

Din sökning på "*" gav 534702 sökträffar

Economic Organizations and the Transformation Towards Degrowth

Degrowth seeks to achieve a sustainable society in the future. It implies overcoming capitalist norms and structures. Economic organizations have found little attention in degrowth scholarship. The existing literature focuses on degrowth compatibility without the wider structural and societal consideration that degrowth implies. Further, it is riddled with incoherences, such as a supposed compatib

Quality of Life After Orthognathic Surgery in Swedish Patients : A Register-Based Cohort

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of orthognathic surgery on quality of life among Swedish patients.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients subjected to orthognathic surgery due to dentofacial deformity (DFD) and registered in the National Register of Orthognathic Surgery (NROK) in Sweden between 2017 and 2020 were eligible for inclusion in this study. The Swedish-validated Orthognathic Q

Analys av rullande bärighetsmätningar. Teknisk undersökning av relationer mellan vägens styvhet, materiallager och mätvärden

Bärighetsmätningar är avgörande för att bedöma vägars kapacitet att hantera ökande trafikbelastningar. Enligt Trafikverket förväntas en ökning av personbilar med 27%, bussar med 17% och godstransporter med 46% fram till år 2040. Denna prognostiserade tillväxt leder till ökat vägslitage vilket i sin tur kräver mer omfattande underhåll och komplexare åtgärder i högtrafikerade områden. Traditionellt

The impact of family-genetic risk scores on social functioning in individuals affected with six major psychiatric and substance use disorders in a Swedish National Sample

To examine whether the level of genetic risk in psychiatric disorders impacts the social functioning of affected individuals, we examine the relationship between genetic risk factors for major depression (MD), anxiety disorders (AD), bipolar disorder (BD), non-affective psychosis (NAP), alcohol use disorder (AUD), and drug use disorder (DUD) in disordered individuals and five adverse social outcom

Proof Logging for the Circuit Constraint

Proof logging in constraint programming is an approach to certifying a conclusion reached by a solver. To allow for this, different propagators must be augmented to produce justifications for any inferences they make, so that an independent proof checker can certify correctness. The Circuit constraint is used to enforce a Hamiltonian cycle on a set of vertices, e.g. for vehicle routing. Maintainin

Powerbank Regulator For PoE Loudspeakers

This master’s thesis project explores the development and implementation of a powerbank for Power over Ethernet (PoE) driven loudspeakers, addressing the inherent limitations of output power imposed by PoE Type 1. PoE, while advantageous for simplifying installations and reducing wiring costs, restricts the maximum power delivery to connected devices. This constraint poses significant challenges f

A Site Selection of An Energy Island in the North Sea: Optimal Location in an Ecological and an Economic Scenario Using a Multicriteria Decision Analysis (MCDA)

Max Bengtsson A Site Selection of An Energy Island in the North Sea: Optimal Location in an Ecological and an Economic Scenario Using a Multicriteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). The Danish Government has decided to build an energy island, either as an artificial island in sand, concrete and steel or as a platform solution in the Danish exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of the North Sea. The idea of the

Temperature sensitivity of OH-lines in the H-band of K-M giants

To properly understand regions of space behind interstellar dust, like the Galactic bulge, infrared (IR) observations are needed, as it passes through the dust with minimal absorption. In the past few decades, the development of IR telescopes has allowed for a much deeper understanding of our Galaxy’s stellar populations and history. To properly use the data which these IR telescopes produce howev

The LuViRA Dataset: Synchronized Vision, Radio, and Audio Sensors for Indoor Localization

We present a synchronized multisensory dataset for accurate and robust indoor localization: the Lund University Vision, Radio, and Audio (LuViRA) Dataset. The dataset includes color images, corresponding depth maps, inertial measurement unit (IMU) readings, channel response between a 5G massive multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) testbed and user equipment, audio recorded by 12 microphones,


In three thematic sections and 18 different chapters, this volume has unpacked and explored the conditions, contexts, and practices of creative work from multiple different perspectives.

Using DCIP and TEM to investigate the geology of the Alnarp Valley in southwestern Scania, Sweden

In southwestern Scania there is a paleovalley, the Alnarp Valley, which holds a confined aquifer called Alnarpsströmmen. Its geology consists mainly of sand and gravel and it is generally confined by one or more layers of clayey till above, and the limestone bedrock below. In collaboration with Region Skåne and SGU, this thesis aims to gather information about Alnarpsströmmen using two geophysical

arkitekten: Skolgårdarna är en nyckel till hållbar framtid

En grön skolgård med många olika träd, buskar och blommor ger stora pedagogiska möjligheter, stärker den biologiska mångfalden, motverkar klimatförändringar och bidrar till barns hälsa och utveckling. Ändå är det idag få kommuner i landet som aktivt satsar på att utveckla skolgårdar med dessa kvaliteter. Finansiering av gröna skolgårdsprojekt behöver öka som en grund för en hållbar framtid!

Image post-processing for SILMAS : structured illumination light sheet microscopy with axial sweeping

In this article, we propose a post-processing scheme for the novel volumetric microscopy technique SILMAS. We demonstrate this scheme on data from an alpha-synuclein transgenic mouse brain. By combining structured illumination and axial sweeping, a SILMAS measurement provides a prerequisite for quantitative data extraction through improved contrast and optical sectioning. However, due to the techn

Automatic Search Algorithm using Signal Enhancement, Flex Sensors and exploration of Machine learning Features to improve Multiple Channel Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) systems

Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) is a method to stimulate the body's muscles using bursts of electricity on the skin that can strengthen the muscles, increase coordination, and simulate human muscle movement to prevent the formation of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DTV). Electrically sensitive skin areas, called Motor Points (MP), must be stimulated to achieve a robust muscular response and

Secondary Ice Production - current state of the science and recommendations for the future

Measured ice crystal concentrations in natural clouds at modest supercooling (temperature ~>−10°C) are often orders of magnitude greater than the number concentration of primary ice nucleating particles. Therefore, it has long been proposed that a secondary ice production process must exist that is able to rapidly enhance the number concentration of the ice population following initial primary ice

Biofilm-dispersed pneumococci induce elevated leukocyte and platelet activation

INTRODUCTION: Streptococcus pneumoniae (the pneumococcus) effectively colonizes the human nasopharynx, but can migrate to other host sites, causing infections such as pneumonia and sepsis. Previous studies indicate that pneumococci grown as biofilms have phenotypes of bacteria associated with colonization whereas bacteria released from biofilms in response to changes in the local environment (i.e.

Effects of a Paleolithic diet compared to a diabetes diet on leptin binding inhibition in secondary analysis of a randomised cross-over study

BACKGROUND: Beneficial effects from practising a Paleolithic diet as compared to a diabetes diet on weight, waist circumference, satiety, leptin, HbA1c and glucose control in randomised controlled trial participants with type 2 diabetes could be due to lower leptin resistance. Support for this hypothesis comes from an in vitro experiment that showed that digested wheat gluten, which is excluded fr

Investor’s Intrinsic Motives and the Valence of Word-of-Mouth in Sequential Decision-Making : Modeling of Triple Serial Mediation

Word-of-Mouth (WoM) is a socially embedded process, and investors engage in social considerations to achieve self-motives. Investors attempt to share negative WoM (NWoM) to emotionally connect (self-affirm) to strengthen existing social ties following prior losses. In contrast, investors attempt to share positive WoM (PWoM) to self-enhance to attract others into developing new social ties. Thereby