

Din sökning på "*" gav 528101 sökträffar

Branden på Potatisåkern 2007 - En nätverksanalys av insatt ledningspersonal

On the night between October 26 and 27 in 2007, a five storey building at Potatisåkern in Malmö, Sweden caught fire, probably due to an incorrectly installed stove near the buildings attic. The scope of the ensuing fire is rare in Sweden, and 122 tennants in 80 apartments lost their homes that night. To handle this fire 26 units from local fire departments were involved. In this report a networkan

Brandteknisk Riskvärdering av Motala Folkets Hus

The purpose of this report is to evaluate the fire safety of Motala Folkets Hus. This report has been carried out as a part of the students´ education and does not concern protection of property or environment, but focuses on the safety of people during egress. Motala Folkets Hus is a commercial five-storey building, which consists of a library, theatre, cafeteria, restaurant, school and a variety

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Landskrona Teater

This report is a fire safety evaluation of Landskrona Theatre, a 100-year old theatre in Sweden. Times to critical conditions have been calculated with ARGOS in three cases and with FDS4 in one case. Evacuation time has been calculated with Simulex. The fire safety for people in the building has been evaluated based upon the results of the calculations and suggestions to improve the fire safety of

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av varuhuser Oden, Trollhättan

This report contains a fire safety evaluation of Oden 8, a shopping mall located in Trollhättan, Sweden. The evaluation is based on Swedish laws and regulations, manual calculations, fire modelling using CFAST 3.1.7 and egress simulations using Simulex 2.0. The results have been evaluated with a sensitivity analysis. Conclusions drawn using these results has been used to present suggestions to imp

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Bålsta Center

This report contains a fire safety evaluation of Bålsta centre in the community of Håbo, Sweden. The centre is a shopping mall that includes about 30 stores of different kinds. The evaluation concerns the vacuation of 2000 people in the building during a possible fire situation. To be able to find out if the fire safety is good enough, different methods have been used. First a visit at the Bålsta

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Söraskolan

This report is a fire safety evaluation for Söraskolan situated in Åkersberga, Sweden. The school has been evaluated regarding both egress time and time to untenable conditions. Egress safety was simulated with SIMULEX and time to untenable conditions was simulated with FDS 4. The assessment in this report is that Söraskolan has several problems and the present fire safety level is not acceptable.

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Dunkers kulturhus, Helsingborg

The purpose of this report is to evaluate the fire safety of Dunkers kulturhus, Helsingborg. This report has been carried out as a part of the students´ education and does not concern protection of property or environment, but focuses on the safety of people during egress. Dunkers kulturhus, Helsingborg is a commercial four-storey building, which consists of a conserthall, theatre, restaurant, mus

Analysis of Climate Variability and Anthropogenic Impacts on the Water Balance of Lake Chad Drainage Basin

Sustainable utilization of scarce water resources requires a conceptualization and understanding of both local and regional climate variability. This work deals with an analysis of climate variability and human impacts on the water balance of the Lake Chad drainage basin of northern Africa. Mean annual precipitation and discharge time series from 112 rain gauges and monthly mean SST anomalies were

EU-domstolens inverkan på det svenska skattesystemet med fokus på gränsöverskridande förlustutjämning

I Regeringsformen som är Sveriges grundlag står det uttryckligen att Sverige är en suverän stat med ett demokratiskt statsskick. Men efter Sveriges inträde i Europeiska Unionen 1995 har lagstiftningen av bl.a. direkta skatter kommit att påverkas avsevärt, trots att Sverige inte har överlåtit dessa till EU-institutionerna. EU-domstolen har i brist på harmonisering på eget initiativ utformat prejudiThe Constitution Act, which is Sweden's constitution explicitly, states that Sweden is a sovereign state with a democratic form of government. But after Sweden joined the European Union in 1995, legislation of particular direct taxes come to be affected significantly, although Sweden has not transferred them to European institutions. EU court for lack of harmonization of its own initiatives de