Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar
Egen jord eller annans? : Arrendatorer och jordägare i Ekby socken 1845-1945
Somatostatin secretion by Na+-dependent Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release in pancreatic delta cells
Pancreatic islets are complex micro-organs consisting of at least three different cell types: glucagon-secreting alpha, insulin-producing beta and somatostatin-releasing delta cells. Somatostatin is a powerful paracrine inhibitor of insulin and glucagon secretion. In diabetes, increased somatostatinergic signalling leads to defective counter-regulatory glucagon secretion. This increases the risk o
Numerical investigation of particle deposition in film-cooled blade leading edge
This study numerically investigates film-cooling performance and particle trajectories in AGTB (two rows of cylindrical holes equipped on suction side (SS) and pressure side (PS) of the leading edge, respectively) turbine cascade. Particle deposition on a turbine blade is analyzed by calculations of capture efficiency and impact efficiency. The turbulent flow is modeled by the Realizable k-ε turbu
Prevention of oral mucositis with cryotherapy in children undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantations—a feasibility study and randomized controlled trial
Purpose: To evaluate the feasibility of oral cryotherapy (OC) in children and to investigate if OC reduces the incidence of severe oral mucositis (OM), oral pain, and opioid use in children undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Methods: Fifty-three children, 4–17 years old, scheduled for HSCT in Sweden were included and randomized to OC or control using a computer-generated li
Exploring relationships of environmental attitudes, behaviors, and sociodemographic indicators to aspects of discourses: analyses of International Social Survey Programme data in the Philippines
Data from the International Social Survey Programme 2000 and 2010 environment modules were analyzed to explore the relationships between attitudes, behavior, and sociodemographic variables to citizens’ preferences to aspects of environmental discourse in the Philippines. Overall, significantly more people agree to multilateralism, equity, and the link between the environment and economic progress
Reformationen i Tyskland och Sverige - en haltande jämförelse II
Readability of informed consent forms for whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing
Whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing (WES, WGS) can generate an unprecedented amount of complex information, making the informed consent (IC) process challenging. The aim of our study was to assess the readability of English IC forms for clinical whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing using the SMOG and Flesch-Kincaid formulas. We analysed 36 forms, most of which were from US providers. The me
Synthesis and reactivity studies of model complexes for dinuclear active sites in metalloenzymes
Several new polydentate and potentially dinucleating ligands have been synthesized in order to model the coordination environments of a number of structurally related dinuclear active sites in metalloenzymes, including methane monooxygenase, the ribonucleotide reductase R2 protein, urease, arginase, red kidney bean purple acid phosphatase and zinc phosphotriesterase.~ Ligands 1 and 2 have proven t
Origin of Originality in Science: Inter-Generational Knowledge Transfer in Academic Training
Radical prostatectomy. Impact of surgical technique and surgeon variability on functional and oncologic outcomes.
Exit, Voice and Consensus- A Legal and Political Analysis of the Emergency Brake in EU Criminal Policy
This article presents a political and legal analysis of the emergency brake in criminal law in Articles 82(3) and 83(3) TFEU. It suggests that the emergency brake offers a powerful discretionary prerogative for Member States seeking to protect the integrity of their criminal justice systems. This strong legal shield for Member States in the form of a ‘quasi-veto’ is contrasted with a tendency to d
Multi-Level Gas Monitoring : A New Approach in Earthquake Research
Fluid anomalies were often considered as possible precursors before earthquakes. However, fluid properties at the surface can change for a variety of reasons, including environmental changes near the surface, the response of the superficial fluid system to loads associated with the mechanical nucleation of earthquake fractures, or as a result of transients in fluid flow from the depths. A key prob
Patch testing with a textile dye mix with and without Disperse Orange 3
Background: The textile dye mix (TDM) 6.6% pet. contains Disperse Blue (DB) 35, Disperse Yellow 3, Disperse Orange (DO) 1 and 3, Disperse Red 1 and 17, and DB 106 and 124. The most frequent allergen in TDM-positive patients is DO 3. Around 85% of p-phenylenediamine (PPD)-allergic dermatitis patients have shown positive patch test reactions to DO 3. There has been a discussion to exclude DO 3 from
RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, ω-pentadecalactone, CAS Registry Number 106-02-5
On the Distinction Between Excarnate and Incarnate Law : A Comment on an Argument by Jan Assmann
Making ethics teaching more effective with a three step model
In this study, the impacts of two different “methods” for teaching ethics as part of the religious education in the Swedish upper secondary school were compared by means of a non-randomized controlled trial in two parts, involving 542 students. The question was which “method” had the greatest capacity to generate long-term ethical awareness in the students. The intervention condition consisted of
Effect of phase change materials on heat dissipation of a multiple heat source system
This paper experimentally investigates heat dissipation of a heat pipe with phase change materials (PCMs) cooling in a multiple heat source system. Two heat sources are fixed at one end of the heat pipe. Considering that a heat sink cannot dissipate all the heat generated by two heat sources, various PCMs are used due to a large latent heat. Different materials in a container are wrapped outside o
Do markets encourage risk-seeking behaviour?
Excessive risk-taking in markets can have devastating consequences as the latest financial crises have highlighted. In this paper, we ask whether markets as an institution encourages such excessive risk-taking. To establish causality, we isolate the effects of market interaction in a laboratory experiment keeping other possibly confounding factors constant. We find that the opposite is true. Marke
Spray combustion with multiple-injection in modern engine conditions
Combustion of fuel in diesel engines emits substances harmful to the environment such as soot. These emissions can be reduced by either in-cylinder treatments or after-treatments. One of the common in-cylinder treatments is multiple-injection, which divides a single fuel injection to multiple smaller injections. There are many open questions on the physical processes of the ignition, combustion an