

Din sökning på "*" gav 528089 sökträffar

Hjärtstoppsassistans av räddningstjänsten - Ett beslutsunderlag för Malmö Brandkår

Basic data for decision-making for Malmö Fire Brigade has been gathered and evaluated for cardiac arrest assistance. Four aspects of cardiac arrest assistance by the fire brigade have been further explored. The first aspect is the effect of a quick response to a cardiac arrest and how the chances of survival changes over time. Secondly the possibility of the fire brigade being first on the scene w

Mätning av vattentäthet i vattendimma

This report describes experiments with a method for measuring water density in the spray from a water mist sprinkler using laser diodes. The decrease in light intensity at a photo cell across the spray from the diode is used to calculate the water density. The same method has previously been used for measuring the soot content of a flame, but the calculations when measuring water density are in so

Strategisk Brandstationsplacering

This report is an aid in making decisions for the location of fire stations. Using multi criteria decision making the report presents a model for choosing the best available location for hosting a fire station. The model gives the decision makers the opportunity to choose from more criteria than the traditional response time. The model can be applied in any fire station locational decision regardl

Gemenskapande retorik – att skapa ett ”vi” mellan motståndare

Modern technology has brought opportunities to reach an audience beyond national, cultural and social borders. The intention of the study is to explore how rhetoric can be used as a practical and analytical tool to overcome conflict and create unity between the speakers and their audience. In other words: How can rhetoric be used as a community- and identitybuilding resource to reduce the distance

Styrelsens strategiska roll i företags innovationsprocess

Syftet med vår uppsats är att försöka få en djupare förståelse för vilken roll styrelsen, i olika stora och medelstora företag, kan tänkas ha inom företagets innovationsprocess. Vår teoretiska referensram består av följande teorier: agentteorin, styrelsebeteende, resursberoendeteorin, styrning genom olika typer av ägandeskap samt teori som belyser begreppen innovation och strategi. I denna studie

Arbetstagarens företrädesrätt till återanställning och arbetsgivarens användning av bemanningsarbete. En rättslig analys av kringgåenden av anställningsskyddslagen

Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda det rättsliga förhållandet mellan arbetstagarens företrädesrätt till återanställning och arbetsgivarens användning av bemanningsarbete. Eftersom Europeiska unionen (EU) antog direktiv 2008/104/EG om uthyrning av arbetskraft (bemanningsdirektivet) år 2008 är ytterligare ett syfte att utreda dess eventuella påverkan på företrädesrätten. I takt med att bemanningsbThe purpose of this essay is to examine the legal relationship between the employee’s preferential right to reinstatement and the employer’s right to make use of temporary agency work. Since the European Union (EU) adopted Directive 2008/104/EC on temporary agency work in 2008 a further purpose is to investigate its possible influence on the preferential right to reinstatement. As the temporary a

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av High Chaparral

This report has been done to evaluate the fire safety in saloon Cheyenne with staff area at High Chaparral. It has been a goal in this report to be able to give a specific number of people to each of the departments and this has been done. Different safety systems have been added to the building during simulations and the requirement of the systems has been investigated. The safety systems have be

Brandteknisk riskvärdering, Borgsmoskolan, Norrköping

This report contains a fire safety evaluation of Borgsmoskolan in Norrköping, Sweden. It is a school for 13 to 15 years old children. There are totally 430 people in the school. The purpose is to look at individual safety. Computer simulations with Simulex has been used to see how long time evacuation takes in some different scenarios, and fire modelling has been made with CFAST to see how long it

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Oléo

This report contains a fire safety evaluation of Oléo, located in Växjö, Sweden. Oléo is a nightclub with a maximum of 900 guests allowed. The evaluation is based on fire modelling and evacuation simulations with manual calculations and computer simulations. A new sprinkler system has recently been installed to increase the safety in the building in case of a fire. The results has been evaluated,

Utvärdering av personsäkerheten vid brand på Frölunda kulturhus

The purpose of this report is to make an evaluation of the fire safety of Frölunda Kulturhus in Gothenberg, Sweden. The report focuses on the safety of people within the building and does not concern protection of property. The evaluation is based on calculations regarding smoke filling, gas temperature, visibility and evacuation time. The engineering tools that have been used are CFAST, FDS 3.1,

Brandteknisk riskvärdering Stenungstorg, Stenungsund

This report is a fire safety evaluation with focus on evacuation of Stenungstorg, Stenungsund, Sweden. The object is a shopping mall combined with apartments and offices. The personal safety has been evaluated for the built-in street, and compartments connected to it, along the west side of the building. The mall was constructed in stages from 1966 and was finished in the beginning of 1990. Today

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Linnéagården Behandlingshem AB, Gislaved

This report contains a description of the fire protection status of nursing home Linnéagården in Gislaved, Sweden, with a focus on evacuation possibility for the people living there. The building design is compared to the rules of fire safety implementation in the Swedish building code. Evacuation calculations and simulations are based on the computer programs Argos (smoke spread etc.) and ERM (Ti

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Kupolen, Borlänge

The purpose of this report is to evaluate the personal safety in case of fire at Kupolen, Borlänge. Kupolen is a shoppingmall of three storeys with various types of shops. To define possible fire scenarios a discussion of different possibilities concerning the personal safety has been made. This discussion led to fire and evacuation simulations regarding two shops that best describes a worst case

Hjärupslundsskolan - en brandteknisk riskvärdering

This report is an evaluation of the fire safety in a recently buildt public facility and school: Hjärupslundsskolan. The school is a two storey building with a basement. Based on the inspection and statistics for school fires, a number of fire scenarios were constructed. Of these, four were chosen and studied in more detail. Times until critical conditions occurred were obtained and compared to th

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av historiska museet, Stockholm

This report is a fire safety evaluation of The Museum of National Antiquities in Stockholm, Sweden. The purpose is to evaluate the safety regarding fire hazards and evacuation in the building. If the safety is found not to be satisfying this report is supposed to suggest mprovements and changes that shall or should be implemented. After visiting the object, and by weighing probabilities and conseq

Brandteknisk riskvärdering, Holmagården Svedala

This report contains a description of the fire safety situation of Holmagården, which is a residence for elderly with special needs, in Svedala, Sweden. The purpose is to evaluate the personal safety in case of fire where concern has taken to the health status of the individuals at Holmagården. Three different fire scenarios have been the starting direction for modelling and calculating. To estima

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Galleria Flanaden, Värnamo

This report evaluates the personal safety issues in the event of fire in the Swedish shopping mall “Galleria Flanaden” in Värnamo. The building and its businesses’ compliance with Swedish fire safety legislation is verified (most importantly BBR 2008 and SFS 2003:778). Weaknesses in personal safety (means of evacuation) in the event of fire are verified through an exhaustive on-site inspection and