

Din sökning på "*" gav 533198 sökträffar

Inductive energy transfer

With the diminishing reserves of oil and the growing public concern for environmental issues, the end of gasoline powered vehicles is getting closer each year. To prevent this from causing the personal and comfortable way of transportation mankind has gotten used to, to die with them, an alternative without the downsides of the gasoline engine must be developed. The environmentally friendly electr

The Response of Marital Fertility to Short term Macroeconomic Crisis An Event History Analysis, Ethiopia: 1973-2011

Abstract: This thesis combined the individual level longitudinal data, from the 2011 Ethiopian demographic and health survey, with annual GDP and price indicators, to examine the response of marital fertility to short term macroeconomic stress that Ethiopians has been facing in the last forty years. A two-level discrete time random effect models were employed to estimate the risk of next birth. Ru

Body Image among Students in Beijing: Impact of media, status, and health concerns

The importance of body image is increasing in China. Academic research and news media point to the rising desire for an ideal appearance, especially among young people in the country, in order to gain an advantage in society. This thesis was conducted to examine if university students at a high-ranking university in China were influenced by commercial ideals in the media to the same extent as youn

Real-time precipitation suppression in video streams

In surveillance cameras rain and snow can introduce an unwelcome noise to the video stream. The resulting effect of the rain becomes bright streaks in the frames of the video. These streaks can disturb human viewers and image processing algorithms. Rain streaks can be hard to detect and remove as they are a very dynamic phenomenon dependent on camera settings and weather conditions. This thesis

Bosses, spam, and griefers: a study of how old words adopt new meanings in online computer games

This essay investigates 20 gaming words generally present in the genres of Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games, Real Time Strategy, and First-Person Shooter. From each genre, one game was chosen as a representative for their respective genre, namely Guild Wars 2, StarCraft II, and Quake III Arena. The 20 words were chosen on the basis that they all occur in at least two of the three ga

Is it possible to reconstruct local pre-sence of pine on bogs during the Ho-locene based on pollen data? : a study based on surface and stratigraphical samples from three bogs in southern Sweden

Horisonter med subfossila stubbar och rötter av tall (Pinus sylvestris) är vanliga i stratigra-fier från torvmarker i norra Europa. Dessa är tydliga indikationer på att det under holocen funnits perioder med tillräckligt gynnsamma förhållanden för tallar att växa på mossar. Tall kan endast växa på mossar när ytan är tillräckligt torr, och därför är rester av tallar på mossar goda indikationer på eHorizons rich in subfossil stumps and roots of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) are frequently found in stratigraphies of northern European peatlands, providing clear evidence of Holocene periods with favourable conditions for bog-pine growth. The pines could only grow when bog-surface wetness was sufficiently low, and the presence of their remains is therefore a good indicator of past climatic condi

Monsters, Dead Heads och Belibers : en kvalitativ studie om fankulturens uttryck på den digitala plattformen

Fankulturen har idag kunnat ta plats på en större arena tack vare internet i form av fan communities och fansajter. Detta har lett till att fansen idag har enklare tillgång till andra fans, interaktion och livsstilsbildande. Gemenskap är ett socialt fenomen som är en intressant och en central aspekt att undersöka på dessa digitala plattformar, eftersom gemenskapsaspekten för människan är relativt

Att mötas utan att mötas: en kvalitativ studie om samskapande av värde vid digitala kundmöten

Vi gör ett försök till att konceptualisera gemensamt värdeskapande i ett digitalt kundmöte. I vår teoridel presenterar vi tre teorier; Servuctionmodellen för ett fysiskt möte, modellen för sfärer i gemensamt värdeskapande, samt DART-modellen för interaktion inom gemensamt värdeskapande. Vi kombinerar dessa modeller till en sammanslagen. Denna sammanslagna modell analyserar vi sedan ställd mot vårt

Miljöcertifiering av kommersiella fastigheter i Sverige - som värdeskapare och långsiktig konkurrensfördel

SAMMANFATTNING Examensarbetets titel: Miljöcertifiering av kommersiella fastigheter i Sverige - som värdeskapare och långsiktig konkurrensfördel Seminariedatum: 2014-06-04 Ämne/kurs: FEKH19, Examensarbete i Strategic Management på kandidatnivå, 15 HP Författare: Isak Albihn, Eric Jacobson och Emil Rydén Handledare: Christine Blomquist Nyckelord: Fastighetsbranschen, Miljöcertifiering, VärdeskapandUMMARY Title: Environmental certification of commercial real estate in Sweden – as a value creator and as a sustainable competitive advantage. Seminar date: 2014-06-04 Course: FEKH19, Degree project Undergraduate level, Strategic Management, 15 University Credits Points Authors: Isak Albihn, Eric Jacobson and Emil Rydén Advisor: Christine Blomquist Key words: Real estate, environmental certificati

Frequent Deadlines in Relation to Stress at Work: The Role of Self-Efficacy and Social Support at Work

When working against deadlines, individuals deal with the time pressure in different ways. Working against tight deadlines has been found to relate to stress (Herrero, Saldaña, Rodriguez & Ritzel, 2012), however frequency of deadlines has not been prevalent in studies in relation to stress. Participants were 84 employees at two transportation companies in Iceland. Frequency of deadlines was a

Portal för test automation

Environments with a high number of systems that are dependent on each other create complexity in the testing of each system. For a test to perform correctly, every dependency has to be fully functional. If this condition is not met, the test will fail and measures need to be taken into the systems that are causing the problem before it can be repeated again. This is a problem that the test departm

The impact of in utero malnutrition on “lost” births and neonatal mortality: Evidence from the 2002 food shortage in Malawi

This study aims to look at the link between in utero malnutrition and the survival probabilities of fetuses and newborns, using the 2002 food shortages in Malawi as an instrument for malnutrition. Concretely, it looks at differences in the probability of a born child being a male and in neonatal mortality between children in utero affected by food scarcity and those born right before and after the

Estimating The Forgone Income Of A Workfare Program: Case Colombia.

Colombia, as many Latin-American countries have designed a series of welfare programs in order to relief poverty, due to the crisis experimented during the 90s. Hence, the present research estimate the impact on earnings of one of the welfare program implemented in Colombia “Empleo en Acción” and see the possible forgone income from participate in the program. Thereby, based on Diff-Diff method th

The effect of conditions in early life on health in adult life: A study of 19th century Scania

In this thesis the impact of conditions in early life on survival in adult life is studied. This is done for longitudinal level data from Scania for 1815 to 1910 and conditions in early life are measured by infant mortality rate. In the thesis a model that allows for both direct effect on the survival form the infant mortality rate and indirect effects mediated through socioeconomic status and mar

The use of accounts in the four major Swedish banks’ accounting narratives – an impression management tool used as a response to negative media attention?

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis has been to examine whether accounts have been given by the four major Swedish banks - Swedbank, Handelsbanken, Nordea and SEB - in their accounting narratives as a response to negative media attention in the time period 2009 to 2014, and whether those accounts could be seen as an impression management tool. Methodology: We have carried out a qualitative study

Relationen mellan krav, att söka socialt stad och ohälsa hos studenter.

Inom arbets- och organisationspsykologi har mycket forskning fokuserat stress i arbetslivet, men få studier har genomförts kring studenter. Studiens syfte var att undersöka om stress i form av kvantitativa krav är relaterat till ohälsa bland studenter. Ytterligare syfte var att studera om instrumentellt och emotionellt stöd som copingstrategier är kopplat till lägre grad av ohälsa samt om någon avMuch research which focuses on work related stress has been conducted in the field of organisational psychology, but few studies have examined students. The purpose of this study was to examine if stress as quantitative demands is related to poor health among students. Another purpose was to study if instrumental and emotional support as copingstrategies is related to lower levels of poor health a

State of Existence A Minor Field Study on Liminality and Enforcement of Existence in Jordan

This study comprises a three month fieldwork and 25 interviews conducted in Jordan on community based rehabilitation of persons with intellectual disability. The analytic procedure was conducted in an explicit and systematic manner much inspired by Grounded Theory. Interviewing social workers engaged in introducing community based rehabilitation in Jordan the study came to unveil their struggle wi

The Good Enough Approach and Lingering Effects of Error Correction in Antonymic Pairs: Evidence from Eye Movements

This study is concerned with how the reading process reacts to detection of errors in discourse, and how this differs from cases where an error is missed or if no error is present. It sets out to investigate these questions using eye-tracking methodology. In order to determine the influence of detection of errors during the reading process, native English speakers were asked to read short news ite

Utkontraktering och dess innebörd för en frivilligorganisation - exemplet Växjö rödakorskrets

Sweden is in a period of change in its establishment of a new welfare system. One of the main reasons is the political power shift from social democratic welfare regime to liberal welfare regime. This change involves, among others, a restructuring of the relationship regarding responsibility in the social welfare, between the public, private and non-government sectors. This is due to how different