

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Nanowire Transistors and RF Circuits for Low-Power Applications

Popular Abstract in Swedish Surfplattor och mobiltelefoner med prestanda i klass med den hos stationära datorer för bara några år sedan är resultatet av den kontinuerliga hårdsatsning som i över 50 års tid stadigt lyckats göra den minsta elektronikkomponenten, transistorn, mindre, snabbare och mer strömsnål. Under senare år har det dock blivit svårare att förbättra prestandan enbart genom att minsThe background of this thesis is related to the steadily increasing demand of higher bandwidth and lower power consumption for transmitting data. The work aims at demonstrating how new types of structures, at the nanoscale, combined with what is referred to as exotic materials, can help benefit in electronics by lowering the consumed power, possibly by an order of magnitude, compared to the indust

Indirekt förändrad markanvändning och biodrivmedel - en kunskapsöversikt

Under senare år har det pågått en debatt om biodrivmedels klimatnytta, detta sedan studier visat att indirekt förändrad markanvändning kan leda till stora utsläpp av växthusgaser. Ökad produktion av biodrivmedel i ett land kan leda till att annan produktion trängs undan, vilket i förlängningen kan leda till omvandling av skogs- eller betesmark till jordbruksmark i andra länder; detta benämns ofta

The Making of Christianity : Conflicts, Contacts, and Constructions: Essays in Honor of Bengt Holmberg

Bengt Holmberg is widely known and respected as one of the pioneers of the sociological study of the New Testament. His dissertation, Paul and Power, published by CWK Gleerup in 1978 and by Fortress Press in 1980, was among the first studies to use sociological theory to explore and more deeply understand the Pauline letters, and it set the agenda for much future research. Partly on the basis of h

Slope Estimation from ICESat/GLAS

We present a novel technique to infer ground slope angle from waveform LiDAR, known as the independent slope method (ISM). The technique is applied to large footprint waveforms (similar to 60 m mean diameter) from the Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) to produce a slope dataset of near-global coverage at 0.5 degrees x 0.5 degrees resolution.

First known Terrestrial Impact of a Binary Asteroid from a Main Belt Breakup Event

Approximately 470 million years ago one of the largest cosmic catastrophes occurred in our solar system since the accretion of the planets. A 200-km large asteroid was disrupted by a collision in the Main Asteroid Belt, which spawned fragments into Earth crossing orbits. This had tremendous consequences for the meteorite production and cratering rate during several millions of years following the

Expeditioner i det förflutna : etnologiska fältarbeten och försvinnande allmogekultur under 1900-talets början

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under 1900-talets inledande decennier genomfördes fältarbeten på den svenska landsbygden då äldre bebyggelse och byar dokumenterades på bild och i ord. Dessa dokumentationer ingick i ett större sammanhang, där ambitionen var att alla aspekter av en förmodat försvinnande allmogekultur skulle kartläggas, samlas in och arkiveras. By- och bebyggelsedokumentationerna utfördeIn the first decades of the twentieth century there were fieldwork expeditions in rural Sweden, documenting archaic buildings and villages in words and pictures. These documentation efforts were part of a larger context, where the ambition was to survey and collect all aspects of what was presumed to be a vanishing peasant culture. The documentation was carried out by several different museums and

Approximate Dynamic Programming with Applications

This thesis studies approximate optimal control of nonlinear systems. Particular attention is given to global solutions and to the computation of approximately optimal feedback controllers. The solution to an optimal control problem is characterized by the optimal value function. For a large class of problems the optimal value function must satisfy a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman type equation. Two comm

Sex differences in cerebral palsy incidence and functional ability: a total population study

Aim To describe gender difference in a total population of children with cerebral palsy (CP), related to subtype, gross and fine motor function, and to compare CP incidence trends in girls and boys. Methods All 590 children with CP born in southern Sweden 1990-2005 were included. CP subtype was classified according to the Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe, gross motor function according to

Gender Aspects on Heart Failure

There is an increasing amount of data suggesting that there are inherent epidemiological and pathophysiological, as well as psychosocial differences between men and women with heart failure (HF). These differences may be so profound that they warrant differences in management and treatment. Furthermore women have been greatly underrepresented in clinical HF treatment trials. The major aim of the s

Radioimmunotherapy for Prostate Cancer-Current Status and Future Possibilities.

Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most common cancers in men and is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the USA. In the United States, it is the second most frequently diagnosed cancer after skin cancer, and in Europe it is number one. According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 221,000 men in the United States would be diagnosed with PCa during 2015, and approximate

Prediction of stopping-power ratios in flattening-filter free beams.

PURPOSE: In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in flattening-filter free (FFF) beams. However, since the removal of the flattening filter will affect both the mean and the variance of the energy spectrum, current beam-quality specifiers may not be adequate for reference dosimetry in such beams. The purpose of this work was to investigate an alternative, more general beam-quality s

Real-world cost-effectiveness in chronic myeloid leukemia: the price of success during four decades of development from non-targeted treatment to imatinib

Imatinib has revolutionized the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). We evaluated clinical outcome and cost-effectiveness, using Swedish registry data based on patients with CML diagnosed 1973-2008. Outcome from three time periods (I: 1973-1979; II: 1991-1997; III: 2002-2008) associated with symptomatic treatment, interferon-alpha/stem cell transplant and implementation of imatinib, respec

Moving towards an ecologically sound society? Starting from green universities and environmental higher education

Moving towards an ecologically sound society requires strong support from higher educational institutions. During the past decade, the Journal of Cleaner Production has published more than 150 articles that have highlighted advances in academic efforts on sustainability in higher education, that were focused upon education, research, outreach and greening of campus operations in universities from

Cardiac arrest and therapeutic hypothermia: Prognosis and outcome

Popular Abstract in Swedish Personer som drabbas av hjärtstopp riskerar grava hjärnskador p.g.a. brist på blodflöde till hjärnan. Patienterna blir ofta långvarigt medvetslösa och vårdas på intensiv¬vårdsavdelning i respirator. Risken för hjärnskada kan minskas med kyl¬behandling. Under kylbehandlingen, cirka 1.5 dygn, får patienten sederande och ev. muskelavslappnande medicin för att minska ”huttrAbstract Therapeutic hypothermia (TH) is the only treatment available to reduce neurological sequels for unconscious patients following cardiac arrest (CA). TH requires sedation and muscular relaxation, obscuring the clinical neurological examination for estimation of prognosis, and clinical decision making. Continuous amplitude-integrated EEG (aEEG) has been used to predict outcome in neonates

Equivalent circuit based calculation of signal correlation in lossy MIMO antennas

Correlation coefficient of received signals across a pair of antennas is a key performance indicator for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. For multipath environments with uniform 3D angular power spectrum, the signal correlation between two antennas can be exactly calculated from their 3D radiation patterns. When radiation patterns are unavailable, a simplified approach that only requ

New Mediators and Novel Mechanisms in Allergic Airway Inflammation

Hyperresponsiveness and inflammation are major pathophysiological features of both allergic rhinitis and asthma. The mechanisms behind these are not fully understood. The aims of this thesis were to investigate if cytokines involved in the allergic response can induce airway hyperreactivity by affecting the airway smooth muscle directly and to identify novel mediators involved in allergic airway i