Din sökning på "*" gav 528099 sökträffar
Staters konkurrens om internationella företag : hur ser situationen ut i EU?
Efterlyses: kvinnor och kulturell identitet : kritik mot den dominerande diskursen om mänskliga rättigheter
Vad står på agendan? : en studie om det vi kallar nyheter värderas annorlunda idag än igår
European Catholics Ideas, Influence and Identity in the European Union
A Panel Cointegration Analysis of the Euro area money demand
Using panel cointegration structure for eleven European monetary union (EMU) countries we check Driscoll money demand model (where three different types of variables are used) that the variables of this model has a long run relationship or not. These variables are Real M3, Real GDP and opportunity cost. As opportunity cost we use long term interest rate, deposit interest rate and spread between lo
Measuring asset price inflation: a quantitative approach
This essays investigates the relationship between central banks, monetary policy and asset prices. Assets are defined as stocks and real estate. Inflations is treated as a purely monetary phenomenon caused by too much money being created, more then is appropriate according to the quantity equation. This as opposed to the New Keynesian theory where no special interest in asset prices is taken when
Att Leva som vi lär
Lunds universitet har länge arbetat aktivt för att få en miljövänlig verksamhet. Detta arbete har inte fallit ut till belåtenhet vid flera utvärderingar, och målen som ställs upp har inte kunnat uppfyllas. I praktiken sker en stor del av miljöarbetet på institutionsnivå, där prefekterna har huvudansvaret. I denna uppsats har intervjuer med ett urval av institutionsprefekterna utförts. Dessa har le
FN:s arbete mot sexuellt våld i konflikter : en uppsats om verksamhetens olika strategier.
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the underlying strategies used by the United Nations in its battle against sexual violence during armed conflict. Rape as a weapon of war is a recurring global phenomenon which often causes its victims severe physical and psychological trauma. The UN is alas currently combating the problem through UN Action against Sexual Violence in Conflict and the establ
Är Sverige ditt andra hem? -En kvalitativ studie om den kulturella anpassningsprocessen
Författare Darina Nilsson Titel Är Sverige ditt andra hem? En kvalitativ studie om kommunikationens roll och identitetsförändring under den kulturella anpassningsprocessen. Institution Institutionen för kommunikation och medier vid Lunds Universitet. Handledare Marja Åkerström Examinator Helena Sandberg Syfte Syftet med uppsatsen är att med utgångspunk i Kims teori om kulturell anpassningsprocess,
Riskanalys och utvärdering av detektion- och släcksystem. En serviceanläggning tillhörande Jas 39-Gripen
A quantitative riskanalysis and a probabilistic uncertainty analysis of the fire protection for a military service facility. Using CFAST, heat transfer equations, various information on the geometry and contents of the facility, information about various fire detection- and suppression systems, and computer programs like @Risk® and PrecisionTree®.
Brandlarmsystemet EBL512 - undersökning av nya algoritmer till tredje generationens sensorer
Signals from three analouge sensors has been evaluated. The sensors are an optical sensor, a heat sensor and a multi sensor. The components of the multi sensor are an optical sensor and a heat sensor. The signals came from disturbing sources and test fires at a full scale test. The purpose is to find algorithms that filtrate some of the disturbing sources but does not delay the alarm from the test
Personskydd i vårdrum - en jämförelse mellan sprinklat och osprinklat utförande
The report evaluates in which manner a sprinkler system affects evacuation safety in hospitals. Primarily hospitals are categorised in two groups, one where patients are able to evacuate by themselves and one where patients need nurses to evacuate. Margins to untenable conditions during fire are simulated and compared individually depending on the presence of a sprinkler system. The evaluation sho
Känslighetsanalys av FDS och dess undermodeller i ett tunnelscenario
This report contains CFD-simulations of a tunnel fire in a scaled down road tunnel, 1:8, with the CFD-code FDS. FDS and its different sub models are evaluated by different configurations of grid nets, the radiation model and slight changes in the material database and the results with respect to temperature and u-velocity are compared to each other. Comparisons of the gain and loss in time by usin
Towards international emergency management standards
This report concerns development of international standards within the field of emergency management. A main issue has been to examine if international emergency management standards should be developed, and if so, how and by whom. The research for the purpose of this report has resulted in many arguments associated with potential international emergency management standards. The main conclusion o
Utrymning från slutna anstalter - Ett problem gällande den brandtekniska säkerheten
In closed institutions, such as prisons, the inmates are locked up and therefore unable to perform an unassisted evacuation in case of fire. Since the assistance of the prison staff is required to escort every inmate to safety, often one at the time evacuation is a time consuming task. The report deals with the issue of whether the conditions in Swedish prisons today regarding evacuation in the ca
Vårdanläggningar - Från djupstudie till vägledning, för att höja eller bibehålla säkerheten rörande brand och utrymning
The importance of fire and evacuation safety in institutional cares is the main focus of this report. It is written around seven work areas that should be considered to create a high or satisfactory safety level. The report shows that the safety of the patient is directly linked to the nursing staff, since the patient is likely to need assistance both in a situation of fire and in an evacuation si
Brandskyddsguide - För varuhus, köpcenter och gallerior
This report address fire safety problems specific for shopping centres, large retail stores and malls. It presents a short guide to be used by staff, safetypersonel and object owners with main focus on the operation phase of fire safety design. To identify problems specific for shopping centres student reports containing fire safety evaluation of 14 different Swedish shopping malls conducted betwe
Räddningsmanskapets säkerhet under insats - kriterier för analytisk dimensionering
In order to simplify the consideration of fire fighter safety for contractors, engineers and others when planning buildings, this report has generated criteria that define a reasonable safe environment to fire fighters. If these criteria are to be used on a national basis, a more equal level of safety for the fire fighters will be achieved no matter where a building is erected. In this report diff
Nitrocellulosa, lagerhållning och hantering inom tryckfärgsindustrin
The purpose of this report is to provide a basis for routines pertaining to the storage and handling of nitrocellulose at Torda Ink AB. Experiments on flashpoints, auto ignition and extinguishing were performed. Current routines and the way nitrocellulose is actually handled has been observed and checked against regulations. Recommendations for new routines has been given based on the findings in