

Din sökning på "*" gav 534719 sökträffar

Kustnära dilemma - En studie om konflikten om det offentliga rummet vid Laholms kommuns bilstrand

The conflict about the century-old car beach in Laholm, Halland, has been a contentious issue and subject to debate for 70 years. Despite the recent decision for its closure, the matter has been contested over 350 times, which poses a significant challenge for the municipality. Applying Mitchell’s (2008) six axioms for landscape reading, the research explores how the public perceives the car beach

Äldres upplevda vardagsmobilitet och välmående i Göteborg - En fallstudie på Eriksberg

Planning for an aging population is a phenomenon that has become increasingly more pertinent for Swedish planning agencies. As the number of people within the oldest age groups is rising, the society as a whole is faced with challenges in order to accommodate the increased number of elderly. One key concept within elderly urban planning is mobility, which describes an individual's ability or c

Framtidens boende? En studie om gated communities i Staffanstorps kommun

Gated communities är ett ovanligt boendekoncept i Sverige men har börjat få fotfäste i svensk stadsplanering. Syftet med denna uppsats är att genom en fallstudie undersöka varför Staffanstorps kommun väljer att initiera gated communities som en boendeform i sin stadsplanering, trots kritik från forskningen. Frågeställningarna som väglett studien är: vilka är de huvudsakliga drivkrafterna och faktoGated communities are an uncommon housing concept in Sweden but have begun to gain traction in Swedish urban planning. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate, through a case study, why the municipality of Staffanstorp chooses to initiate gated communities as a housing form in its urban planning, despite criticism from research. Through interviews, surveys, and document analysis, the study ha

Mot en äldrevänlig framtid: en studie av Helsingborgs stads äldreperspektiv i planeringen

In Sweden, as in many other countries, there is an increasing elderly population, which poses both challenges and opportunities for municipalities. Nevertheless, it is crucial to address their needs to ensure healthy aging and continued social inclusion to advance the prospects. The World Health Organization (WHO) has developed a framework to encourage cities to become more age-friendly, focusing

Tillfällig användning av stadens mellanrum: Samverkansprocesser, aktörer och förutsättningar

This thesis explores the value of collaboration in the development of temporary use in urban voids. By examining the role of different actors and capabilities of municipalities, the thesis investigates the conditions needed in order to realize the temporary use. Two cases in various geographical contexts, a temporary use in Malmö and a vacant lot in Arlöv, are studied. In addition to studying thes

Bonusbarnbarn och bonusförföräldrar : Om omsorgsrelationer mellan generationer i ombildade och valda familjer

Förföräldrar, det vill säga far- och morföräldrar, spelar en allt viktigare roll som omsorgspersoner i sina barnbarns liv även i välfärdsstater som Sverige (Bordone et al., 2023; Zanasi et al., 2023). Samtidigt innebär ökande separationer och ombildningar av parrelationer både bland föräldrar och bland förföräldrar att allt fler befinner sig i bonusrelationer (Guzzo, 2016; Lowenstein, 2005). BonusGrandparents play an increasingly significant role as caregivers in their grandchildren's lives, even in welfare states like Sweden (Bordone et al., 2023; Zanasi et al., 2023). Concurrently, the rise in separations and reconstitutions of partnerships, both among parents and grandparents, has led to an increase in step-relationships (Guzzo, 2016; Lowenstein, 2005). Step-grandparenting and step-gran

Motor Efficacy of Subcutaneous DIZ102, Intravenous DIZ101 or Intestinal Levodopa/Carbidopa Infusion

Background: It has been suggested that carbidopa at high blood concentrations may counter the therapeutic effect of levodopa in Parkinson's disease by entering the brain and blocking central levodopa conversion to dopamine. We previously demonstrated equivalent plasma levodopa concentration in patients with Parkinson's disease during 16 h of (1) intravenous carbidopa/levodopa (DIZ101) infusion, (2

The densest stellar systems in the Universe: The nuclear stellar disc

Understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies and in particular their galactic centres is one of the most intriguing questions in modern astrophysics. Many spiral galaxies like the Milky Way feature a nuclear stellar disc (NSD) in their centre. The Milky Way's NSD is, together with the nuclear star cluster and the central super massive black hole, one of the main inner components and best

Association Between Autism and PTSD Among Adult Psychiatric Outpatients

Purpose: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) occurs in 1-1.5% of the general population and possibly in up to 20% of psychiatric outpatients. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) occurs at some point in life in 4% of the general population and in 14–20% of psychiatric outpatients. Knowledge about how PTSD manifests in people with ASD is important in order for it to be correctly diagnosed and intervene

Investigation of Bismuth-Induced Surface Structures on InSb

The investigation of Bismuth surface structures on InSb(110) surfaces is driven by the need to advance semiconductor technology for enhanced electronic device performance and new applications in optoelectronics and quantum computing. III-V semiconductors offer superior electronic properties compared to silicon. Incorporating Bismuth into these materials can significantly manipulate the bandgap, ma

LSPR anisotropy minimization by sequential growth of Ag nanoparticles on nanoripple patterned Si surface for SERS Application

The present work describes the formation of low-aspect-ratio Ag nanoparticles (NPs) arrays by sequential deposition of Ag from different growth directions on a nanoripple-patterned Si substrate, produced by low-energy ion beam irradiation. It is observed that the growth of Ag-NPs on ripple surfaces is direction-dependent due to the asymmetric ridge of the ripple pattern. This asymmetric ridge can

Naturbaserade lösningar som klimatanpassningsåtgärd för urban resiliens

Den ökade förekomsten av extremväder, temperaturförändringar och översvämningar belyser behovet för svenska kommuner att bygga upp sin motståndskraft. Klimatförändringarna är en av vår tids mest brådskande utmaningar och Sveriges kommuner besitter ett ansvar att anpassa våra städer till klimatförändringarnas konsekvenser. Uppsatsen ämnar att undersöka svenska kommuners övergripande klimatanpassninThe increasing events of extreme weather, temperature changes and flooding shines light upon the need for Swedish municipalities to build up their resilience. With climate change being one of the most urgent challenges of our time, Sweden’s municipalities bear the crucial responsibility of adapting to its transformative effects. This work examines the municipalities’ overall climate adaptation eff

Prevalence and size of pelvic sentinel lymph node metastases in endometrial cancer

Aim of the study: To assess the association of prevalence and size of pelvic sentinel node (SLN) metastases with risk factors in endometrial cancer (EC). Patients and Methods: Between June 2014 and January 2024 consecutive women with a uterine confined EC undergoing robotic surgery including detection of pelvic SLNs at a University Hospital were included. An anatomically based algorithm utilizing

Tracking of charged particles with nanosecond lifetimes at LHCb

A method is presented to reconstruct charged particles with lifetimes between 10ps and 10ns, which considers a combination of their decay products and the partial tracks created by the initial charged particle. Using the Ξ- baryon as a benchmark, the method is demonstrated with simulated events and proton-proton collision data at s=13TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.0fb-1 collec

Mapping Queer Religion in Sweden – an ethnography of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim LGBTQIA+ people and their lived experiences

While many religious institutions promote hetero- and cis-normative notions of sex, gender, and sexuality, not all LGBTQIA+ people leave religion and not all people who practice religion are straight and cis-gendered. In my research, I explore the lived experiences of queer Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Sweden through on- and offline ethnographic fieldwork aiming to gain insight into how religi