

Din sökning på "*" gav 526776 sökträffar

Socioeconomic patterns of overweight and obesity in Scania, Sweden

Popular Abstract in Swedish Socioekonomiska mönster av övervikt och fetma i Skåne, Sverige I världen idag är fetma och övervikt ett av de största hoten mot människors goda hälsa. Den här avhandlingen har försökt beskriva och öka kunskapen om hur olika faktorer, som levnadsvillkor och levnadsvanor, bidragit till ökningen av övervikt och fetma i befolkningen. Övervikt och fetma ökar risken för en rOverweight and obesity are major social and public health concerns globally. The obesity epidemic is caused by a widespread chronic energy imbalance between high-energy intake and low-energy expenditure, but this mechanism appears to be modified by a number of other biological, behavioral, and social factors that interact in a complicated manner. It has become a great challenge to understand the e

Discovery and Structural Modification of 1-Phenyl-3-(1-phenylethyl)urea Derivatives as Inhibitors of Complement

A series of 1-phenyl-3-(1-phenylethyl)urea derivatives were identified as novel and potent complement inhibitors through structural modification of the original compound from high-throughput screening. Various analogues (7 and 13-15) were synthesized and identified as complement inhibitors, with the introduction of a five- or six-carbon chain (7c, 7d, 7k, 7I, and 7o) greatly improving their activi

Integration of signalling in smooth muscle caveolae

Caveolae and lipid rafts are plasma membrane microdomains that are considered to play a role in cellular signalling. Caveolins and cavins as well as cholesterol are required for the structure and function of caveolae. The papers summarized in this thesis examine the role of caveolae in smooth muscle function. Ca2+-sensitization is a contractile process depending on inhibition of myosin phosphatase

Systematic measurements of light vector mesons at RHIC-PHENIX

The PHENIX experiment at RHIC has measured and ω meson production in p+p, d+Au and Au+Au collisions for GeV at mid-rapidity. Systematic measurements of light vector mesons for several decay channels provide information about properties of the strongly interacting matter produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. We present transverse momentum spectra and nuclear modification factors for and ω

Dietary patterns as identified by factor analysis and colorectal cancer among middle-aged Americans

Background: Although diet has long been suspected as an etiological factor for colorectal cancer, studies of single foods and nutrients have provided inconsistent results. Objective: We used factor analysis methods to study associations between dietary patterns and colorectal cancer in middle-aged Americans. Design: Diet was assessed among 293 615 men and 198 767 women in the National Institutes o

Does the Dynamic Stokes Shift Report on Slow Protein Hydration Dynamics?

The time-dependent fluorescence frequency shift of protein-attached probes has a much slower decay than that for the free probe. The decay times, ranging from 10 ps to several nanoseconds, have been attributed to hydration water motions several orders of magnitude slower than those in the hydration shell of small solutes. This interpretation deviates strongly from the prevailing picture of protein

The potential for arms race and Red Queen coevolution in a protist host-parasite system.

The dynamics and consequences of host-parasite coevolution depend on the nature of host genotype-by-parasite genotype interactions (G × G) for host and parasite fitness. G × G with crossing reaction norms can yield cyclic dynamics of allele frequencies ("Red Queen" dynamics) while G × G where the variance among host genotypes differs between parasite genotypes results in selective sweeps ("arms ra

Application of a district management approach to Southern African river basin systems: the case of the Umbeluzi, Incomati and Maputo river basins

In recent years, the 'river basin as a management unit' approach has been adopted as a solution to water management. The situation between Swaziland, Mozambique and South Africa regarding managing the water resources of the Incomati, Maputo, and Umbeluzi shared river basins is an interesting case that might need a different approach. These rivers flow downstream to the Maputo estuary where their w

Men's experiences of giving and taking social support after their wife's spinal cord injury

The aim of this study was to gain an understanding of how men living with women with spinal cord injury (SCI) experienced and acted when they were giving and taking social support to and from their wives and other persons in their social network. Another aim was to give some possible explanations of the complex process of change that they went through. Data were collected through in-depth intervie

STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology - Molecular Epidemiology (STROBE-ME): An extension of the STROBE statement

Advances in laboratory techniques have led to a rapidly increasing use of biomarkers in epidemiological studies. Biomarkers of internal dose, early biological change, susceptibility and clinical outcomes are used as proxies for investigating interactions between external and / or endogenous agents and body components or processes. The need for improved reporting of scientific research led to influ

Diagnostic Methods

Non-invasive vascular studies can provide crucial information on the presence, location, and severity of critical limb ischaemia (CLI), as well as the initial assessment or treatment planning. Ankle-brachial index with Doppler ultrasound, despite limitations in diabetic and end-stage renal failure patients, is the first-line evaluation of CLI. In this group of patients, toe-brachial index measurem

Microvariation in Norwegian long distance binding

It is well known that (some speakers of) Norwegian allow long distance binding, defined here as binding across a finite clause boundary. A number of factors that facilitate long distance binding have also been identified. In the study reported on here, 93 native speakers of Norwegian judged 30 sentences in a web-based questionnaire. The results show that V2 order in the embedded clause reduces the

Fiber plant manager: an OTDR- and OTM-based PON monitoring system

Wider deployment of fiber in the last mile is driven by increased customer needs for high capacity communication. This deployment requires solutions that reduce the operators' OPEX. A cost-efficient fully reliable and accurate monitoring solution supporting fault detection, identification, and localization in different fiber access topologies will be a key part of such solutions. In this article,

Synthesis and decomposition mechanisms of Mg2FeH6 studied by in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction and high-pressure DSC

Synthesis and decomposition mechanisms of ternary Mg2FeH6 were investigated using in-situ synchrotron radiation powder X-ray diffraction (SR-PXD) and high-pressure differential scanning calorimetry (HP-DSC). Two routes for synthesis of Mg2FeH6 were studied. The first utilizes a ball-milled homogeneous MgH2-Fe powder mixture and the second uses a mixture of Fe and Mg formed by decomposition of the

The Kallikrein-Related Peptidases hK2 and PSA with Emphasis on Genetic Variation, Secretion, and Sperm Motility

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and human glandular kallikrein 2 (hK2) are secreted by the prostate into seminal plasma and through leakage into blood. This leakage increases rapidly in prostate disease, and PSA is used worldwide as a marker of prostate cancer. PSA is activated in vitro by hK2, and cleaves the semenogelins in semen, which releases motile sperm, and low levels of PSA have been asso

Word Order in Övdalian : A Study in Variation and Change.

This dissertation discusses aspects of the syntax of Övdalian, a variety spoken by ca. 2,500 people in the province of Dalecarlia in Sweden. Initially, an overview of the history and current status of the language of Älvdalen is given, and the focus of the dissertation is on certain syntactic phenomena that have been well studied from a comparative and diachronic perspective in other Scandinavian

An investigation of how quality requirements are specified in industrial practice

Context: This paper analyses a sub-contractor specification in the mobile handset domain. Objective: The objective is to understand how quality requirements are specified and which types of requirements exist in a requirements specification from industry. Method: The case study is performed in the mobile handset domain, where a requirements specification was analyzed by categorizing and characteri