

Din sökning på "*" gav 534712 sökträffar

Preventive cognitive protection based on AAV9 overexpression of IGF1 in hippocampal astrocytes

Astrocytes play key roles in the brain. When astrocyte support fails, neurological disorders follow, resulting in disrupted synaptic communication, neuronal degeneration, and cell death. We posit that astrocytes overexpressing neurotrophic factors, such as Insulin Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF1), prevent the onset of neurodegeneration. We overexpressed IGF1 and the reporter TdTomato (TOM) in hippocamp

Search for charged-lepton-flavor violating Formula Presented interactions in top-quark production and decay in Formula Presented collisions at Formula Presented with the ATLAS detector at the LHC

A search for charged-lepton-flavor violating Formula Presented (Formula Presented, Formula Presented) interactions is presented, considering both top-quark production and decay. The data analyzed correspond to Formula Presented of proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of Formula Presented recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The analysis targets events conta

Experimental and kinetic modelling study on the laminar burning velocities of ultra-lean n-heptane flames at atmospheric pressure

Ultra-lean combustion is a promising strategy for enhancing engine efficiency and reducing pollutant emissions. In the present study, laminar burning velocity, SL, of n-heptane, a key gasoline surrogate component, was measured at 298 K and 1 atm using the heat flux method. The experimental conditions cover ultra-lean conditions with an equivalence ratio as low as 0.5 that have never been reported

Probing the strength of radial migration via churning by using metal-rich red giant stars from APOGEE

Making use of the APOGEE DR17 catalogue with high quality data for 143 509 red giant branch stars we explore the strength of different mechanisms that causes a star to radially migrate in the Milky Way stellar disc. At any position in the disc we find stars that are more metal-rich than the local interstellar medium. This is surprising and normally attributed to the migration of these stars after

Hall Algebras

Matematiker undersöker ofta talsystem som är annorlunda från de vanliga talen vi är vana vid. Ett exempel på ett sådant talsystem är timmarna på en klocka, där 13 = 1 och 9 + 6 = 3. Ett mindre självklart exempel är sekvenser av drag på en Rubik's kub. Man kan addera ihop två dragsekvenser genom att göra dem efter varandra, och det går att göra algebraiska manipulationer med dessa drag precis sThis thesis uses the strategy of Dyckerhoff-Kapranov to show the associativity and unitality of Hall Algebras for proto-abelian categories. After a more classical introduction to Hall algebras, we show that the Waldhausen S-construction of a proto-abelian category is a 2-Segal simplicial groupoid, and use this to construct a monoid object in the category of spans in groupoids. We then use this mon

Statistical Combination of ATLAS Run 2 Searches for Charginos and Neutralinos at the LHC

Statistical combinations of searches for charginos and neutralinos using various decay channels are performed using 139 fb^{-1} of pp collision data at sqrt[s]=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Searches targeting pure-wino chargino pair production, pure-wino chargino-neutralino production, or Higgsino production decaying via standard model W, Z, or h bosons are combined

De många utmaningarna för en hållbar parkeringsplanering - En analys av nybyggnationsprojekt i Lunds Kommun

Car parking is increasingly perceived as problematic for urban landscapes; parking occupies large amounts of space and is an important motivator for car use. Private housing developers are an increasingly important player in contemporary urban development. Their responsibility for the provision of parking at new developments means that these actors will have a considerable impact on urban transpor

Psychologism in the study of children's semiotic development

This essay discusses the notion of 'semiotic development in child development' and highlights potential concerns for 'psychologism' when semiotics turns into cognitive semiotics. The notion of 'semiotic development in child development' indicates a transdisciplinary approach involving both semiotics, the general study of meaning and signs, and child psychology. This, however, invites the criticism

Performance of ML-Based Bandwidth Compression on FPGAs

This thesis investigates the integration of machine learning (ML)-based compression on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) to enhance bandwidth compression of data, a crucial aspect in scientific research where large amounts of data are produced in real-time. The compression tool Baler, utilizing autoencoders for ML-based compression, is designed to handle scientific data efficiently. By combin

Exploring innovation and collaboration in the leather processing industry through the case study of the KIWANGO Leather Cluster

In the era of Industry 4.0, fostering innovation through strong collaboration among universities, industry, and government is crucial. However, the Tanzanian economy has faced challenges due to, among others, weak links between these entities. To address this, Sida initiated the Innovation Systems and Cluster Development Program (ISCP-Tz) in partnership with the University of Dar es Salaam. This w

Phylogenomics and biogeography of sawflies and woodwasps (Hymenoptera, Symphyta)

Phylogenomic approaches have recently helped elucidate various insect relationships, but large-scale comprehensive analyses on relationships within sawflies and woodwasps are still lacking. Here, we infer the relationships and long-term biogeographic history of these hymenopteran groups using a large dataset of 354 UCE loci collected from 385 species that represent all major lineages. Early Hymeno

Random effects during training : Implications for deep learning-based medical image segmentation

Background: A single learning algorithm can produce deep learning-based image segmentation models that vary in performance purely due to random effects during training. This study assessed the effect of these random performance fluctuations on the reliability of standard methods of comparing segmentation models. Methods: The influence of random effects during training was assessed by running a sin

Hemoglobin homeostasis in abdominal aortic aneurysm : diagnostic and prognostic potential of hemoglobin/heme and scavenger molecules

BACKGROUND: There is increasing evidence implicating hemoglobin/heme and their scavengers in oxidative stress-mediated pathologies, but information is limited in abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA).METHODS AND RESULTS: In this case-control study, we assessed heme/heme-related markers in 142 men with AAA and 279 men with a normal aortic diameter consecutively recruited from an ultrasound screening prog

Kustnära dilemma - En studie om konflikten om det offentliga rummet vid Laholms kommuns bilstrand

The conflict about the century-old car beach in Laholm, Halland, has been a contentious issue and subject to debate for 70 years. Despite the recent decision for its closure, the matter has been contested over 350 times, which poses a significant challenge for the municipality. Applying Mitchell’s (2008) six axioms for landscape reading, the research explores how the public perceives the car beach

Äldres upplevda vardagsmobilitet och välmående i Göteborg - En fallstudie på Eriksberg

Planning for an aging population is a phenomenon that has become increasingly more pertinent for Swedish planning agencies. As the number of people within the oldest age groups is rising, the society as a whole is faced with challenges in order to accommodate the increased number of elderly. One key concept within elderly urban planning is mobility, which describes an individual's ability or c

Framtidens boende? En studie om gated communities i Staffanstorps kommun

Gated communities är ett ovanligt boendekoncept i Sverige men har börjat få fotfäste i svensk stadsplanering. Syftet med denna uppsats är att genom en fallstudie undersöka varför Staffanstorps kommun väljer att initiera gated communities som en boendeform i sin stadsplanering, trots kritik från forskningen. Frågeställningarna som väglett studien är: vilka är de huvudsakliga drivkrafterna och faktoGated communities are an uncommon housing concept in Sweden but have begun to gain traction in Swedish urban planning. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate, through a case study, why the municipality of Staffanstorp chooses to initiate gated communities as a housing form in its urban planning, despite criticism from research. Through interviews, surveys, and document analysis, the study ha

Mot en äldrevänlig framtid: en studie av Helsingborgs stads äldreperspektiv i planeringen

In Sweden, as in many other countries, there is an increasing elderly population, which poses both challenges and opportunities for municipalities. Nevertheless, it is crucial to address their needs to ensure healthy aging and continued social inclusion to advance the prospects. The World Health Organization (WHO) has developed a framework to encourage cities to become more age-friendly, focusing

Tillfällig användning av stadens mellanrum: Samverkansprocesser, aktörer och förutsättningar

This thesis explores the value of collaboration in the development of temporary use in urban voids. By examining the role of different actors and capabilities of municipalities, the thesis investigates the conditions needed in order to realize the temporary use. Two cases in various geographical contexts, a temporary use in Malmö and a vacant lot in Arlöv, are studied. In addition to studying thes

Bonusbarnbarn och bonusförföräldrar : Om omsorgsrelationer mellan generationer i ombildade och valda familjer

Förföräldrar, det vill säga far- och morföräldrar, spelar en allt viktigare roll som omsorgspersoner i sina barnbarns liv även i välfärdsstater som Sverige (Bordone et al., 2023; Zanasi et al., 2023). Samtidigt innebär ökande separationer och ombildningar av parrelationer både bland föräldrar och bland förföräldrar att allt fler befinner sig i bonusrelationer (Guzzo, 2016; Lowenstein, 2005). BonusGrandparents play an increasingly significant role as caregivers in their grandchildren's lives, even in welfare states like Sweden (Bordone et al., 2023; Zanasi et al., 2023). Concurrently, the rise in separations and reconstitutions of partnerships, both among parents and grandparents, has led to an increase in step-relationships (Guzzo, 2016; Lowenstein, 2005). Step-grandparenting and step-gran