

Din sökning på "*" gav 528099 sökträffar

Brandskydd Mariefreds innerstad, Inventeringsresultat och åtgärdsförslag

This report presents an evaluation of fire safety in the Swedish city of Mariefred. The buildings of the city are primarily 18th century, made of wood and closely built. A semi quantitative risk analysis method, BSIVI, was used in the inventory of fire safety. This method uses 16 parameters which are weighed against one another to specify the fire safety of each building. The different index value

Brandskydd i Trosa trähusbebyggelse

In the city of Trosa there is an old district of beautiful buildings of timber houses. The community of Trosa is very kind of protecting and preserve the culture heritage that the buildings reprehensive and the unique surroundings. The Community has the overarching responsibility for the safety of fire for the citizens and the buildings in the area. For each specific private house the owner has hi

Invallningsbränder - underlag för dimensionering av brandskyddet - Med tillhörande experimentdata på värmestrålning mot brandslang

This graduation project examines how pool fires in dike areas effect surrounding tanks containing liquid hydrocarbons, as well as other equipment in an oil refinery. The purpose of the report is to investigate a certain tank area at Preemraff Lysekil and give some suggestions to reduce the consequences of a dike pool fire. Calculations and simulations has been done according to heat radiation, flo

Hallandsåstunneln - Föränding i riskbild för invånarna i Båstad

This report contains a risk analysis for transportation of dangerous substances. The aim of this report is to investigate if Hallandåstunneln will increase or decreases the risk for the inhabitants of Båstad. In order to estimate the risk, individual- and societalrisk are calculated. Finally the risk for today’s transports is compared with the risk a future Hallandsåstunnel will contribute with.

European Spallation Source ur ett riskperspektiv

The aim of this report is to evaluate the safety impact on the public from the construction of a neutron spallation source (ESS) in Lund, Sweden. ESS is to use the highly flammable hydrogen gas for ion source and cooling agent and mercury for neutron production. The report accounts for the major risks the facility will cause and discusses what actions can be taken to reduce the impact these phenom

Cultural differences in an evacuation scenario - A study comparing Australian and Swedish responses

Experimental fire drills were conducted in Sweden and Australia to investigate if culture has an influence on human behaviour in evacuation scenarios. The studied variables of interest were the participants’ association to the fire alarm, their feelings during the event, premovement time and group behaviour. Seven fire drills were conducted in Sweden and six in Australia during regular tutorials a

Riskutvärdering av brand i plastbackar

At the bakery of Lantmannens Farskbrod in Lund there is a storage for approximately 20 000 plastic bakery trays. The aim of this project is to evaluate how a possible fire in these plastic bakery trays would develop, and from this knowledge suggest measures to improve the fire safety. This has been done through several experimental works, calculations and simulations. In the experimental works, di

Reliability of automatic sprinkler systems - An analysis of available statistics

In this report statistics concerning the reliability of sprinkler systems from seven countries has been analysed. The objective of this report has been to determine the reliability of sprinkler systems in Sweden and to present suggestions on measures to increase the reliability. The main conclusion that has been drawn is that the reliability of sprinkler systems in Sweden is 92 percent according t

Åtta före detta missbrukares upplevelser av vägen ifrån missbruk till arbetsliv

Uppsatsen beskriver hur åtta före detta missbrukare har fått olika former av hjälp för att komma ut i arbetslivet. Uppsatsen utgår från vilken hjälp de intervjuade har fått på sin väg till arbetslivet, hur de har upplevt hjälpen och hur de har upplevt att gå från den gamla missbrukarrollen in i den nya rollen som f.d. missbrukare i samspel med att komma ut i arbetslivet. Uppsatsen utgår från två o

King of Cord. En fallstudie av komplexitetsledarskapsteori i Doro AB

Uppsatsen genomför en empirisk studie av komplexitetsledarskapsteorin med fokus på att identifiera administrativt ledarskap samt möjliggörande ledarskap för att på detta sätt pröva ovan komplexitetsledarskapsteorin. Detta görs genom en fallstudie på Doro AB. Uppsatsen kan bekräfta komplexitetsteorins syn på att ett administrativt ledarskap tenderar att göra en organisation stel utifrån ett innovat

En studie av Asset Pricing and Portfolio Choice Simulator

Syfte: Att utvärdera det resultat APSIM ger, utifrån urvalsstorleken av aktier i simuleringen och huruvida den är en användbar metod inom portföljvalsteorin med hänsyn till mängden data vilken måste förberedas. Metod: Studien är av en kvantitativ, deduktiv metod och baseras på historisk marknads- och aktiedata hämtad ifrån Affärsvärldens Generalindex (AFGX) samt respektive akties utveckling under

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av AF-borgen i Lund

This report, written as an educational feature in a mandatory course at the Fire engineering program, Lund University, is a fire safety evaluation of “AF-borgen” in Lund, Sweden. The report focuses on human safety regarding evacuation and analysis of possible fire hazards with the designed fire. Studies have also been made, where different parameters has been changed such as faster growth rate and

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Grand Hotel Saltsjöbaden

The purpose of this document is to evaluate the safety of persons in case of fire at Grand Hotel Saltsjöbaden, south of Stockholm. The project has been carried out as a part of the education of Fire Safety Engineers at Lund Institute of Technology. The focus of the report is to evaluate the possibilities of a safe egress from the building in case of fire and to estimate the potential hazards that

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Telge forum

This report is a fire safety evaluation of Telge Forum, located in Södertälje, Sweden. Telge Forum has been evaluated regarding both time to untenable conditions and time of evacuation. Time to untenable conditions was simulated, with FDS3 in three cases and with Argos in one case, and time of evacuation was simulated with SIMULEX. The results of these simulations have been evaluated, and based on

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Kärnan, Värnamo

The purpose of this project was to evaluate the fire safety of a shopping mall called Kärnan. The whole project has been carried out as a part of the students' education. The most important part of the evaluation has been the safety of the occupants in case of a fire. As a result of this a lot of different estimations have been made, such as the size of the fire, its location in the building a

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Hedemora stadshotell

This report is a fire safety evaluation of Hedemora Stadshotell, Sweden. The hotel is a two-storey building from 1860. The purpose is to evaluate the safety of people during evacuation, in case of fire. Structural damages and property loss is not taken into account. Four scenarios that represent critical fires, most likely to occur in the hotel, were chosen. For each scenario, the time to critical

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Väsby centrum

This report is an evaluation of the fire safety at Väsby Centrum. The report is based on representative fire scenarios, interviews and observations. The fire scenarios have been simulated using CFAST with supporting data from Detact T2. The results from these programs and hand calculations have been compared to evacuation simulations done in Simulex. These comparisons together with the interviews

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Tekniska nämndhuset, Huddinge

The purpose of this report is to evaluate the fire safety of Tekniska nämndhuset in Huddinge. The focus of the report is on the safety of people during evacuation in case of fire. Property and environmental damage has not been taken into consideration. Tekniska nämndhuset is an office building accommodating several administrations within Huddinge municipality, there is no co-operation regarding fi