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När svenska bevisupptagningsregler gällande vittnen kolliderar med utländska processregler – uppfyller en sådan omständighet kravet på rätt till rättvis rättegång enligt artikel 6 EKMR?

Att världen idag kan te sig ganska liten är inget att ta miste på. Det är betydligt lättare och kostar mindre att resa i förhållande till förr, vilket har bidragit till att många av oss i mycket större omfattning reser på semester eller i arbetet, och då stöter på - för oss - främmande och ibland komplicerade problem. Huvudregeln enligt svensk rätt är att bevis skall upptas vid förhandling, enliToday the world does not seem as large as we probably once thought. Many years ago traveling was difficult and quite expensive. Today it’s completely the opposite. All this convenience we experience has some consequences. During our travels and business endeavours with different parts of the world it is not surprising that we encounter problems. Since these problems are unfamiliar to us the proble

2014 års 3:12-regler - en förändrad löneunderlagsregel

Uppsatsen behandlar 3:12-reglernas utveckling och grundläggande syfte, vilka problem som reglerna gett upphov till samt den nya löneunderlagsregeln som infördes den 1 januari 2014. 3:12-reglerna avgör hur stor del kapitalvinstbeskattad utdelning en aktiv delägare i ett fåmansföretag får ta ut. Kapitalinkomster beskattas efter en proportionell skattesats och förvärvsinkomster efter en progressiv This paper analyses the development of the 3:12 rules, their fundamental purpose and the complications associated with them. Furthermore, the alterations of the general rule considering the wage based allowance introduced on the 1st of January 2014 will also be examined. To be covered by the aformentioned 3:12 rules a company must be considered as a closely held corporation according to 56 kap. 2

The Brazilian soy boom

The goal with this thesis is to analyze the expansion of Brazilian soybean cultiva-tion since 2000, through a World Systems Analysis perspective. The exploratory objective is concerned with how the soy expansion relates to the notion of periph-ery, as this has been conceptualized through the theoretical construct of periphery conditions by Terrence Hopkins and Immanuel Wallerstein (1982). The pap

Do Capitalist Welfare States Still Consist of ”The Good, the Bad and the Ugly?” Revisiting Esping-Andersen’s “Three Worlds” Studying Welfare Regimes of the 21st Century.

This thesis aims to reproduce the study Esping-Andersen conducted in the seminal work “The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism” (1990) in a 21st century context. The study conducted in “Three Worlds” discovered that welfare states tended to cluster around three welfare-state regimes: social democratic, conservative and liberal. The purpose is to see whether the studied countries have changed during

Fettpärlan : närstudie om gruppsykologi

This literary work is a close study of the novel “Boule de suif” from a group psychological perspective. Here studied the different characters influence, on the group composition and the individuals integrity. How much does peer pressure effect each specific individual.

Product portfolio innovation: As a strategy for a carbon free future

In order to combat climate change businesses, among others, have major responsibility decreasing GHG emissions generated from, for example, industry processes and products/services. Companies need to develop innovative strategies as a strategy intended for reducing companies’ carbon footprint aimed at a carbon free future. One important strategy employed by companies to reduce their environmental

Effektivisera byggbranschen med system för leveransplanering : En kartläggning av befintlig situation och fallstudier för två pilotprojekt

Problemformulering: Hur ser informationsflödet mellan leverantör och entreprenör ut och vilka icke värdeskapande aktiviteter finns idag kopplade till en bristfällig leveransplanering? Kan dessa aktiviteter reduceras med befintligt systemet eller finns önskemål att ändra eller ta fram en helt annan typ av system? Syfte: Att ge läsaren en god inblick i hur det arbetars med materialförsörjning på enProblem: This study examines problems in the Construction supply chain. Most industries have already included use of assistive technology in their daily work and I will research if it is possible to implement a system for delivery planning in the construction industry to reduce non-value adding activities. A system designed for construction delivery planning has been developed. In order to grow an

Bedömning av den potentiella föroreningsnivån vid plantskolor och växthus – Utvärdering av en MIFO fas 1-matris

Greenhouses and nursery-gardens is an important business in Sweden, covering a land area of 3,0 million square meters in 2011. The downside of this otherwise blooming business is however the use of so called PPPs, plant protection products, which is connected to it. Historically the use of PPPs has been widespread and the handling has been conducted in an off-hand way. During the post-war time the

Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Combined Cycle Power Plants

This master thesis project serves to investigate the possibilities of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) using the example of enthalpy control of the BENSON HRSG (heat recovery steam generator) of a combined cycle power plant (CCPP). The general idea of NMPC is to solve an optimization problem, to nd the next control action, and this optimization problem is based on a model of the system. T

The Genetics of Colour Polymorphism

Popular science summary Genetic colour polymorphisms (the occurrence of two or more heritable colour morphs in the same habitat, within a randomly mating population) are widespread in nature. Whether evolving through natural selection or sexual selection, or whether to aid in e.g. camouflage or mate-selection; genetic colour polymorphisms provide a fascinating study system from which to gain insi

Supplementary Old-age Pension Systems

The ageing population in Europe has created a demographic shift, especially in the number of pension beneficiaries, which has increased inversely proportional compared to the number of economically active individuals. With the aim of minimizing future pension problems within the EU Member States, the occupational pension system was proposed by the European Commission to integrate the internal pens

Att iscensätta sin inre värld: en intervjustudie med sexuellt dominanta kvinnor och queerpersoner inom BDSM.

Syftet med studien var att få en fördjupad förståelse för bondage/disciplin/dominans/underkastelse/sadomasochism (BDSM) gällande vad BDSM-utövande fyller för psykologiska behov, vilka psykologiska processer som sker i relationen till utövarnas sexpartners samt hur utövarna påverkas av att ha en normbrytande sexualitet. Fem självdefinierade BDSM-utövare, kvinnor och queerpersoner, som utövar sexuelThe aim of the study was to gain a deeper understanding of bondage / discipline / domination / submission / sadomasochism (BDSM) regarding psychological needs, psychological processes in relation to practitioners' sexual partners and how practitioners are affected by having a non-normative sexuality. Five self-defined female or queer BDSM-practitioners who practice sexual dominance in a BDSM c

Utveckling av ramverk för ekonomisk värdering av tätortsnära ekosystemtjänster

Ekosystemtjänster är ekosystemens direkta och indirekta bidrag till människors välbefinnande. Ekosystemtjänster är ett forskningsområde som får en allt större uppmärksamhet internationellt, men också i Sverige. År 2006 gav regeringen Naturvårdsverket i uppdrag att ta fram en vägledning för tillämpningen av ekosystemansatsen i Sverige och regeringen fastslog 2012 att betydelsen av biologisk mångfal

Examining the Need for Comprehensive Refugee Protection and Asylum Seekers Policy in Ireland today

Asylum seekers and refugees are one of the most demonised and marginalised social groups in Europe. Ireland's current agenda for dealing with refugees and asylum seekers is inadequate. The government of Ireland is aware of the inadequacy of response and has proposed to make a number of changes that will improve the standard of living for those who chose to apply for inclusion in Ireland. Howev

Calculation of past and present water availability in the Mediterranean Region and future estimates according to the Thornthwaite water-balance model

Popular science Climate change impacts on water balance of the Mediterranean region Some regions and ecosystems are more sensitive than others in the face of a climate change. Mediterranean region which is the problematic of this thesis is one of those regions. Even now regions is showing differences on its hydrological pattern because of temperature rise. This study suggests more dramatical impacThe Mediterranean region is one of the most sensitive regions in the world in the face of climate change. Many studies name this region as a “hot spot”. It is essential to model the water balance of this region in order to better understand the impacts of climate change. The water balance expresses the net result of the flow of water from atmosphere to the surface and vice versa. It is one of the

Meshing and Visualisation Routines in the Python Version of CALFEM

This report is the result of a masters project conducted at the Division of Structural Mechanics at Lund University. The purpose of the project was to integrate a FEM mesh generator with the Python version of the code library CALFEM and improve the mesh visualisation capabilities of said library. This report describes how the mesher software Gmsh and the visualisation library visvis were integrate

Präster och gester. Korstecknandets utveckling inom Svenska kyrkan.

I denna uppsats undersöker jag hur korstecken har framställts i Svenska kyrkans liturgiska historia från 1529 till idag. En historisk översikt som främst bygger på handböcker från perioden och liturgihistorisk litteratur ligger till grund för förståelsen av den litteratur som idag är i bruk vid pastoralinstituten i Lund och Uppsala. Syftet med denna uppsats är också att försöka utröna trender i ut

Ansikte mot ansikte; Ikoner i Svenska kyrkan - varför det?

This essay studies the frequent habit of using Orthodox icons in the Church of Sweden. Over the last 30 years, these icons have become very popular. How come a symbol, traditionally foreign to the Swedish, Lutheran tradition, has become so accepted? Is the use of icons an expression of a shift of religious practice in Sweden today? Interviews were conducted with people employed by the Church, who