

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Vertical nanowire TFETs with channel diameter down to 10 nm and point S MIN of 35 mV/decade

We present experimental data from vertical InAs/InGaAsSb/GaSb nanowire tunnel field-effect transistors with channel diameter scaled down to 10 nm and ability to reach a point subthreshold swing of 35 mV/decade at VDS = 0.05 V. Furthermore, the impact of drain, channel and source diameter scaling on the subthreshold swing and currents are studied. Impact of gate-overlap is more evident

Sources of uncertainty in modeled land carbon storage within and across three MIPs : Diagnosis with three new techniques

Terrestrial carbon cycle models have incorporated increasingly more processes as a means to achieve more-realistic representations of ecosystem carbon cycling. Despite this, there are large across-model variations in the simulation and projection of carbon cycling. Several model intercomparison projects (MIPs), for example, the fifth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) (hist

On roundoff error growth in elliptic problems

Large-scale linear systems arise in finite-difference and finite-element discretizations of elliptic problems. With increasing computer performance, ever larger systems are solved using direct methods. How large can such systems be without roundoff compromising accuracy? Here we model roundoff dynamics in standard LU and LDLT decompositions with respect to problem size N. For the one-dimensional (

The Nazis’ cloven hoof : Finnish critiques of legal sterilisation

In 1935, a law on prescription-based sterilisation of ‘the idiot, the imbecile, and the mentally ill’ was passed by a majority in the Finnish parliament. Complementary of earlier eugenic legislation, it was considered beneficial for public health and economy, following the examples of ‘advanced’ countries such as Sweden and Germany. The cultural journal Tulenkantajat (The Fire Bearers, 1932-1939)

Detection of steering events using hidden Markov models with multivariate observations

In this article we propose a method to identify steering events, such as curves and manoeuvres for vehicles. We use a hidden Markov model with multidimensional observations, to estimate the number of events. Three signals, lateral acceleration, steering angle speed and vehicle speed, are used as observations. We demonstrate that hidden Markov models with a combination of continuous and discrete di

Developmental plasticity in reptiles: Insights from temperature-dependent gene expression in wall lizard embryos : Insights from temperature-dependent gene expression in wall lizard embryos

Many features of the development of reptiles are affected by temperature, but very little is known about how incubation temperature affects gene expression. Here, we provide a detailed case study of gene expression profiles in common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis) embryos developing at stressfully low (15°C) versus benign (24°C) temperature. For maximum comparability between the two temperature re

Airway physical examination tests for detection of difficult airway management in apparently normal adult patients

Background: The unanticipated difficult airway is a potentially life-threatening event during anaesthesia or acute conditions. An unsuccessfully managed upper airway is associated with serious morbidity and mortality. Several bedside screening tests are used in clinical practice to identify those at high risk of difficult airway. Their accuracy and benefit however, remains unclear. Objectives: The

Estimating transport parameters in an undisturbed soil column using time domain reflectometry and transfer function theory

Modelling solute transport in the unsaturated zone is a complex problem given the inherent soil heterogeneity. Using time domain reflectometry (TDR) as described in this paper can improve data quality to be used in predictive models. The TDR technique requires appropriate calibration if it is to be used for solute concentration measurements under constant and varying water content. Two ways of det

Eight new species of Dolichopodinae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from northern Iran

Dipterological surveys were conducted in different sites in western and central parts of northern Iran (Guilan, Mazandaran, Kordestan, East and West Azerbaijan and Ardabil provinces) during 2010–2011 using Malaise traps, and during 2012–2014 employing sweep nets. A total of 110 species were collected, including 42 Dolichopodinae. Eleven dolichopodine species proved new to science, eight of which a

Heat transfer correlations for jet impingement boiling over micro-pin-finned surface

Heat transfer performance of submerged jet impingement boiling over staggered micro-pin-finned surfaces was investigated using air-dissolved FC-72. The dimension of the silicon chips is 10 × 10 × 0.5 mm3 (length × width × thickness) on staggered micro-pin-fins with four dimensions of 30 × 30 × 60 μm3, 50 × 50 × 60 μm3, 30 × 30 × 120 μm3 and 50 × 50 × 120 μm3 (width × thickness × height, named S-PF

Economic Fluctuations in the United Kingdom, 1750-1938

This dissertation investigates the causes of economic fluctuations in the United Kingdom between the Industrial Revolution and the Second World War. The first part of the dissertation studies the micro origins of fluctuations by focusing on regional variation and its aggregate implications. Chapter 1 constructs estimates of the money supply in Ireland between 1840 and 1921. Chapter 2 develops annu

Soil solution electrical conductivity measurements under transient conditions using Time Domain Reflectometry

Several studies have shown that time domain reflectometry (TDR) can be used to measure water content and solute concentration during steady-state experiments with constant soil water content. Few studies have been carried out to identify the relationship between bulk electrical conductivity (σa) and soil solution electrical conductivity (σw) to be used for transient conditions with varying water c

Prevalence of the apolipoprotein E ε4 allele in amyloid β positive subjects across the spectrum of Alzheimer's disease

Introduction: Apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 is the major genetic risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD), but its prevalence is unclear because earlier studies did not require biomarker evidence of amyloid β (Aβ) pathology. Methods: We included 3451 Aβ+ subjects (853 AD-type dementia, 1810 mild cognitive impairment, and 788 cognitively normal). Generalized estimating equation models were used to ass

A natural female disadvantage? : Maternal mortality and the role of nutrition related causes of death in The Netherlands, 1875-1899

This article addresses the question whether maternal mortality should be excluded from the study of excess female mortality. This phenomenon points to lower survival chances for women in certain age groups as opposed to men in the same age group. The existence of excess female mortality has been established for a number of European countries, primarily for the nineteenth century period, and it has

The Planners' Perspective on Train Timetable Errors in Sweden

Timetables are important for train punctuality. However, relatively little attention has been paid to the people who plan the timetables: the research has instead been more centred on how to improve timetables through simulation, optimisation, and data analysis techniques. In this study, we present an overview of the state of practice and the state of the art in timetable planning by studying the

Biomechanical exposure of industrial workers – Influence of automation process

Automated processes in industry have been implemented in order to get higher production rates, but our knowledge about their effects on physical exposure of the workers is still limited. Muscular load, postures, and movements of the head, neck/shoulders, upper arms, and wrists were recorded in 19 operators from two different car clutch disc production lines (manual and semi-automated). Higher angu

Enhanced broadband absorption in nanowire arrays with integrated Bragg reflectors

A near-unity unselective absorption spectrum is desirable for high-performance photovoltaics. Nanowire (NW) arrays are promising candidates for efficient solar cells due to nanophotonic absorption resonances in the solar spectrum. The absorption spectra, however, display undesired dips between the resonance peaks. To achieve improved unselective broadband absorption, we propose to enclose distribu

Health-Related Quality of Life After Surgery for Small Intestinal Neuroendocrine Tumours

Background: Overall survival for patients with small intestinal neuroendocrine tumours (siNETs) is long, even with metastatic disease, making quality of life issues relevant. The impact of surgery on quality of life is not known. We investigated determinants of health-related quality of life in patients who had undergone surgery for a siNET. Methods: Patients operated for a siNET between 1998 and