

Din sökning på "*" gav 534041 sökträffar

The Douglas-Kroll-Hess electron density at an atomic nucleus

The picture-change error on Douglas-Kroll-Hess (DKH) electron densities at atomic nuclei is analyzed in detail to high orders. Our results demonstrate that high-order DKH transformations of especially the property operator are needed to obtain converged results. However, if the convergence properties are discussed in terms of a relative error a fast convergence of the picture-change corrected DKH

Extracellular Matrix Biomarker, Fibulin-1, Is Closely Related to NT-proBNP and Soluble Urokinase Plasminogen Activator Receptor in Patients with Aortic Valve Stenosis (The SEAS Study).

Fibulin-1, a circulating extracellular matrix glycoprotein, has been associated with arterial disease and elevated N-terminal prohormone B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) in diabetes. Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR), a marker of inflammation, has been associated with subclinical atherosclerosis. Therefore, we aimed to explore the interplay between these biomarkers and

Pollen production estimates (PPEs) and fall speeds for major tree taxa and relevant source areas of pollen (RSAP) in Changbai Mountain, northeastern China

For model-based quantitative reconstructions of past vegetation cover on the scale of landscapes, pollen productivity estimates (PPEs) are key input parameters. In this study, we employed a random sampling strategy to collect moss polsters at 20 sites in Changbai Mountain, northeastern China. A detailed vegetation survey within 1000-m radius around each sampling point was carried out and digitized

Soldiers and Citizens: The concept of citizenship and the Anjala Covenant, 1788-1790

This article discusses the relationship between 'citizenship' and military duty during the late 18th century. This is illustrated by the legal conflict that erupted between the members of the Anjala Covenant and the Board of War in 1788. In a study of the records from the following court martial, the trial is viewed as a political discussion concerning the definition of the concept of the 'citizen

Reconstructing range dynamics and range fragmentation of European bison for the last 8000 years

Aim Understanding what constituted species ranges prior to large-scale human influence, and how past climate and land use change have affected range dynamics, provides conservation planners with important insights into how species may respond to future environmental change. Our aim here was to reconstruct the Holocene range of European bison (Bison bonasus) by combining a time-calibrated species d

Increasing the environmental and social sustainability in corporate purchasing: Practices and tools

Despite efforts to stimulate the dissemination of green purchasing practices, their uptake in business and industry has so far proven limited. Reasons for the limited progress remain largely unclear. One factor explored in this thesis, is the role of information in the operationalization and dissemination of green purchasing in organizations and supply chains. The importance of knowledge and infor

Underestimation of toluene diisocyanate concentration using long-term sampling with 1-(2-methoxyphenyl) piperazine impregnated filters.

Occupational exposure to toluene diisocyanate (TDI) is a known occupational hazard and the occupational exposure limits in air are very low. One of the most common methods to monitor exposure to isocyanates is to sample air through filters impregnated with 1-(2-methoxyphenyl) piperazine (2MP). In one earlier field study it was found that long-term sampling with 2MP-filters underestimated the expos

Responses of cyanobacteria to herbivorous zooplankton across predator regimes: who mows the bloom?

1. The massive growth of large, toxic cyanobacteria in eutrophic waters has traditionally been explained by their evolution of defences to herbivorous zooplankton. These conclusions come mostly from studies using the large-bodied cladoceran Daphnia as a grazer model. In contrast, very little is known about the effects of other zooplankters such as copepods and small cladocerans that, unlike Daphni

Ecological explanations to island gigantism: dietary niche divergence, predation, and size in an endemic lizard

Although rapid evolution of body size on islands has long been known, the ecological mechanisms behind this island phenomenon remain poorly understood. Diet is an important selective pressure for morphological divergence. Here we investigate if selection for novel diets has contributed to the multiple independent cases of island gigantism in the Skyros wall lizard (Podarcis gaigeae) and if diet, p

A Journey with a Status Confessionis. Analysis of an apartheid related conflict between the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa and the World Alliance of Reformed Churches, 1982-1998

This dissertation deals with the conflict between the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC) - the worldwide Reformed movement - and the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa (DRC) regarding the latter's support for and theological legitimizing of apartheid. One of the strongest measures possible was taken when the issue in 1982 was declared a Status Confessionis and the Dutch Reformed Church

Sveriges bygguniversitet : Tema vatten och miljö

Sveriges bygguniversitet är en organisation som har som syfte att främja samarbete inom byggrelaterad forskning och utbildningsverksamhet på Chalmers, LTH, LTU och KTH. Tanken är att en bättre samverkan kan bidra till att forskning och utbildning inom byggområdet blir mer effektiv och internationellt konkurrenskraftig. Projektet med att bilda Sveriges bygguniversitet löper mellan 2009-2010 och inn

Beam Adjustments for Unflattened X-ray Beam Modes for an Elekta Synergy Linear Accelerator

A flattening filter free x-ray beam mode was added to an Elekta linear accelerator by placing a flat copper plate in the filter carousel and recalibrating the electron steering servo, gun servo and dosimetry system. Machine configurations were saved onto a separate hard disk in order to remain separate from the clinical configuration. Profile measurements with a Schuster BMS diode array show that

Techno-economic analysis of a two-step biological process producing hydrogen and methane.

Biological hydrogen production using dark fermentation has been proposed as an alternative and renewable way of producing hydrogen from biomass. However, theoretically, the conversion of biomass to biohydrogen using dark fermentation only utilizes one third of the energy content of the sugars derived from starch or cellulose; the rest being in the form of organic acids also produced by the microor