs) under the Vapor → Liquid Droplet → Solid (VLS) mechanism. It is demonstrated that Si NWs under growth temperatures are thermodynamically unstable in any gas phase containing even a small concentra

Methanol as a fuel for internal combustion engines

Transportation of people and goods largely relies on the use of fossil hydrocarbons, contributing to global warming and problems with local air quality. There are a number of alternatives to fossil fuels that can avoid a net carbon emission and can also decrease pollutant emissions. However, many have significant difficulty in competing with fossil fuels due to either limited availability, limited